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Thread: Have you been physically effected?

  1. #1

    Question Have you been physically effected?

    Have you been physically effected by all there terror alerts and bombings?

    Have you had to change your plans for where you go or what you do?

    Has this impacted on your family life?

    Did you see evidence of people stocking up or panic buying?

    Was your business effected by a lack of customers or staff not turning up?

    What have these terror alerts done for you or to you?

  2. #2


    none of the above for me
    the 1st attacks 2 weeks ago though in central london and i am far west up top in uxbridge - had to go get kid home early from school (only to ease congestion for later)

    yesterday/today - got nearer to home - north west london - places i used to live and work - which leaves me thinking they could strike anywhere anytime

    nowheres safe i suppose


    i would prob think twice about travelling on t he tube towards london - but then i never go there really - if i had to for work would get on with it i suppose - if its your time its your time etc
    cant really control that can you
    Last edited by emma5721; 22nd July 2005 at 05:51 PM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele
    Have you been physically effected by all there terror alerts and bombings?

    Have you had to change your plans for where you go or what you do?

    Has this impacted on your family life?

    Did you see evidence of people stocking up or panic buying?

    Was your business effected by a lack of customers or staff not turning up?

    What have these terror alerts done for you or to you?
    good question. I am due to take part in a huge even in Hyde Park first weekend in September - its a charity event with approximately 22,000 people exected to participate (figures based on last year's event). There will be a huge number of people also supporting the runners.

    Because of the nature of the organisation I am fielding a team for we are on our toes regards safety and security. Last week I said I will be damned if I will let anyone ruin this event for me and my team - the reality now is that I dont honestly know IF there will be a team to participate. My Dh is having to arrange a security brief to find out where his place of work stands on him attending the event. Very very sad.

    For me .. I will be attending come hell or high water. If my DH is not allowed to go to London as well then I have every intention of taking my 11yr old DD in his place. Foolish? Maybe so but she has never been to London and it will be a wonderful opportunity for her.

    I will completely understand if anyone drops out of my team, I would not ask anyone to go against their instincts and defy the possible threat this event will attract. I only hope that they too will defy anyone who tries to impose their threat on our country.

    Its a hard call mate. Do I bow down to the pressure of these threats? Do I refuse to allow them to threaten me but then unecessarily put my own child at risk by allowing her to come with me to London?

    I just dont know at the moment. I am truly torn.

    Vik xxx

  4. #4
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    Have you been physically effected by all there terror alerts and bombings?

    Yes. I'm afraid to use public transport now, and even walking somewhere is scary. I went shopping today and was fully aware that they could target a supermarket packed with shoppers....

    Have you had to change your plans for where you go or what you do?

    Not really, because I don't travel about that much. Scary enough living in London. I've told my daughter to stop using the tube, but she's a bit blase about it, as it is her means of getting quickly from A to B, and her attitude is "if it happens, it happens".

    Has this impacted on your family life?

    See above.

    Did you see evidence of people stocking up or panic buying?

    Yes. Sainsburys yesterday was pretty much out of everything. ASDA 2 weeks ago was running short.

    Was your business effected by a lack of customers or staff not turning up?

    YES!!! People don't want to buy "luxuries" when there's so much uncertainty. My international buyers are just about keeping me above water, but for how long that will last, I don't know.

    What have these terror alerts done for you or to you?

    Scared me. Made me wonder if we'll ever see "normality" again.

  5. #5


    had to walk home from lunch yesterday, (yawn) bomb bus two minutes walk away, tonight we have a copper on duty on the corner where there's a mosque ( 30 seconds away) but no big deal here, it's like "whatever" you know.

    seen it all before - mate of mines been treated for shock in two previous IRA blasts - I just feel sorry for the local kids, some of 'em must be terrfied....
    If the cap doesn't fit, why choose to wear it?

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