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Thread: * ~ Morning ~ *

  1. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by dragonmist
    Uurrgghhh!!! Up at 5 am to provide field rations for the great hunter-gatherer, who is off for a days sea fishing. 6 am let the chickens out prior to going back to bed for an hour or so. One of the filter hoses on the pond had worked loose and half the pond has gone to water the rockery. I had to drag the hose out and refill the pond. I couldn't go back to bed as I had to watch the pond didn't overflow. So I sat out on the patio in my dressing gown with a strong cup of coffee. 7 am and the pond is full again. I knew there was a small grass snake in the ornamental grass by the pond, but I spooked a big one sunning herself on the lawn. She's usually buried in the compost heap with a nestful of eggs this time of year. I don't mind her as long as she stays up in the far corner of the garden. Loads of 2 cm. baby frogs and toads about which is probably why she was near the pond. Some tadpoles must have managed to avoid being eaten by the Koi.
    PS. The chickens went back to bed.
    lol !!! Blimey, that's more work than I get done in a good day !!

    Emailed you Elaine...... glad all is well

    Morning all !! Lovely day here.... got some half price fudge to list today sometime, will go find the pimp thread in a sec...
    Is full of good stuff !

  2. #12


    morning lass!
    hope you've gone straight to bed and are not on another forum somewhere. get some kip girl!!!

  3. #13



    roasting out there, im hiding in here until i have to go out and do a bbq

    on me tod it seems here there and everywhere

    enjoy rest of the afternoon

  4. #14



    I slept from about 8am till 2.30ish
    NOW , Im in the middle of washing n wotnot , then im gonna grab an hour or two in the garden , if the weather lasts.

    Hope my neighbours are enjoying listening to UB40 cus its all they will be getting from now till about 6ish.

    Later xx

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