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Thread: Re: Terrorist Attacks - What Would You Do ?

  1. #1

    Default Re: Terrorist Attacks - What Would You Do ?

    Following on from the Blair bashing thread...

    If you could step into Blairs shoe's today what would you do about the current situation ?

    I just wondered because I often see people pointing the finger and blaming Blair for the terrorist attacks but I have yet to see anyone offer a solution to the problem.

    Would you pull our troops from Iraq ?, afterall the muslim extremist's have said that that is all they want in return to stopping their attacks in the UK.

    But, if we pull our troops out of Iraq what will happen to the Iraqi people ?, and whats to stop other terrorist groups from trying the same tactics in the UK to get what they want ?, wouldn't we be simply opening the floodgates for the UK to be held to ransom by any crackpot group to get what they want ?

    If we did pull our troops out of Iraq I'm certain the extremist's would find another excuse to continue their bombing anyway.

    So, what would you do then ?

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  2. #2


    Firstly, I'd have our troops replaced with those of the U.N. seeing as how this whole business should have been left to the U.N anyway.

    I'd then go about distancing myself from the crazies that run the U.S.

  3. #3


    Hun replacing the present coalition troops with UN troops is only a matter of changing head gear. They will merely replace our present armed forces berets to the pale blue UN one.

    It wont bring our armed forces back home!

    Vik xxx

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by yorkiesauctions
    I just wondered because I often see people pointing the finger and blaming Blair for the terrorist attacks but I have yet to see anyone offer a solution to the problem.
    But that's just the point, Yorkie, there is no "nice and pretty" solution to this situation.

    The finger pointing at Blair is because he got into this trouble and refuses to take responsibility no matter how many times he is shown to have lied.

    Had he been honest right from the start then he'd have been forced to take notice of the British people and NOT gone into Iraq.

  5. #5


    Er, yes it would, or at least some of them. It would then mean that the quota of troops in Iraq qould be spread out over the member nations of the U.N. rather than the disproportionate numbers of U.S./U.K./Aussie (and other COTW) troops we have there at the moment.

    How willing the U.N. and other countries would be willing to pick up the pieces of our actions, i'm not sure.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    But that's just the point, Yorkie, there is no "nice and pretty" solution to this situation.
    I'm not saying that there is an easy answer to this, I'm just curious to see what solutions people think would work.

    I don't have a clue, it's a very dangerous situation and I find it hard to see a solution which doesn't mean more deaths.

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  7. #7


    Well, we can't pull out of Iraq now - that would just launch open season on the UK by every terrorist network in the world. Yes, he shouldn't have gone there in the first place rather than get dragged into the "Second Vietnam" by the US. We've gotta stay there for the duration now methinks....

  8. #8


    i like that one stu.
    sorry if i sound forward as this is my first post!

  9. #9
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    Well, we can't pull out of Iraq now - that would just launch open season on the UK by every terrorist network in the world.
    ...........don't get that one Stu....would have thought the opposite would be the case?

    Some days you're the windscreen..others you're the fly.'ave it!

  10. #10


    Like the late Kenny Everet said

    "Round em up
    Put em in a field
    And bomb the

    I can only make one person happy per day. Today is not your day. Tomorrow isn't looking good either.

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