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Thread: Dixons- moving with the times?

  1. #1

    Default Dixons- moving with the times?

    I'm sure most of you heara while ago that Dixons was going to stop selling VCR's( in fact I think we discussed it on here) . This morning, they have announced they are no longer going to sell 35MM cameras.
    So do you think they are moving with the times? Or relying too much on new technology continuing to sell strongly?
    After they stopped selling VCR's, other retailors reported a strond jump in sales- I can't remember what %, but it was high.
    I understand their motives, but can't help thinking they're jumping the gun a bit. Take me: I have a vast video collection, and couldn't (and wouldn't) pay from them all again on DVD. I would also love a digital camera, but doubt very much my old PC (Windows 95 with little software) would cope. I'm only one person I know, but there must be others in similar situations.
    Also other retailers seem to be scaling back sales of older products, rather that stopping them altogether- so there must be demand.

  2. #2


    Ilford films went bust months ago, 35mm is doomed, like records and LP's were.

    You dont need a PC to get digital snaps, just take the camera to the chemist and they'll print off the ones you want.
    If the cap doesn't fit, why choose to wear it?

  3. #3


    I like to think I take my photography hobby fairly seriously. At present I have 2 digital compacts that I use for 'happy snapping' but for my serious photography I use film.
    Digital does not compete with film for me as yet. Try blowing a digital print up 30" x 24" and you will see what I mean. Even the high end digital cameras costing £1000 + are still not there yet.
    Dixons caters to the happy snapper market and from their standpoint I can see that there is not much market for 35mm but looking at the more serious hobbyist market then digital still has a hell of a long way to go.
    Two totally different markets.


  4. #4


    I agree about the cameras- I was given some digital photos on disk, and even printing them from a Kodak photo point didn't give a great finish.

  5. #5


    Hi kim ... good thread Q.

    On one hand , they can only stock what will sell ( they are a business ) after all.

    On the other hand, i am sure that though i could not imagin life without my pc or digital cameras, that some people still use regular film. I suppose they can go elsewhere, so its not the end of the world BUT ... Just goes to show how some companies decide to go with the majority.

    It could be a good thing for them as a business.
    ALSO, For the remaining companies that will continue to provide the ( OLD FASHIONED ) services , once most of the others have stopped , could then corner the market and make a good return by staying true to their long term non digi users.

    RE : the sale of videos.
    I gave my daughter my vid player about a year ago and vowed never to use BIG UGLY CLUMPY videos again.

    I ended up buying a new VCR ( which was dearer than any of the dvd players we have ) about 3 months ago to watch home movies on, as we have so many and have still not got round to having them put on to dvd.

    But though, my daughter has about 50 odd films on video, she hardly uses it. She prefers to watch the dozen or so she has on dvd , over and over again. lol

    We have some back to back episodes of simpsons, southpark and alan partridge on video which was another argument for me buying another VCR.

    POINT : So some people still use VCR and prob will for many, many years to come.

    Suppliers who decide to no longer stock, might live to regret it ?

  6. #6


    how else do you record programmes when you go out? I know there is Sky Plus, but what if you dont have that? I'd be lost without our video. I know there are dvd recorders, but blimey have you seen the price? eeek!!

    We have one video recorder which is great - plays NTSC, PAL, the works - and I will replace it if it eventually falls apart (in about 3 weeks the way my kids are lol)

    I have movies that I first taped over 20yrs ago now that still play perfectly. Whilst I know I can get them on dvd there is something rather special about watching Torville & Dean getting perfect scores in the Winter Olympics as seen at the time live on telly and saved for generations to watch in years to come nostalgic? hell yes lol. But just like my vinyl collection, I will treasure my videos cos god knows the kids havent managed to trash them yet but succeed frequently with the ruddy dvd's and cd's.

    on the subject - does anyone else have a record player? I finally replaced the one we had with our stero which was - frankly - ****e and the whole system got binned. I was horrified that I could get a multi-play cd player hi-fi system, or even cinema surround sound for LESS that the record player cost me. Still, was £80 well spent ... there's nowt like a bit of crackle in a tune to take you back to your younger days

    Vik xxx

  7. #7


    I think 35mm film has had it's ady. Even my grandparents in their 70s have now bought a digital camera. I won't mourn it's passing particularly.

  8. #8
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    I have a DVD recorder cost me £100 from Asda and the DVD's to record on actually cost less than a Video tape. We do have VCR's as well, mostly for the kids to watch their tapes on which I suppose eventually we will transfer onto DVD. VCR's are seen as on their way out, I know of plenty of stores in Wrexham who no longer sell them.

    As for 35mm, I can't remember the last time I actually used a film. I have just bought myself a new digital camera 8mp and my dad has 3 really expensive ones that he uses for work so we have no need for 35mm.

    Dixons have to go with what they think will sell, they have already closed numerous stores, Wrexham's included.

  9. #9


    Hiya Shelley - thats cool if Asda are seling dvd recorders under £100

    just out of interest, the recordable dvd's .... how many times can you record on them? cos sometimes I tape programmes just cos I will be out when they are on and want to catch up but then be able to record over them again.

    Vik xxx

  10. #10


    I was trying to remember the last time I bought a 35mm film.... and the closest I can get to it is when E went on a school trip and wanted to take pics of her friends and current boyfriend... I bought her a disposable one so it didn't matter if it got nicked/lost.. or wet! She was at Thorpe Park after all! lol

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