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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #20421
    Forum Saint Maelbrigda's Avatar
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  2. #20422

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Some great song memories being posted
    Here's 3 from me.

    A Scottish Soldier . Andy Stewart. - YouTube

    Adam Faith - Green Finger - YouTube

    Twist And Shout (Remastered 2009) - YouTube

    The Andy Stewart single was the first record I purchased with my own money. The Adam Faith track is the B side to Lonely Pup and was amongst a whole bunch of singles given to me by an older cousin. The Beatles track was released on an E.P. and when I wanted to buy a copy I didn't have enough pocket money thinking it was a single and my mum said I had to wait until next weeks pocket money!

  3. #20423

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good Morning!!!

    Hope everybody is doing well Yep - had to put my shades on this morning when I got out of bed - the sun is finally shining!!! Supposed to get up to 67 today but I'm not holding my breath. I really can't complain because aside from the "week of winter" we had the past few months have been nice enough to allow me to keep working outside - when it isn't raining! LOL!!

    The first 2 rounds of storms brought nothing but ice here - about 3-4" worth. The third round brought about 4-5" of snow to top off the ice. We (the "boys" and I) went out 3-4 times a day to chop water, check on the outside critters and get some exercise. On about day 3, I started worrying that something was going on with my eyes - things didn't "look" right. Took me a day or so to figure out that all the ice made me taller and I was not seeing at the same line of site I usually did! Go ahead and laugh now......

    ....all done laughing??? Aside from the spring pipes freezing up for 2 days, the house intake pipe freezing another day, the TV going on the fritz and just other little minor inconveniences, I really did ENJOY the storms. No traffic on the road at all - just like 20 years ago. Seeing everything covered in white for a change was nice for just a short period of time - there was a reason I left SD!! LOL! The boys and I took long walk in the woods and they had a blast. I loved the peace and serenity and got a good chance to see what kind of wild critters visit during the night by the tracks they left. 2 days after the big snow, it was all gone and now with the subsequent days of rain we are playing in the mud!

    Buster and Jake
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    The creek beside the house looking from the road - can you see the deer tracks in the snow??
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    The "holler" we like to walk in
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    I really am feeling much better these days and am happy to say (brag???) that I've actually gained some weight. Now don't hate on me - gaining and maintaining a healthy weight has always been just as much struggle for me as it is for people who want to lose weight, and the process is pretty much the same: watching what you eat, counting calories taken in and calories spent, etc. The biggest challenge is to gain muscle and not fat! I started a muscle building program about 6 months ago with a high protein diet and turning my daily chores into "full body workouts". I stayed at 95 lbs for the longest time but about a month ago I started "feeling" different. Finally got on the scales yesterday and was up to 108!! I know it helped to eliminate a big stress factor from my life. I will never be a "curvy" woman but at least I no longer look like a stick!!

    Well, that was enough "sharing" for the moment - need to get on with laundry and a few other house chores so I can go out and enjoy the sun!!

    Take care!


  4. #20424

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Lovely pictures Shes! Sadie is delighted to have warmer weather, she wants to be outside all the time. She has even found a new stick for her collection. Not as thick as the others, but just as long. 3-4 Feet seems to be the standard. I am getting my income taxes (Ugh) done today.

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  5. #20425

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    We have had a doozie this time. They say Cheyenne got 30 inches of snow. This picture is the neighbors to the west and my fence is 5 feet tall. It froze on the surface today, and Sadie ran up it and walked over into the neighbor's yard. We had to help her get home as she doesn't jump. I willl have to see it I can top it tomorrow. It is cold out there, must be wind chill.

    I have had such adventures lately. I had an appointment to get my hair cut March 2nd. I got in my car and got the 4 blocks to the paved road where I heard a flap, flap, flap. Got out and checked my tires - yep, a flat. I was running a bit late so I decided the best thing to do was drive the car home & put it in the garage and take the pickup, which I did. Then I got to the intersection of I-80 frontage road and they were closing the frontage road for a wide load convoy, so I got on I-80 and headed for Cheyenne wondering if I should go or not. As I pulled up to the salon my Fuel Level Low came on. I got my hair cut and filled up my tank and headed for home - I'd had enough. My neighbors came over to help take the flat tire off and we couldn't get it off the axle. Following advice from my tire man friend we soaked it with WD-40 and called Cody. Cody came the next morning and he couldn't get it off. He kicked the tire and went to get a persuader from his truck. His hired man got the tire off before he got back, so they put it in my pickup and I took it to Pine to get it fixed or replaced. It turned out to be ruined (which I thought was probably going to be the outcome) and came home. Cody's hired man came the next morning and put the new tire on the car.

    The storm watches and warnings began on Thursday the 11th and finally on Saturday it began to snow. It snowed and the wind blew all day Sunday and part of the night. I had to get a neighbor to scoop out a bit so I could open the door to let the animals out. The cat that doesn't live here left Saturday night and we didn't see him at all until today. I thought he was probably gone being out in that weather, but today about 11 am when I let Sadie in he cam strolling in just like he had never been gone. I now have a fan club in the office.

    Anybody want to come visit? DOT (Department of Transportation) are saying the roads may not be open until Wednesday. The road in from of my house is open but I suspect it was a friend with a back hoe that dug it out as it isn't the whole street. Just from my neighbor across the street to the highway.
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  6. #20426

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Well, WYO - looks like we cleared the room with all our snow! Did you get plenty of help to top the fence?? I would have volunteered but was sure it would be done before I could get there. I sure don't miss all the drifting.

    It's been a while since I've told a story, so here goes. My youngest son lived with me in SD. In the winter the crazy kid would wear shorts to school. When he turned 14 I got him a car and he wanted this little sporty "something". The first time he drove in snow, he spun out and went off into a field - totaled the car and had to have some physical therapy sessions but other than that he was okay. After the insurance came in we found him another car - a BIG car. We had another big snow the night before he drove it to school for the first time. About 15 minutes after he left the house, he came in the door and said "I'm NEVER going to drive a car again!!" He had hit a patch of ice and buried it in a huge snow bank. I called out to the farm and they came in with a tractor, pulled it out and brought it to the house. I told him the situation was like riding a horse - it throws you, you get back on and ride again. This time he did drive off wearing long pants!

    I hope everybody is doing okay.

    Spring has sprung here - the flowers are coming up quick! Spring also brings tornado weather and this past week we had our first storms. Wayne Co was just outside the warning area but it got bad enough. Having been through two tornadoes, I've decided I prefer snow storms, as long as they don't drift!

    Y'all take care, where ever you are!!


  7. #20427

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Shesa perhaps they can't get out of their drives, or doors. LOL!

    My neighbor opened my drive this morning with a snow blower - it was a job and a half. Scared Mr. Spots, he hid under the bed. Sadie was, of course, thrilled. She loves my neighbors. I finally made it across the street to see my day care dogs. I hadn't seen Buddy for a week. He was glad to see me. Their Mom had dug a path for me up to her door. I guess I will have to drive downtown and see what kind of a mess I have down there. I have 2 nice orders. I must send them a short email as I won't be able to mail until Monday. I had thought perhaps it would be later, but thanks to Lon I can get my pickup in and out of the drive.

    Mr. Spots has been somewhat regular and comes right in when the door is opened which excites Sadie. So I will be teaching her behavior around him. She even lets him eat out of her dish - previously unheard of here. But she covers him with licks and I can barely get him outside when necessary. On the other hand, perhaps she is tasting him!

    Another neighbor was kind enough to dig down Sadie's escape drift. It befuddled her at first, but now she just walks around it. My neighbor just dug it down to where she has to jump to go over the fence, and she doesn't jump much. Onto the couch and bed when I request it or make the bed and getting down requires several moments of concentration. I was considering some agility. training for her, but my guess is jumping would be a no go.

    I can't think of anything exciting to say, so y'all take care of yourselves and I'll catch you on the flip Side.
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  8. #20428
    Forum Saint Maelbrigda's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Shes, where is SD? i tried googling it but all i got was sd cards!
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  9. #20429

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good Morning

    Penny, sorry about that! Try searching "South Dakota". When most people think of South Dakota, they think of Mt. Rushmore or the flat prairie lands. I lived in East SD and that area has lush rolling hills with lots of natural springs. I lived in Astoria - the sign coming in to town said "Astoria next 4 exits". That's because there are only 4 streets in the town - lol!! The area was settled primarily by Norwegians under the Homestead Act of 1862. Yes, I'm a history nut!!

    WYO - glad to hear you got Sadie confined and that you have good neighbors who take care of you!!

    Having an Aussie has been quite an experience - I have enjoyed learning about their complex minds!! It's something new every day! Buster eats in another room, behind a closed door. There is a circulation vent in the lower part of the door and if any of the cats go down the hall while he is eating, they get growled at. He didn't start that until he was about 18 mos old - before that he ate in the same room as everyone else. He is a jumper and likes to "show off" by clearing the creek in one jump (about 8' across) but he seems to be "vertically challenged" as I can't get him to jump up into the back of the truck. Into the cab is no problem so I've decided he just thinks he is too good to ride in the bed! I had considered agility training for exercise and mental challenge but he is getting plenty of exercise running up and down the hills and brain stimulation with learning new practical commands. Right now he is learning "Check the Chickens". It's been a little hard to get him to focus as there are so many distractions around here but that will get better as he gets older and settles some more. He does love to learn!!

    Well, I'd better get on with my day.

    You all take care!!


  10. #20430

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    ​Shesa, First thing you need to know about Aussies is that all have OCD in one form or the other. Sadie does not tolerate any encroachment on her yard. The sparrows are not allowed to sit on her fence and last summer she had to protect her yard from a bull snake. I think I told that story. Her sticks have to be at least 4 feet long and have to remain in the same area of the yard. Sadie usually doesn't care too much about her bowl, but when we got a new housekeeper she had to be warned about "the bowl". Sadie does not like to eat alone, so whenever I am in the kitchen she empties her bowl.

    The second thing you need to know about Aussies is they are very affectionate and social. Now that Spots has been coming in the house, she will go and find him if I ask her to. If she doesn't find him I get this look - like she is disappointed she didn't find him. She also herds him out of the house if she gets the idea that it's time for him to go out and she will alert me if he is outside the door. She is almost 4 now and a lot of her behaviors are beginning to emerge now. I bought her a couple of puzzles to give her some mental stimulation and she figured them out and emptied them in 10 minutes on the first exposure. She knows when I turn on her music that I am leaving. I forgot her music one day and she wouldn't let me out the door. As soon as I turned on her music, she settled down.

    I taught her to get in the pickup when I say load, but that is no longer necessary, If I take her out to the pickup and open the door, there is a magically a dog in the cab.

    My neighbor lady to the west claims she wants a "smart dog" like Sadie, but she doesn't spend the time with their dog (who is a smart dog) to have her wish. I am soo glad my friend gave me Sadie and I've spent the time with her to teach her things. We are working on "with me" right now. Sadie can whisper, yell, growl, walk around, go the other way, stand, sit, wait (sometimes), lie down, and roll over (sort of) she rolls over half way and waits for a chest rub. She also defends her yard from the foxes which was what impressed the neighbor lady. Anyway Aussies are a joy.
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