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Thread: Wish List

  1. #1

    Arrow Wish List

    I’ll kick off.

    A way to view all bidders on my auction, not just the highest bidder. Including details showing the date, time and how much was bid in real time.


    Doh! I've just noticed it's already available.
    Last edited by Cybergoods; 23rd February 2005 at 09:15 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Allow Multiple Listings

    A one of is no good for business users and a Dutch auction is too restrictive and too risky. This usually results in dutch auctions with a fixed BIN. Buyers like the thrill of bidding from a low price. No one is going to sell multiple high value items starting at a £1 on a Dutch auction as everyone pays the lowest price. Unless they want to go bust very quickly that is.

    Last edited by Cybergoods; 22nd February 2005 at 04:26 PM.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Cybergoods
    A one of is no good for business users and a Dutch auction is too restrictive and too risky. This usually results in dutch auctions with a fixed BIN. Buyers like the thrill of bidding from a low price. No one is going to sell multiple high value items starting at a £1 on a Dutch auction as everyone pays the lowest price. Unless they want to go bust very quickly that is.
    You can start a dutch auction at whatever price you like, with or without a Buy Now price. Additionally, you'll probably find that there are'nt that many bidding "wars" on ebid as you might find elsewhere.

    I'm not being funny here, but i'm not sure what your asking above. Can you explain? What feature is it your wanting admin to consider?

  4. #4


    Ok, Lets say I’ve got 20 items for sale and I need each one to make a least £120 to make a decent profit. If I can only place one on auction at a time lets say for 7 days to give time for it to be seen, and in order to get the buyers interested list it at a £1 starting price no reserve. I’m only going to sell 1 a week at a profit or loss. If it’s quiet and I don’t get the bidders in I make a loss on that 1 sale.

    I’m a business so one sale a week is no good to me.

    If I put 20 items on a Dutch Auction starting at a £1 no reserve and it’s quiet I’m going to make one hell of a loss.

    The best results come when you start normal auctions very low with no reserve. Buyers bid because they think they can pick up a bargain.

    Yes there is no guarantee of making a profit if I place say 7 auctions of the same item up for auction starting at a £1 with no reserve, but I can stagger the auctions to finish on different days. If the first one sells at a loss bidders will come in on the second one in the hope of getting the same bargain. This brings about the bidding wars that we all want.

    Last edited by Cybergoods; 22nd February 2005 at 05:11 PM.

  5. #5

    Arrow Is no one interested?

    We have to tell Gazzer and Mark what we need to help make ebid a success.

    Ebay, sorry to keep comparing, for all it’s faults have a clear understanding of the psychology of the auction format. That is why it is such a success.

    The proof is:-

    If you place two identical auctions on ebay at the same time, one a BIN and one starting at a £1 no reserve. The £1 auction 9 out of 10 times will go considerably higher than the BIN price of the other. Why? Punters love the thrill of out bidding each other. I've had £1 auctions go £50 higher than the same item on the same page with a BIN.

    Now I know I can list a £1 start here but, I can only list one same item at a time. It also means that because ebid does not have the volume of buyers as the other side, you need to list for at least 7 days to get the exposure. One sale a week is no good for business users.

  6. #6

    Default link to members auctions

    In a persons profile can we have a button which we can click on so it takes us to any auctions they are currently running?

    I think at the end of the day the features on Ebay can we just have them mirrored on here

    But the above feature woiuld be a great start.

    Thank you


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