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Thread: UK home page HELP!!!!!!!!

  1. #1

    Default UK home page HELP!!!!!!!!

    Why has it changed?
    all my listings used to be in UK pounds now they show in Australian dollar, I want it back to the way it was.
    Its to hard this way to let people know how much postage and the item will be and who wants to use a currency converter before buying something, I have tried to load from the UK site, but as soon as I go to list something it throws me back to the Aussie site, Please if someone knows how to help me ?

  2. #2


    Have you enrolled on Aussie site or UK.Someone will know.Chris Tarrant comes here for his questions on his TV show.Good luck anyway.

  3. #3



  4. #4


    Well I joined a few months ago and i joined the UK site, but since they now have the Aussie one up and running I guess because i am from there I also have to list from there as well,
    I would much rather it the way it was, as this is why i joined the site in the first place.
    There just doesnt seem to be
    an option anywhere that lets me list under the Uk site, only to make my actions avaliable to the Uk

  5. #5

    Thumbs up

    Could I suggest you rejoin as who you would like to be,and from what site you prefer to sell on.Worth a try.I have seen listings on here stating that sellers have 2 ID's.Good luck.If advice is wrong my apologies in advance.

  6. #6


    Hello all
    Well I have the answer to my own question, because I am an Australian ebid have now made me a member of the Aussie one as well.
    Not fair. Not even an email or a warning, Nothing that this was going to happen or take place. I have to list under the Aussie site and make my auction avliable to the UK, Owell thanks to all who tried to help.

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