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Thread: Why should WE promote Ebid?

  1. #1

    Angry Why should WE promote Ebid?

    Hi all.

    Maybe, I'm missing the point here.

    Why, as consumers of the Ebid product, should we promote Ebid? We are using their product, why should we try to promote the brand seriously, when, in my eyes, Ebid themselves are not doing a very serious job of it themselves?

    When I sell on Ebay, I don't promote Ebay anywhere. Yet, my Ebay business is on the increase.

    Yet, when I asked last week whether it was just me that was not making any sales on Ebid, I started getting emails saying how to promote Ebid.

    Surely, I can't be missing the point of these remarks?

    The Ebid team must be generating money from advertising, subscriptions and auction sales. So where is that money going? Oh, to generate a load of business in the US? Why? Its the UK that Ebid set up to trade in, the money they generated originally was from the UK, and suddenly, money is diverted to try to break the States, when Ebay have that even more wrapped up then the UK.

    Urmmmm... I'm not a marketing expert, but I do run my own business. The saying, "throwing good money after bad" is the thought that springs to mind?

    Now, at the end of the day, Ebid are probably 2nd biggest in the UK (no so sure about QXL, they seem to be dying a death). But if it continues like this where there seems to be a massive balance of sellers over buyers, then I for one won't be spending hours on a Sunday getting all my auctions setup, only to see limited viewers and no bidders. And neither will I try to promote Ebid whilst I feel that they are not doing a proper job of it themselves.

    Also, lose the Ads by Goooooogle. I wouldn't want to see Ebay on my own auction site. And also, all the adverts for setting your own business, internet dating yadda, yadda. It makes the site look cheap. Take a leaf out of the big boys book and DON'T ADVERTISE RUBBISH!

    Make the site look a little more professional, increase the brand awareness, and try to entice the buyers in to help out us sellers. Its not that difficult. Overture, Google Adwords,
    Product placement, Advertising......

    Because, if not, a lot of sellers will just get bored, however, loyal, and Ebid will lose their bread and butter people.

    No doubt gonna get flammed by the loyal Ebidders, but surely, there can't be a lot of people who disagree with me?


  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by ojleap
    Hi all.

    Maybe, I'm missing the point here.

    Why, as consumers of the Ebid product, should we promote Ebid? We are using their product, why should we try to promote the brand seriously, when, in my eyes, Ebid themselves are not doing a very serious job of it themselves?

    When I sell on Ebay, I don't promote Ebay anywhere. Yet, my Ebay business is on the increase.

    Yet, when I asked last week whether it was just me that was not making any sales on Ebid, I started getting emails saying how to promote Ebid.

    Surely, I can't be missing the point of these remarks?

    The Ebid team must be generating money from advertising, subscriptions and auction sales. So where is that money going? Oh, to generate a load of business in the US? Why? Its the UK that Ebid set up to trade in, the money they generated originally was from the UK, and suddenly, money is diverted to try to break the States, when Ebay have that even more wrapped up then the UK.

    Urmmmm... I'm not a marketing expert, but I do run my own business. The saying, "throwing good money after bad" is the thought that springs to mind?

    Now, at the end of the day, Ebid are probably 2nd biggest in the UK (no so sure about QXL, they seem to be dying a death). But if it continues like this where there seems to be a massive balance of sellers over buyers, then I for one won't be spending hours on a Sunday getting all my auctions setup, only to see limited viewers and no bidders. And neither will I try to promote Ebid whilst I feel that they are not doing a proper job of it themselves.

    Also, lose the Ads by Goooooogle. I wouldn't want to see Ebay on my own auction site. And also, all the adverts for setting your own business, internet dating yadda, yadda. It makes the site look cheap. Take a leaf out of the big boys book and DON'T ADVERTISE RUBBISH!

    Make the site look a little more professional, increase the brand awareness, and try to entice the buyers in to help out us sellers. Its not that difficult. Overture, Google Adwords,
    Product placement, Advertising......

    Because, if not, a lot of sellers will just get bored, however, loyal, and Ebid will lose their bread and butter people.

    No doubt gonna get flammed by the loyal Ebidders, but surely, there can't be a lot of people who disagree with me?

    i for 1 dont disagree

  3. #3

    Thumbs up

    hear hear ... there are dozens of us who have been saying just what you have mate so you are most deffo not alone!!

    Vik xxx

  4. #4


    Just to be annoying..

    I promote eBid the same way I would promote my eBay store and my website. This place is just a venue, same as the other auctions site... I am promoting my business!

    I suppose it could be different if you are selling stuff just for some money on the side, but for those of us that are registered as a business are trying to earn a living.
    Just in case my mixed up ramblings are unclear.. I promote my business wherever it may be, whatever the venue, as this is what pays my bills.

  5. #5


    Hiya hun, I think maybe what the OP means is when we keep having people go on about how we should all be doing more to make eBid a better and more successful venue.

    At the end of the day we will all promote the place because as you rightly point out its where we are doing business. Hence the link to auctions in our emails etc etc.

    Its when we get told over and over that promoting the venue is OUR job and not that of the company that owns it - thats when I personally get really hacked off.

    Vik xxx

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by mrscheeks

    Its when we get told over and over that promoting the venue is OUR job and not that of the company that owns it - thats when I personally get really hacked off.

    Vik xxx
    here here i couldnt agree more,

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by mrscheeks
    Hiya hun, I think maybe what the OP means is when we keep having people go on about how we should all be doing more to make eBid a better and more successful venue.

    At the end of the day we will all promote the place because as you rightly point out its where we are doing business. Hence the link to auctions in our emails etc etc.

    Its when we get told over and over that promoting the venue is OUR job and not that of the company that owns it - thats when I personally get really hacked off.

    Vik xxx
    Blimey! I haven't seen a post from G&M saying that it isn't their job to promote the site! I could see why that would be annoying.

    I've seen lots of people saying that people should promote the site more... which is nice in a way as it means that they want to bring in more buyers which will benefit the rest of us.

    I agree that we need more advertising of the site itself rather than just from individual sellers... but we have no idea of what is going on in the background. If you have an advertising idea you don't go telling everyone... in case they nick the idea... (not that eBay needs to.. but I hope you see what I mean).
    Hence why I just continue to do what I have always done in advertising my auctions and hope that G&M have stuff going on in the background that will help everyone.

    One thing that I do like though is how quickly the auctions on here get googled! I've had buyers search for things on google and found eBid (and my auctions) from it.

    I think this is one of the things that people will never really agree on. Unless G&M decide to publicise all aspects of the business then people will never know exactly what is going on in the background... and I know I don't advertise on my website (or anywhere for that matter) what advertising/selling ideas I have.. I keep them closely gaurded until they are ready to be acted upon.

    hm.. can you tell that I am procrastinating at the moment and trying to keep myself busy so I can't lsit auctions! PML!!

  8. #8


    lmao Dulwich .... nah hun its other USERS who seem to think its our job to promote and not eBid. Although the abstinence of G&M from commenting on our suggestions time and again for promoting the site does speak volumes!

    Vik xxx

  9. #9
    Forum Lurker nobrassband's Avatar
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    Default Big fish

    Some interesting and pertinent points raised. eBay is very successful and, of course, much bigger than any of its would-be competitors so it must be doing something right. eBay's domination of the auction marketplace makes it very difficult for anyone else to get a toehold. eBid may be second in size in the U.K. but the gulf between eBay's vast army of potential buyers and eBid's relatively small number is enormous. Whatever the perceived deficiencies, and nothing is perfect of course, eBay and PayPal combined make selling smooth and relatively pain-free (based upon my own experience). Surely the whole point of an auction site is for people to buy and sell. This is a marketplace first, not a social club. At the moment there is only one big fish in the pool, all other fishes are tiddlers. I would like more competition in the marketplace and I wish eBid well, but the main thrust to grow the business must come from the eBid company itself. Perhaps that what is in hand. I hope so.

  10. #10


    I agree - my grump is that we are constantly bombarded by other users saying we should be doing, what effectively, is the companys responibility. And the lack of responses from Ebid seem to have an undertone as to their ability to respond with a genuine reason. Maybe they are, but, has anyone who has been an Ebid loyalist for a few years seen any increase in business, advertising, buyers, etc.

    Ebid pride themselves on offering free listing for sellers. Whats the incentives for buyers??? Thats a key factor I think. And one, I personally, dont have an answer to.

    I also think that the site lacks a degree of professionalism in its presentation. Too many adverts the layout is difficult to walkthrough.
    Well, I'm still here. SO why not visit my EBid Shop? http://uk.ebid.net/stores/Totally-Underwear (600+ Items coming soon!!!!!!!!!)

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