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Thread: Birmingham SNOW HILL Station evacuated! ( aparently )

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by rainbowcraft
    I would. It would hurt me to do so, but it would hurt even more that my child/brother/cousin was capable of this
    i know
    i would too

  2. #12


    Ok ... man arrested in snow hill train station, birmingham.

    On the anti terrorist bill.

    2 suspect suit cases being examined.

    THATS IT ... Im done. 100% off now. B4 I go into one.

    TRUE TRACEY. That is what i was saying, these bombings are seemingly INDESCRIMINATE of politital persuasion, creed, colour. Everone is at risk including muslims.

  3. #13


    Oi you lot, pull yourselves together!

    You've pretty much all said it to me before: deal with what you can and stop letting the rest get you down.

    Look at the situation calmly.

    Do you really need to go out to areas where you might be at risk?
    Can you shop in smaller outlets, away from the large shopping malls instead of getting in amongst a crowd?
    Can you order on-line?

    Do you know what to do in the case of an emergency? Does your family?
    Have you trained in, or maintained, a first aid course or certificate? If not, why not? Don't make excuses.

    Are you really at as much risk as you feel? If so, what can you do to get yourself out of that situation?

    Take control of what is happening to you, and change it so that things happen with your consent.

    The reality is that you are not going to be hit by a bomb every time you go out - just like you don't get mugged every time you go out. Just avoid going to areas which are likely to be more "at risk" as much as possible. If you have no choice, then remain vigilant.

    If you find yourself on a bus or a train with someone you don't like the look of, then get off or move to another carriage. It is better to have spent some extra time and some extra money to gain peace of mind than to stand terrified and optionless.

    Where you can, arrange to go out with friends. As a group you stand a better chance of spotting anything potentially harmful. You also have people around you should you need help.

    But no matter what else you do, don't let the possible threat of these attacks scare you into passive immobility. No matter how bad it looks the odds are actually on your side.

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