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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #20391

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning all from across the pond! The wind is blowing here all ready. My housekeeper is coming today and I am trying to convince Sadie to let me wash her bed cover. I was hoping to get it dry so the housekeeper could help me put it back on. But so far Sadie is laying on it.

    Mandart I am in the process of getting a new system also, brought about by my former service getting too big for their britches and I'm saving money in the process. Always a good thing. Well, today is Inauguration Day here. Cross your fingers, eyes, and toes it's a peaceful one. Lots of military in DC hoping Pelosi doesn't make a big deal of it. I don't think the majority of Americans know what to believe now days.

    Well, time to start my day. Again best to you all.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  2. #20392

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Evening everyone, hope all are well and keeping free of the bug. Have been been busy again listing, mostly CDs from my collection that I generally don't listen too much and have stored on a hard drive anyway.
    Some great stuff amongst them.

    Been baking bread as well, not quite perfected it yet but getting better all the time.

    Time for a few tunes, some dance tracks that remind me of my DJ days.

    Billy Ocean - Nights (Feel Like Gettin' Down) (Official Audio) - YouTube

    Shalamar - Uptown Festival Medley (12 Inch Version) - YouTube

    Stars On 45 - YouTube

    CHIC - Everybody Dance (Official Music Video) - YouTube

    Vicki Sue Robinson - Turn the Beat Around (Audio) - YouTube

    Van McCoy - The Hustle (Official Music Video) - YouTube

    Biddu Orchestra - Summer Of '42 (single version) (1975) - YouTube

    Jesse Green - Nice And Slow (1976) (DJ Shuy Master)-2.flv - YouTube

    The Hues Corporation- Rock The Boat "Original Version" - YouTube

    The Trammps - Zing Went The Strings of My Heart - YouTube

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  3. #20393

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey everyone,
    Hope you are all well, and keeping warm! It's dreadfully cold here in East Suffolk, the wind chill is enough to stiffen you. Seems like everyone else got snow over the weekend, we never had one flake .... much to my disappointment. Our forecast said we were in for heavy snow, I tracked it on the live net weather radar and it bypassed us here ....
    Books, I know you had snow, Teagan sent me some pics of the kiddies in the garden with their artistic snow creations!

    Well, Jr went for his scan on thorax and abdomen, letter arrived Friday to say that there was no abnormality. We were both so relieved, he has fought bowel cancer well, so far. He also has had a cataract op, so now he can see what he is eating and just how ugly he is ..... ..... (kidding!)
    I think all was well with my telephone appointment on Wednesday with my hospital chest consultant (re my bronchiectasis) although she was annoyed that I hadn't had my covid jab yet.

    Wyo, Shes, and all our dear 'over the pond' buddies, hope that things will be better for you now that all the hoo-haa of the elections is over. Hope you managed to get Sadie's cover washed Wyo, and looking forward to seeing your finished 2nd quilt.

    Mandart - you met Roy Wood? Oh boy, what a fantastic experience. What a just awesome talented performer and musician. Hope he enjoyed his curry!
    I have met with a few showbiz stars in my time, especially when my hubby was with Jerry 'Orbison' Grant and we used to play at all the nightclubs.(Remember Jollees in Longton, books?)
    I think Les Dawson was the most hilarious celeb I met, along with Freddie Starr (whose little diddy boots I ermmm... kinda 'found and borrowed' and took them to show to my mates where I used to work at Aynsley China flower making factory in Longton, Stoke-On-Trent! Lol!!!

    Penni, hope you sorted out all your books, do you have any choons for us? I love your Celtic choices.
    Pos - please let us know how you are, hope that you are feeling better. Have you had your jab yet? We haven't - apparently, Suffolk is bottom of the league for rolling out the vaccines - not surprised at that really. Ah well, ..........

    Now - here is a bit of a quiz ....
    What have these choons all got in common?






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  4. #20394

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Trish the answer to your quiz question is I believe they are all based around a piece of classical music, I know that the Beach Boys and The Move track definatly are Beach Boys I think is a piece by Bach and the Move is Tchaikovsky.

  5. #20395

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Whoo-hoo - you are quite right books, you have won a prize!

    Name:  music quiz trophy books.jpg
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    Round of applause please for books!

    Yes, all the choons are based around classical music.

    1) Lady Gaga with the intro of her single 'Alejandro' = Csárdás by Vittorio Monti
    2) Mika - Grace Kelly = Rossini - Largo Al Factotum
    3) Procul Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale = Bach - Air on a G String
    4) Beyoncé - Ave Maria = Schubert
    5) The Beach Boys - Lady Lynda = Bach - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
    6) The Move - Night Of Fear = Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

    This coveted trophy can be awarded to any future winners of the music quiz, I can get it specially re- engraved for the next winner.
    In the meantime, it will be kept in a special cabinet behind the bar!

    Sorry folks, but due to the virus, we cannot celebrate together right now, so enjoy a virtual tipple from me!
    Plenty to choose from ......

    Visit my clothes store -here
    Look in my treasure in trove ! here
    soy wax candles, tarts & melts click here
    For trading cards click here
    Visit my Tazo barhere

  6. #20396

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey All!

    As Wyo says, it is nice to see folks posting to know that they are still okay!

    I have finally started to get some sleep (hope I don't jinx it now!) over the past few weeks - anywhere from 5 to 12 hours in one shot - it sure does help with mental clarity (I think??) LOL!!! Still having some on/off issues with hearing and vision but that is getting better too.

    Weather is "teasing" spring - I've been pruning bushes outside and preparing flower beds. The kids are all doing well. Buster gets more vocal every day with grunts, groans, whines - never had a dog that "talked" so much and is SO opinionated - LOL!!! The Manx cats are driving me nuts! Their latest "trick" is dragging my dirty laundry out of the hamper and hiding it under the sofa. The other day I found 7 socks, a pajama top AND bottoms and a thermal shirt under there!! I've got some pics of them on the camera and will post when I get a chance.

    The BIG excitement here was a fox in the yard last week! I put the dogs outside to "go" and we caught it getting one of the free range roosters - not in time to save it, but the fox dropped it and took off into the woods with 2 dogs and one crazy screaming banshee following it. Haven't seen it back yet......

    Rain coming early today so I have to get out and feed soon. Heading to town tomorrow for food - if we all didn't need to eat, I'd probably go to town twice a year and that would suit me just fine!

    Take care!!


  7. #20397

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I've been having lots of fun at my house, I am about to take down my computer and hook up my new "Mini Mac". the web site is up and running with the new host and I have had 5 sales so far. I still have some pictures that have gone wacky, but so far I have been able to fix.

    I guess I'd better get busy with my job for today and Sadie is out in the wind, so I better go check on her too. It is really howling so I am sure she is miserable, but she asked to go out. Hope to see you on the flip side.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  8. #20398

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Name:  music quiz trophy books.jpg
Views: 55
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    Round of applause please for books!

    Yes, all the choons are based around classical music.

    1) Lady Gaga with the intro of her single 'Alejandro' = Csárdás by Vittorio Monti
    2) Mika - Grace Kelly = Rossini - Largo Al Factotum
    3) Procul Harum - A Whiter Shade of Pale = Bach - Air on a G String
    4) Beyoncé - Ave Maria = Schubert
    5) The Beach Boys - Lady Lynda = Bach - Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
    6) The Move - Night Of Fear = Tchaikovsky's 1812 Overture.

    This coveted trophy can be awarded to any future winners of the music quiz, I can get it specially re- engraved for the next winner.
    In the meantime, it will be kept in a special cabinet behind the bar!

    Sorry folks, but due to the virus, we cannot celebrate together right now, so enjoy a virtual tipple from me!
    Plenty to choose from ......

    I am pleased to accept the award and will look forward to the next quiz if anyone would like to post one.

  9. #20399

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi everyone,

    Glad you were happy with your trophy books, we must post further quizzes - it's fun!

    Shes, I'm so with you on the sleep problem - I'm terrible!
    No matter how tired I am after working flat out for most of the day fulfilling orders for my tealights and melts, I retire around 11.00pm, and then awake at silly hours in the morning. (Anything from 2am - 5am). No way can I get back to sleep - my brain starts working overtime, and I get irritable leg syndrome, which drives me nuts. Mostly I end up going downstairs to make a cuppa and then do a sudoku puzzle to try and tire me out again!
    My IBS problems also don't help, with numerous visits to the bathroom ....
    LOL!! You made me smile at the thought of a crazy banshee screaming after the fox. I'm much the same when I spot cats in my garden, especially a black one that has the nerve to climb up the honeysuckle around my kitchen window to search for the Blackbirds nest, and has also been in the greenhouse, dug up JR's new plants and $hite in there ...

    Congrats on your sales Wyo, well done with your new website.

    well - wouldn't ya know it!!!!
    JR and I have received our appointments to get our jabs for covid - tomorrow, Sunday - at 11.15am.
    Now we are in a quandary as to what to do - we are due for extreme adverse weather conditions, heavy snowfall bringing amber weather warnings to our area.
    It hardly ever snows here, we always miss out when the rest of the country are having great fun in the snow.
    Looked at the website where we are due to get our jabs, and it is advising folk to re-book appointments.
    Now, sods law, the only time that we need to travel - we are threatened with

    • Amber warning of snow

      Updated 6 February at 09:48 GMT
      Amber warning of snow
      From 04:00 GMT on Sun 7 February To 09:00 GMT on Mon 8 February

      Heavy snow is likely to bring widespread travel disruption
      - Long delays and cancellations on bus, rail and air travel probably occurring
      - There is a good chance that roads may become blocked by deep snow, with many stranded vehicles and passengers likely
      - Long interruptions to power supplies and other services, such as gas, water, telephone and mobile phone coverage likely

    Quite often - all the doom forecasts don't materialise, so fingers crossed that we shall be able to travel safely tomorrow.
    Will let you guys know how it went .... anyone else had their jab yet?
    Visit my clothes store -here
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    soy wax candles, tarts & melts click here
    For trading cards click here
    Visit my Tazo barhere

  10. #20400

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello! Greetings to all from my new Mini Mac. Finally got my office in order and the Mac up and running. It's been a bit busy here. Lots of things to do yet, but a lot of it will be working on the 'outer. I think I'll name her Minnie, or not that's a little Blue Heeler living across the street. I should be set for awhile now. Changed some services and savings some of the green stuff ($). Lots more storage room and more convenience operations wise. I have a wireless keyboard but the keys are easier to hit. Maybe I'll be able to spell better.

    I've been having a few laughs at the "Bernie" memes. I found one with Bernie & Dr. Who, and one from the old Twilight Zone with William Shatner (a young William Shatner). Bernie's publicist missed one with the mittens angle.

    Trish must be getting our snow. There was a Winter Storm Warning last night and we got less than an inch and no wind, which Sadie is happy about. I bought her a new toy. I had to order her Dental Sticks and they don't quite make it to the free shipping limit so I figured I'd rather get her a toy than pay for shipping. It is a furry, multicolored donut and I can tell she likes that. She has removed some of the fuzz, the squeaker (without damage), and some stuffing and we just got it on Wednesday. but she keeps it close by most times. I'll have to send a picture later as soon as I learn more. It is cold outside now.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

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