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Thread: If eBid.co.uk is to see a turn around....

  1. #11

    Default Re: If eBid.co.uk is to see a turn around....

    Hi RD,

    Lets look at your points in order:

    If eBid.co.uk is to see a turn around all the jokes and the long talking needs to be scraped ASAP
    Where, when and why?

    If you were all members of eBay and they longer want you in there club its because they feel you full of S**T at the end of the day all there doing is protecting there own intrests by trying to keep there set up clean and with in the laws of the land
    1. Many ebidders are still members of ebay, and other auction sites, your comments seem to suggest that all ebid members have been suspended/expelled from ebay. Not the case.
    2. Keeping their set-up clean, what does this refer to? the fact they dont have an adult section? your not being very clear here.
    3. Within the laws of the land - Therefore I take it you've missed the fact that e-bay sellers are NOT allowed to charge Paypal fees to international customers, despite their being trading laws within this country to the contrary.

    They lay down simple rules thich are easy to understand and if you find it hard to run what ever your doing with out breaking them your shown the door.
    1. And, your point is what..........
    2. They may have simple rules, but they also have a habit of changing them with very little notice provided.

    If eBid is to gain credit then Trust & Safty is a place that needs to be looked at I think you may forget the whole world is tune in to these system.
    1. You lost me at the end there, not quite sure what "system" your referring to?
    2. Does e-bay incorporate an escrow service provider into their actions? No!
    3. Does ebid incorporate an escrow service provider into their actions? Yes!
    4. Do ebay users have to be increasingly wary of account hijacking and it's associated fraudulent activities? Yes
    5. Do ebid users have these same worries? No

    eBay is just trying to keep the dirt of their pages so people feel safe to spend and spend more!
    Are you sure? I suggest you go check the plasma screen section over there.

    In simple words :Its not a great look, start how you mean to finsh!
    hmm, this is a suggestions board, have'nt seen you make any yet!

    In Summary:

    You've made many points, none very articulate, none that are constructive, and few that are a true reflection of either site.

    Struggling to find any middle ground on this.


  2. #12

    Default Re: If eBid.co.uk is to see a turn around....

    Hi RD,

    Lets look at your points in order:

    If eBid.co.uk is to see a turn around all the jokes and the long talking needs to be scraped ASAP
    Where, when and why?

    If you were all members of eBay and they longer want you in there club its because they feel you full of S**T at the end of the day all there doing is protecting there own intrests by trying to keep there set up clean and with in the laws of the land
    1. Many ebidders are still members of ebay, and other auction sites, your comments seem to suggest that all ebid members have been suspended/expelled from ebay. Not the case.
    2. Keeping their set-up clean, what does this refer to? the fact they dont have an adult section? your not being very clear here.
    3. Within the laws of the land - Therefore I take it you've missed the fact that e-bay sellers are NOT allowed to charge Paypal fees to international customers, despite their being trading laws within this country to the contrary.

    They lay down simple rules thich are easy to understand and if you find it hard to run what ever your doing with out breaking them your shown the door.
    1. And, your point is what..........
    2. They may have simple rules, but they also have a habit of changing them with very little notice provided.

    If eBid is to gain credit then Trust & Safty is a place that needs to be looked at I think you may forget the whole world is tune in to these system.
    1. You lost me at the end there, not quite sure what "system" your referring to?
    2. Does e-bay incorporate an escrow service provider into their actions? No!
    3. Does ebid incorporate an escrow service provider into their actions? Yes!
    4. Do ebay users have to be increasingly wary of account hijacking and it's associated fraudulent activities? Yes
    5. Do ebid users have these same worries? No

    eBay is just trying to keep the dirt of their pages so people feel safe to spend and spend more!
    Are you sure? I suggest you go check the plasma screen section over there.

    In simple words :Its not a great look, start how you mean to finsh!
    hmm, this is a suggestions board, have'nt seen you make any yet!

    In Summary:

    You've made many points, none very articulate, none that are constructive, and few that are a true reflection of either site.

    Struggling to find any middle ground on this.


  3. #13
    Forum Master e_nviable's Avatar
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    Default Re: If eBid.co.uk is to see a turn around....

    If ever we "bump" into each other PH I'll buy you a drink or two for that reasoned, polite and sensible reply.... you took the words right out of my mouth! Or would have done, had I been clever enough to say them :wink: :?

    The only reason I left eBay was because I could no longer afford to sell on there, but it's a decision I haven't spent a minute regretting. I love it here


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