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Thread: re - posting advice/query

  1. #1

    Question re - posting advice/query

    hi all

    just a quick question - hopefully someone will know the answer

    if i list something and it ends without a sale and i request automatic re-post for 5 times and it finally sells on the 3rd / 4th or 5 th posting do i get charged one posting fee or a fee for all the times it was reposted .

    hope this makes sense ?

    any help appreciated
    thanks :0)

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  2. #2



    i'd imagine you get charged for each posting, wouldnt sound reasonable to pay once and list 5 times

  3. #3


    sounds reasonable to me
    if it doesn't sell i thought you dont get charged
    so even if it does sell on 3rd or 4th time sellers should only get charged 5p - especially as you can list for what seems like forever by using the from first bid option .

    also sellers could just list once then re write the listing and list as a new listing therefore avoiding the 5p charge for each unsuccessful posting.

    glad i asked , as if this is the case i am going to have to re-think my auctions. Ive requested an auto repost of 10 times on each of my auctions ! so i think i will have to change that !!! if each item doesnt sell 9 times then does on the 10th posting could work out very expensive.

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    Free Pack of UK Wildflower seeds sent with every order throughout 2023

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  4. #4


    Just noticed you have a Store so you are a Gold member.

    Therefore you pay no listing fees, no final value fee's and no fee for gallery images unless the item sells.

    So its immaterial how many times you post an item

    The fee if not sold is still £0.00

  5. #5


    is that regardless of how many times i re- list it
    using the auto relist option

    thanks for your help :0)

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    Free Pack of UK Wildflower seeds sent with every order throughout 2023

    A smile is a curve that can set things straight!

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by bizarrebargains
    is that regardless of how many times i re- list it
    using the auto relist option

    thanks for your help :0)

    yes it is

    unless your using any extra features.

    Bold Listing,extra pictures,highlight listing,add subtitle.galery pic,happy hour etc

    just seen you are using the gallery picture,you will only get charged once on a sale
    Last edited by shoeshine; 6th October 2005 at 10:26 AM.

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