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Thread: When do you file a non paying bidder

  1. #1

    Default When do you file a non paying bidder

    How long do you wait until you file for a non paying bider? I hate to lose my final value fee because some idoit didn't want to keep up his side of the deal or read the auction corectly.

  2. #2


    Leave it about a week after you sent them an incoice/e-mail the send them a reminder, no luck then relist your item then proceed with the NPB process

  3. #3


    I have this guy that wanted me to send him my bank info so that he could send money to my account. this is what he said

    bank name
    account number
    routeing number
    hen the will tell you when have made the payment so you will cash it out from your account and send me the excess fund and shipp my goods asap

    sounds like a scam to me!
    His ebid name is: falabe10

    What would you do?

  4. #4


    Definately a scam. They usually "overpay you" on purpose but in actual fact it is just an illusion in reality the payment will just bounce after you have sent the goods. Was this person from abroad and was it a laptop or mobile phone he bought from you?

  5. #5


    no he is in the us and it was an x-box system. So should I black ball him and leave negative feedback?

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