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  1. #1

    Default # RETURN TO ITEMS #

    Mark & Gaz, I was hoping you could work on a small bit of the website, which would enable us to return back to our searches if we entered in to an items description!

    So for an example, say if I searched for Digital Camera's and found one, and went in to it's description, I would have to hit the back button to go back! And if I made a bid and wanted to go back, i'd have to do it 2-3 more times to get back to my search list!

    Hope you understand what I mean...

  2. #2

    Default # RETURN TO ITEMS #

    Mark & Gaz, I was hoping you could work on a small bit of the website, which would enable us to return back to our searches if we entered in to an items description!

    So for an example, say if I searched for Digital Camera's and found one, and went in to it's description, I would have to hit the back button to go back! And if I made a bid and wanted to go back, i'd have to do it 2-3 more times to get back to my search list!

    Hope you understand what I mean...

  3. #3

    Default # RETURN TO ITEMS #

    Mark & Gaz, I was hoping you could work on a small bit of the website, which would enable us to return back to our searches if we entered in to an items description!

    So for an example, say if I searched for Digital Camera's and found one, and went in to it's description, I would have to hit the back button to go back! And if I made a bid and wanted to go back, i'd have to do it 2-3 more times to get back to my search list!

    Hope you understand what I mean...

  4. #4

    Default Re: # RETURN TO ITEMS #

    How about right click -> open in new window?

    View your item, put it on watch list, bid or whatever and then close the window when you're done. The original search is still sat there unharmed.

    Is it over yet?

  5. #5

    Default Re: # RETURN TO ITEMS #

    How about right click -> open in new window?

    View your item, put it on watch list, bid or whatever and then close the window when you're done. The original search is still sat there unharmed.

    Is it over yet?

  6. #6

    Default Re: # RETURN TO ITEMS #

    How about right click -> open in new window?

    View your item, put it on watch list, bid or whatever and then close the window when you're done. The original search is still sat there unharmed.

    Is it over yet?

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