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Thread: TOO YOUNG to be a grandma !!!

  1. #1

    Exclamation TOO YOUNG to be a grandma !!!

    My daughter has a baby.

    OK ... Its a doll but it behaves like a blinkin' baby ... NO SLEEP TONIGHT then
    The schools here give them the opertunity to take it home for one night to see how they manage with it. The baby and the pupil wear a wristband and so when it cries she can rest the wristband on its back sensor and it calms down.
    She has nappies and a bottle and a carry seat ... She has gone off to some girls club thing with it, Phoned me to let me know they got there safe and can hear them all
    Cooing over it
    So on the face of it , A Good Idea but I don't know that it realy put them off having babies, more like make them want one more.

    here she is ... her name is TAYLOR aparently and she will get a birth certificate 4 her when she takes her back into school tomorow.

  2. #2


    I don't know if these are the same as the ones they use in the USA. My cousins daughter and son both got them for a weekend. They don't keep to a timetable. If you don't react quickly they yell, and have sensors which can download the information at school. Things like how fast you react to the crying, and the sensors pick up if the baby has been shaken, hit or dropped. Both of them decided being a Mom or Pop was not something they wanted to do for a very long while.

  3. #3


    awwwww looks just like her granny pmsl

    Hiya Elaine xx

    don't think 1 night is long enough for kids to realise how much hard work it is to look after a baby

    mind u, if the schools made them keep them for longer than a week, most of these dolls would end up being looked after by their "grandparents" anyway lol.

    gonna be fun in your house tonite then, best of british m8 xx

  4. #4


    LoL beryl, yeah sound the same . Little buggers. Went from a low cry to a GIANT yell within seconds PMS ... She was like summat obsessed trying to calm it down.

    I said FOR HEAVENS SAKE calm down. But aparently they only have 2 mins to find out what the problem is. lol

    PMS @ YOU JO ... looks like its granny ROFL
    THE Ugly little thing. lol
    She is more rubbery than i had imagined, thought she would be more soft , like a real baby. lol

    Thanks for the good luck LOL ... THANK GOD its only 1 night else id be looking 4 alternate acomodation. pms.

    Oh Jo ... whilst you are here ( Tasha said to say that she loves the GOOD LUCK beaded bracelet you sent her ) she loves anything chinese'y. Has a kimono and lots of other things of that ilk ... she was surprised i had not told you that ( she thought thats why you sent her it ) No, i said it was just LUCKY ... lmao ( pardon the pun ) ;o)

    Oh and she ate the chocs in double quick time. Which considering she eats like a baby bird , was good ... so THANK YOU she was chuffed to bits and thinks you are very kind. SHE'S RIGHT .

  5. #5


    awww that's lovely, Thank you.

    Glad she's pleased. Just a little something to wish her luck with her studies in yrs 10&11 (& beyond)
    not sure if the yellow one symbolises success or not, but I think it does pmsl. Anyhow, the others symbolise creativity, love, money, good health & another I can't remember now lol. But I wish her all of those too.

  6. #6


    My neice had one of those, she "killed" it three times.

    More scary is the fact she loves kids and cant wait for a real one....
    If the cap doesn't fit, why choose to wear it?

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by rightcharlie
    My neice had one of those, she "killed" it three times.

    More scary is the fact she loves kids and cant wait for a real one....
    TUT! That worked well then

    WELL ... I know that it DEFF DOES NOT WORK ... my daughter has lots of things she wants to do with her life and does not want children for many years yet. THANK GOD but, she said it made her more inclined to have one not less.

    USELESS then.

    My other daughter can not stand the thought of having kids ! Lets hope she stays that way.

  8. #8
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    don't think one nights really long enough to see what its like though. I always loved kids, but when I was younger I thought the idea of sex was just gross so I wasn't having any

  9. #9


    LOL ... U n me both, how i ended up with 3 kids will 4 ever be a mystery

    She got 95% anyway, cus it switched on at 4pm and started crying straight off and she was upstairs so took more than the 2 mins allowed to shut it up. lol

  10. #10


    sorry elaine but pmsl at watching your real baby go upstairs and make the thing shut up lmao...................

    sorry ignore me in stupid mood again tonight.........rofl.........

    i told my one about having babies sh e just said yuk thats never gonna happen to me..maybe she has a point rofl.......

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