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Thread: Needing Help and some Info on Payments and Auction Cancellations

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Needing Help and some Info on Payments and Auction Cancellations

    Hi! I am honestly completely new to Ebid. I use it on my Android phone or Chromebook, so I am using Google chrome versions of it. I have sold some items on here via PayPal and had setup allowing payment through credit/debit cards thinking that there would be a way for EBid to incorporate this type of transaction within itself- my mistake/misunderstanding. Most my successful sales have been done via PayPal however, I recently had a sale come out via debit/credit card and the customer messaged me. I never saw any money from the sale and I realized I somehow have made a huge mistake. I scoured forums and found I had to have something called a merchant account to actually be able to accept debit/credit card payments. Now, I do have Square, Venmo and PayPal accounts, but have not found out how to attach the former two to my sales areas for people to use it- and I do not know if they are allowed to be used.

    I went through and talked to my customer to get more information and could not find the sale or any money that had been sent (due to not having an attached merchant acct) so I cancelled the auction and let her know that these were errors on my end, because I am such a new seller. I then did a mass edit to only accept PayPal but it may not have gone through because the next morning, someone else had purchased something via credit/debit card and their money was also... Well... In some kind of limbo since I cant see or find the transaction or even the money these people have sent. I notified that customer what was going on as well, profusely apologized and also cancelled her sale and then I removed all my listings so that I can make them one by one PayPal only purchases (since I have no idea how to link my Square acct).

    I was wondering how I could link a merchant account for one (can I use Square Pay?) And two, does cancellation of the auction or sale get the customer a refund? How can I right this for them? How can I go through and make sure that they are getting refunds from my huge mistake?

    Please help! Also thank you very much for any insight or help in advance. I have never sold anything on a site like this, including EBay so I am completely in the dark here and what I thought was easy is a bit more complicated than that- because I don't know what I'm doing and I don't want to be labeled bad; I'm not bad just.... Completely clueless.

  2. #2
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    Default Re: Needing Help and some Info on Payments and Auction Cancellations

    eBid absolutely does not handle payments, as of this momment the only integrated payment provider is paypal. But you are allowed to send an invoice directly via other providers like square or venmo. But you have to do it from their end. As eBid don't handle the cash, and only paypal is integrated - then their payments may be stuck in paypal limbo until you upgrade your paypal acc.
    So it's your paypal acc that needs upgrading . To upgrade your PayPal account:

    Go to Settings.
    Click Upgrade to a business account under "Account options".
    That's it no cost apart from their transaction fees. Then you should see their payments unless they have reversed the payment themselves.
    If the payment is still there , it might be an idea to ask them if they still want the item [ you have already paid ebid fees] [ and paypal does not refund transaction fees if you refund

  3. #3
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Re: Needing Help and some Info on Payments and Auction Cancellations

    Thank you so much for the clarification! So my next question... If the customer sent a payment via debit/credit card on EBid via an invoice I sent them on here, do you know where that money goes to? And if I cancel the sale/auction, will that money get returned to their card? Does that money even come out if my EBid account is not connected to anything (except PayPal- but the payment did not go through PayPal it came through EBid on the invoice sent on here)? I did just sign up for a business account, but I am not seeing it or funds anywhere deposited, so I figured I would ask- just in case I need these poor people to call their financial institutions and file a claim. Ugh- such a mess! And I had no idea at all....

    I am trying to figure out what all I can do on my end and what I should advise the buyer to do next. I honestly feel terrible about all this mistake for her and I really want to make it right, as well as learn and not make these mistakes ever again. 😖😞

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