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Thread: What A Mighty God we Serve!

  1. #1841
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!




    Praise God for giving us his greatest gift, Jesus Christ!

    For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Of the increase of his government and peace there will be no end. He will reign on David's throne and over his kingdom, establishing and upholding it with justice and righteousness from that time on and forever. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. [Isaiah 9:6-7 NIV]

    2021 PRAYERS

    1/01/2021 Burgyeb - Praying that all will find peace, joy, and happiness in place of any hardships 2020 may have caused. (See post 1806)

    1/30/2021 Burgyeb - Praying for the new President, Vice President, the new appointed cabinet, and all elected leaders throughout the USA. Also praying for USA and the World concerning Covid-19 and for leaders to be wise in their efforts to deal with and defeat Covid-19. (See post 1810)

    4/30/2021 Burgyeb -Praying for the Nation of India as it struggles with Covid-19; praying for the USA and other Nations impacted by Covid-19; praying comprehensively for all as we navigate through the Covid-19 pandemic. (See Post 1820)

    9/21/2021 Burgyeb - Continuing to pray for those on our prayer list; for those with spoken needs; and for those with unspoken needs. (See post 1840)


    1/01/2021 Burgyeb - Praising God for good things that occurred during 2020, i.e., the many praise reports; personal blessings of God & for meeting needs. (See post 1806)

    1/04/2021 Ropegg - Praising God for his blessings and for meeting needs. Also praising God for his strength and guidance during familial Covid-19, that turned out mild in most cases.
    (See post 1807)

    1/23/2021 Burgyeb - Praising God for recovery of the father who had Covid-19; he has recovered, returned home, and back to work. (See post 1808)

    2/05/2021 Madelaine - Praising God for restoring a couple's relationship after months of prayers. (See post 1812)

    2/05/2021 Burgyeb - Praising God for touching the hearts of the couple, and for answering prayers to bring them back together. (See post 1813)

    2/08/2021 Ropegg - Praising God for answering prayers of those who are stressed and in need; for always being present in difficult times; and for many friends (See post 1814)

    7/5/2021 Burgyeb - Praising God for the many break throughs that have been accomplished during the Covid-19 pandemic. Several effective vaccines are in use to prevent Covid-19 infection; new infection rates are lower in many areas, and less people are being hospitalized and/or dying in many areas from Covid-19.

    7/24/2021 Somersethedge- Praising God for healing Sharon of lung cancer. Praise the Lord (See post 1826)

    12/8/2021 Somersethedge- Shared wonderful testimony of God's blessing and answer to prayers for a member of his Church's Zoom prayer meeting (see post #1845)

    2021 UPDATES

    1/04/2021 Ropegg - Condolences to Ropegg's sister and family on the loss of her sister's husband to Covid-19. (See posts 1800, 1804 & 1807)

    7/5/2021 Burgyeb - India Update on Covid-19 status. India continues to need prayer as the second wave of the pandemic is raging. The problems of Covid-19 daily infection levels, insufficient amounts of vaccine to immunize entire adult population, inequities in free distribution of vaccine, and need to comprehensively prepare for a third wave of the pandemic expected to occur by September of 2021, are among the many challenges that face the Nation of India.

    On a brighter note the pandemic has resulted in some positive situations in India. A few of these include vaccination levels in India having surpassed those reportedly in the USA. Community groups have stepped up to provide their impacted people with access to oxygen, treatment, food and needed supplies. An Indian doctor reportedly invented a pocket sized ventilator that works on room air, that is battery operated, and reportedly raised oxygen saturation levels of Covid-19 sufferers from 85 to 92 to 98 within 3 minutes. [Note: I plan to seek additional confirmation on this report]. If substantiated, this could make a substantial contribution to Covid-19 treatment in India and other parts of the world.

    8/23/2021 The USA FDA has granted full approval for the Pfizer/BioNTech Vaccine, for ages 16 and up. Hopefully this will encourage more people to take the vaccine. The vaccine will be marketed with new name of Comirnaty. What a name.

    SEE POST # 1791 FOR PARTIAL PRAYER LIST FOR 2020 & POST # 1809 FOR 2020 SUMMARY REPORT (Note: Summary Report contains post #'s for prayers, praise reports, and updates during 2020)

  2. #1842
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Talking Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Defensive spiritual warfare guards or shields you against the attacks and schemes of the devil (the enemy). Defensive weaponry is also referred to as the Armor of God. (Ephesians 6:10-18) The prophet Isaiah used similar terminology to describe the Lord's armor. (Isaiah 59:16-17) Isaiah also prophesied on the future Messianic Age, the Messiah, and on the symbolic clothing of the Messiah. (Isaiah 11:1-9)

    Defensive Spiritual Weapons
    [Ephesians 6:10-18]

    "...Put on the full armor of God..." (Eph 6:10,11,13; Isaiah 59:17)

    "so that you can take your stand against the devils schemes...struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against rulers, authorities, powers of this dark world... (Eph 6:12)

    "stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist." (Eph 6:14)

    "...with the breastplate of righteousness in place..." (Eph 6:14; Isaiah 59:17)

    "and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." (Eph 6:15)

    "...take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one." (Eph 6:16)

    "Take the helmet of salvation..." (Eph 6:17; Isaiah 59:17)

    "... and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Eph 6:17)

    "And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests...(Eph 6:18)

    The Apostle Paul had much time to study the armor worn by Roman soldiers, as he was chained to a Roman soldier day and night. He may have compared the soldier's armor to the armor of God, and realized the superiority of spiritual weapons. The armor of Ephesians 6:10-18 is the armor that believers are instructed to put on for spiritual warfare, and it has been provided by God.

    The Lord's armor of Isaiah 59 was referred to as garments of vengeance. He put on these garments due to his displeasure with the lack of peace, justice, righteousness, truth, and honesty among his people (Isaiah 59:8-15) The one word that sums up these attributes is character.

    "The LORD looked and was displeased that there was no justice...he was appalled that there was no one to intervene; so his own arm worked salvation for him, and his own righteousness sustained him." (Isaiah 59:15-16)

    "He put on righteousness as his breastplate, and the helmet of salvation on his head; he put on garments of vengeance and wrapped himself in zeal as in a cloak." (Isaiah 59:17)

    The believer is to put on Jesus Christ....who is the Fullness of the Godhead. Spiritual warfare is not won by brute force, but the warriors character is their defense. The battle is spiritual and must be fought in God's strength, depending on God's word and on reliance on God through prayer.

    The prophet Isaiah also speaks of the symbolic clothing of the Messiah. (Isaiah 11:1-9)
    Terminology is similar to that found in Ephesians 6:10-18 and Isaiah 59:16-17) Will discuss in more detail.

    The third biblical reference looked at for the defensive armour of God, was the symbolic clothing of the Messiah. (Isaiah 11:1-9) I found the terminology used to describe the clothing of the Messiah quite fascinating. The Prophet Isaiah also spoke of the sign of Immanuel. God had sent Isaiah for the second time to King Ahaz to ask of God a sign, but Ahaz refused. God became impatient with Ahaz..."Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:9-14) Jesus was the fulfillment of this prophecy, as "God with us" (see Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 1:18-23)

    Isaiah prophesied that the Messiah would come from the dynasty of King David (Isaiah 11:1)

    The Messiah will be fully clothed in the Spirit of the LORD: "The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him--
    The Spirit of wisdom and of understanding, the Spirit of counsel and of power, the Spirit of knowledge and of the fear of the LORD-- and he will delight in the fear of the LORD." (Isaiah 11:2-3 NIV)

    The believer is told to...Put on the full armour of God..." (Ephesians 6:10,11,13)

    "In that day the Root of Jessie will stand as a banner for the peoples..." (Isaiah 11:10) The importance of standing firm is demonstrated and emphasized by God (see Isaiah 7:4,9-14; and Ephesians 6:12)

    Righteousness will be his belt and faithfulness the sash around his waist (Isaiah 11:5; and Ephesians 6:14)

    He will judge with righteousness...with justice he will give decisions (Isaiah 11:4; Isaiah 59:17; Ephesians 6:14)

    During the Messianic Age peace and safety will be the hallmarks of those days (Isaiah 11:6-9; Ephesians 6:15)

    "...and faithfulness the sash around his waist" (Isaiah 11:5; Ephesians 6:16)

    He will strike the earth with the rod of his mouth; with the breath of his lips he will slay the wicked. (Isaiah 11:4; Ephesians 6:17)

    "The Spirit of the LORD will rest on him" (Isaiah 11:2; Isaiah 59:20-21; Ephesians 6:18)

    In Summary, the three scriptural references looked at were very similar in terminology, but also had some key differences. Ephesians 6:10-18 is the most regularly studied scripture when looking at the Armour of God. The model of the Roman soldier is concrete in presentation, but it can still present a challenge when trying to understand it, and apply it practically to one's Christian walk and experience.

    The Messianic model of the armour of God found in Isaiah 11:1-9 revealed the fullness of Jesus Christ, the Messiah. The description of the Spirit that rested on him is awesome. The attributes of absolute power and goodness are evident in the character of God. The terminology of this model most closely resembled the terminology used in Ephesians 6.

    The terminology utilized in Isaiah 59:8-18 was similar to the other two references, but emphasized the lack of those character traits in the people. Here the LORD put on garments of vengeance. Interestingly, following judgement and repayment of his foes, the LORD went on to say "...'As for me, this is my covenant with them,' says the LORD. 'My Spirit, who is on you, that I have put in your mouth will not depart from your mouth...from this time on and forever,' says the LORD." This is the New Covenant of the LORD with those who repent of their sins, and it confirms God's grace and faithfulness. (See Isaiah 59:20-21)

    These references refer to the defensive armour of God. Will plan to look at the offensive armour of God.
    Last edited by burgyeb; 2nd October 2021 at 05:16 PM.

  3. #1843
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Continuing to Pray for the Nation of India and for its people.

    Continuing to pray for USA and other Nations who have been devastated by Covid-19. Praying that those who have avoided the virus will continue to do so. Praying that those who have taken a Covid vaccine will remain protected. Praying that those who have come out of a lockdown situation can remain safely out of lockdown. Praying for infected individuals to remain largely with mild Covid-19. Praying for those with severe Covid-19, to be able to access timely and effective care, to aid in their recovery. Praying for families and friends who have lost loved ones to Covid-19, that they will be comforted and find peace.
    Thoughts and prayers continue for all who have been impacted by this dreadful virus and its mutations. Praying that the scientific community and drug companies will get a firm handle on maximally effective treatments and vaccines to deal with this disease.

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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Scientists have done their bit. The problems are down to politicians and they are beyond prayer.

  5. #1845

    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Maplegin and I attended a Zoom prayer meeting yesterday morning. This morning we got this email from the church

    Dear Nigel
    Yesterday I asked us all to pray for Char Bergdahl as she was facing replacement shoulder surgery. You will be excited to read her email below, what a wonderful blessing and answer to prayer, Praise God for His touch upon her life.

    She writes, "Dear Friends and family,
    Well all the preparations had been done for my care after the operation, many cards had been written, presents wrapped, etc. etc.....and many of you were thinking of me today with love, caring and prayers as I was to have a right shoulder replacement.
    I was in the ward...different staff arriving with forms to fill in and sign, menus to choose,...anaesthetist arriving...put the large black mark on my right arm pointing to my shoulder....and THEN my surgeon arrived!!....asked me to do arm movements...not too bad...strength of shoulder movements not too bad...and then that question "How is the quality of your life being impaired?"...I asked him directly what HE thought....(he had seen the xrays, CT scans in June...) and he said that he doesn't think I should have surgery today....review in 4 months...physio therapy offerred within 2 months.....
    Well I am so happy, relieved...can use my right hand...can type to you....My children and I never prayed that the operation would be stopped....just that I would get through it!!
    So a huge thank you for your thoughts, caring, practical help and prayers....I am blessed and I am grateful....Much love, Char

    May the Lord bless you and protect you always.

  6. #1846
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Praise the Lord Somer! Thank you for sharing Char Bergdahl's exciting testimony of God's blessings and answer to prayers. I am glad that you and Maplegin were able to participate in the Zoom prayer meeting. God is such a good God! PTL!

  7. #1847
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by somersethedge View Post
    Maplegin and I attended a Zoom prayer meeting yesterday morning. This morning we got this email from the church

    Dear Nigel
    Yesterday I asked us all to pray for Char Bergdahl as she was facing replacement shoulder surgery. You will be excited to read her email below, what a wonderful blessing and answer to prayer, Praise God for His touch upon her life.

    She writes, "Dear Friends and family,
    Well all the preparations had been done for my care after the operation, many cards had been written, presents wrapped, etc. etc.....and many of you were thinking of me today with love, caring and prayers as I was to have a right shoulder replacement.
    I was in the ward...different staff arriving with forms to fill in and sign, menus to choose,...anaesthetist arriving...put the large black mark on my right arm pointing to my shoulder....and THEN my surgeon arrived!!....asked me to do arm movements...not too bad...strength of shoulder movements not too bad...and then that question "How is the quality of your life being impaired?"...I asked him directly what HE thought....(he had seen the xrays, CT scans in June...) and he said that he doesn't think I should have surgery today....review in 4 months...physio therapy offerred within 2 months.....
    Well I am so happy, relieved...can use my right hand...can type to you....My children and I never prayed that the operation would be stopped....just that I would get through it!!
    So a huge thank you for your thoughts, caring, practical help and prayers....I am blessed and I am grateful....Much love, Char

    May the Lord bless you and protect you always.
    Thanks for sharing this blessing and I am thankful God is still answering prayers and giving blessings. I will be praying for Char that at her 4 months review the improvement will be very great.

    Blessings to all and a Merry Christmas.
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    God Bless and have a great day!!!!

  8. #1848
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Quote Originally Posted by ropegg View Post
    Thanks for sharing this blessing and I am thankful God is still answering prayers and giving blessings. I will be praying for Char that at her 4 months review the improvement will be very great.

    Blessings to all and a Merry Christmas.

    I am agreeing in prayer with Ropegg that Char will see great improvement in her right shoulder. May God complete Char's total restoration and healing in his perfect timing.

    Merry Christmas to Everyone!

  9. #1849
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    Default Re: What A Mighty God we Serve!

    Hope that everyone's transition into the new year was blessed. May 2022 be a prosperous year physically, mentally, emotionally, and socially. May the hardships of Covid-19 be placed behind us, as we move forward with renewed strength, vigor, and health.

    I am thankful to God for his many blessings even in the mist of my storms. No matter what situation one finds themselves in, someone else is going through more trying times. You are blessed if you have a home to live in; food to eat; electric, gas, water, heat in your home; if you have a reasonable amount of health or can function well within your disability.

    God's continued blessings be with you!

  10. #1850
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    Hope everyone has been doing well. Somer, how is Char coming along with her physiotherapy? Hope things are coming along better than expected. I have been facing some challenges with the Covid booster I received. Please remember me in your prayers, that God will provide best pathway to total restoration and healing.

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