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View Poll Results: What "weight" of ciggies do you smoke then?

21. You may not vote on this poll
  • Heavies - e.g. Capstan FS

    1 4.76%
  • Strong 'uns - e.g. B&H / No 6 etc

    2 9.52%
  • Mediums - e.g. Lambert & Butler

    11 52.38%
  • Lightweights - errrr - dunno any of them

    2 9.52%
  • Throat purgers (Menthol that is)

    1 4.76%
  • Roll-yer-owns / Pipe / Cigar etc

    8 38.10%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: Smokers - What tickles yer lungs?

  1. #11


    Well, I'm a 'longtime' smoker, have given up trying to quit and now accept the consequences! I do smoke Lights though, (not the fresh air type!) and also use filters on me fags!! Every little helps!
    Has anyone else found that when someone gives up after years of smoking, they get really ill? Two people I know have DIED within two months of giving up!! I think it's connected, so would rather stay a smoker, thank you very much!!

    It's not the length of life, but the quality!

  2. #12
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chiquita
    Well, I'm a 'longtime' smoker, have given up trying to quit and now accept the consequences! I do smoke Lights though, (not the fresh air type!) and also use filters on me fags!! Every little helps!
    Has anyone else found that when someone gives up after years of smoking, they get really ill? Two people I know have DIED within two months of giving up!! I think it's connected, so would rather stay a smoker, thank you very much!!

    It's not the length of life, but the quality!
    Exactly what happened to my Mum's Mum - she smoked for 60+ years and was told to quit in her 80's due to an early morning "smoker's hack" that she'd had for 20+ years. Within months of giving up she had emphasema and died of it due to her lungs filling up. Senior consultant admitted afterwards that if she'd kept skoking she'd have lived longer and died of some other (non-related) cause.
    ..... strange how the former family doctor, of many decades, left the village very suddenly after that of course it was nowt to do with me and my cousins ...... honest ossifer, we have no idea why.

  3. #13
    Forum Master gazlannathai's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by daviesmini
    Do You Find That Most People Who Have Quit Smoking Act Like Hippacrites?
    errrr .... you mean Hippo-cretins ????

  4. #14


    I'm a roll-yer-own girl myself, can't bear tailor-mades any more, they're too chemical-tasting. Started out on JPS (cool packet) until someone told me they make your lungs bleed.....when I had 7 left in a pack. Then went onto Camel Mild, then when I couldn't get them, Embassy No 1 or Embassy Mild.

    Then I went to Uni & was poor, so was on L&B or Sovereign, then met my then boyfriend (now ex) who smoked Black Cherry roll-ups, and I was hooked! Only prob was BC gave me a bad chest after a while, so I went on Old Holborn (G Virginia makes me cough) and am now on Drum cos it's cheap and I've got a taste for it. I always use a filter tip though, I hate spitting bits of baccy out my mouth all the time!

    I don't cough in the mornings though.

    Do any other rollie-smokers have little rock burns down the front of most of their clothes and all over their car seat???!!!

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  5. #15


    My name is Vik and I proud to SMOKE!!!!

    My choice to smoke ... havent got a problem with there being no smoking in restaurants at all ... food tastes better in a non-smoky atmosphere ... but public bars are smokers heaven. Specially if you've no cash to get some fags lol, just passive smoke instead

    Banning smoking in ALL public areas (this includes bus stops and the actual streets too which is ludicrous) goes against my rights as a free human being to smoke where I want. I dont make other people suffer my smoking habit and if I'm outdoors at a park or shopping then I reserve the right to have a tab in the great outdoors if I so choose.

    Better than inhaling exhaust fumes all day

    Vik xxx

  6. #16


    I have stopped smoking for nearly 3 weeks now hope I don't go and drop dead within 2 months!!

    If you have smoked for years I agree it is probably best to not give up, I too know someone who stopped and then died and doctor said he may have well of kept smoking
    feebee xx

  7. #17


    Do any other rollie-smokers have little rock burns down the front of most of their clothes and all over their car seat???!!!

    Used to helen, what a pain in the rrrr's but self inflicted!!
    feebee xx

  8. #18
    Forum Diehard GirlPlanet's Avatar
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    I smoke Richmond Superkings, been smoking for absolutely years would love to give up, just no will power.

    I'm dreading when the smoking ban comes in, as i often prefer a ciggy outside when going for a walk to calm me down after a mad session with pmt (I do actually suffer from pmt btw, not just saying that, was diagnosed earlier this year)

  9. #19


    i roll me own nowadays since the thieving bas...erm, the govt pushed proper fags outta me price range. i'm now the proud owner of four brown fingers(smoking while playing ps2 etc..) but me pocket's a bit more healthy. i'll smoke cheapo fags if i can get em off the black market, and cheapo baccy if i can get them from the same place. i'll smoke yours n all if you're offering......

  10. #20
    Forum Lurker misdee's Avatar
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    Used to smoke Silk Cut - but when the price went up so drastically - changed to Royals Blue.

    Smoked for years - gave up for 9 years - then took it up again and still smoking. In the years I gave up - I promise you - I NEVER EVER complained about anyone else smoking, because I always remembered what it was like to be a smoker...

    About time that they had pubs, bars restaurants etc that displayed a sign that said SMOKING ALLOWED. And as to passive smoking and people working in these places, if they advertised it as a smoking establishment then it would be up to people's choice whether they enter the place or not or whether they decide to work in the place. I still don't know who all these people are who agree on this total pc type smoking ban. They must use all non-smokers for their statistics. If I am in a no smoking area then I am considerate and don't smoke. I really do not object to no smoking in ALL pubs, restaurants etc.. If I do happen to be in a non-smoking establishment and want a fag, then I simply walk out when ever I want, no matter who I am with, and go for a walk around the block to smoke my ciggy. Nowt wrong with that - is there?? But the worst thing - as previouely mentioned in this thread - are the righteous ex smokers.

    Anyway - that's my rant for the evening. I'm off to have a glass of red and a cig.

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