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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #20211

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    We made a video with Sadie today, but it is so big, I don't think I will try to post it here. My camera work needs some practice anyway.

    I don't think he ever heard it, but my Dad would have loved this one. I went to the Joe Diffie concert at Frontier Days. He was sooo good. Right up there with Brooks and Dunn, Chris LeDoux, and Garth Brooks. Glad I did all that while I was younger, wish I could go again. I actually think Joe was here last summer.

    Sadie and I are well. She wants me to play this one - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJeBtHjqJz0

    For my friend Ken who had a heart attack at 52, RIP. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9nkzaOPP6g

    And for my friend Rico and my son who tried very hard to drive me nuts with this one, but instead gave my a lasting affection for the tune. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z9nkzaOPP6g

    One of my son's favorites many years ago - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJFyz73MRcg

    My Mom used to play and sing this one a lot - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W0YSLASuDRU

    I surprised myself, didn't think I could come up with that many. I'll think of one I left out later, in all probability.

    Good to meet you Bab, pardon my nicknaming you. I am glad Trish and JR are getting out into their garden, POS always brings a smile, Books puts a song in my heart (pun there). And Penni, Edie, and Her Majesty Howdee! Y'all take care, Y'hear?

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    I YDC, Do you?

  2. #20212

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Babushka just spotted you are from Gainsborough. My dad was born at Gringley on the Hill not too far away. Also my Uncle Bill used to support Gainsborough Trinity. Used to go to Gringley for Easter with Mum & Dad to stay with my Great Grandma Spencer, Dad's Grandma. Used to think it was a lovely village.

  3. #20213
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by booksntings View Post
    Babushka just spotted you are from Gainsborough. My dad was born at Gringley on the Hill not too far away. Also my Uncle Bill used to support Gainsborough Trinity. Used to go to Gringley for Easter with Mum & Dad to stay with my Great Grandma Spencer, Dad's Grandma. Used to think it was a lovely village.
    Hi Books I'm not from Gainsborough actually, I live in a small town to the east of Gainsborough which is more like a village but when I moved here in 2015 I put my full postal address in and it seems to come up as Gainsborough and I just left it at that, however I am originally from Lincoln hence the photo of Lincoln Cathedral and looking to move back there asap.

    I do agree though that Gringley on the Hill is a lovely village, my job used to take me there sometimes.

  4. #20214

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good evening all, I have been having Saturday all day long (it's Friday by the calendar). I went over to Pine to the grocery store, looks a lot better than the last time I was there, I even purchased TP!!! They had 3 brands. I got almost everything on my list plus some impulse purchases I allowed myself since I am so mistreated. I had to complete my Agricultural Census Survey so now that's done and dusted I'm here with some pictures for you guys.
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    This is my outside cat, Mr. Spots. If you detect a Star Trek reference, you are right. This is where I feed him which is up where the dogs can't get to his food.
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    Of course, Sadie had to get in on the photos.
    Being out for awhile - 1:30 - to 3:30 pm, was a bit on the weird side. But my car started and I can count on my battery being charged for a few days anyway. I found my key fob wasn't on my ring when I got to the store but I found it in the drawer when I got home. Fortunately Pine is small enough I didn't have to lock my car while shopping. Being a small co-op I was delighted to be able to get all the necessities on my list and a few extra treats. Regrettably very little chocolate on the shelves and definitely no dark chocolate M&M peanuts. They did have a bag of Dove but I all ready had some of that at home. I did get 2 dozen eggs as I seem to be hankering eggs right now.

    I am chuckling to myself a bit, the neighbors older daughter and her husband have been driving up here from where they live (approx 127 miles) and have been removing the vinyl siding and washing, scraping, and sanding and will eventually paint the house. Now the chuckle part. There are 2 boys and a girl old enough to help and I have yet to see any of them doing any work. The girl does take care of the animals and one of the boys has a job in Cheyenne. He must be working as his car is gone most of the day. It is in front at night and early in the morning when Sadie must get everyone off to work (about 6 am). Sadie considers her job done when Buddy's Mom leaves about 6:15. Ahh well, that's pure gossip as I know nothing about what goes on over there. Mom and Dad are hanging the clothes on the line more than before. See what I have to contend with from Carol, nosy.

    Beautiful day today appearance wise, but a cold wind if you venture out. All the forecasts are for warmer days and rain instead of the s***.

    All take care of yourselves. Love you all, this place is so much better than faceb***.

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    I YDC, Do you?

  5. #20215

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by babushska View Post
    Hi Books I'm not from Gainsborough actually, I live in a small town to the east of Gainsborough which is more like a village but when I moved here in 2015 I put my full postal address in and it seems to come up as Gainsborough and I just left it at that, however I am originally from Lincoln hence the photo of Lincoln Cathedral and looking to move back there asap.

    I do agree though that Gringley on the Hill is a lovely village, my job used to take me there sometimes.
    I worked in Lincoln for several years for Pride Records they were in the arcade just of the High Street. I used to love going round the charity and secondhand shops down the Newark end of the high street this is going back to early eighties.

  6. #20216
    Forum Diehard yellerbelly's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by booksntings View Post
    I worked in Lincoln for several years for Pride Records they were in the arcade just of the High Street. I used to love going round the charity and secondhand shops down the Newark end of the high street this is going back to early eighties.
    Not sure where Pride records was or the arcade off the High Street, we had a small Mall at the top of the High street and I used to buy my records from a stall in the old 'Butter Market' (Save Records) which was at the back of the High Street which you went down by the riverside to get to it.

    Doubt you would recognise Lincoln from the 80's, changed so much and not for the better, the Brayford Pool area has been spoilt by all the university buildings (all glass and concrete monstrosities, one with penthouse that looks like a temporary office from a construction site) hardly any descent shops but lots of overpriced coffee and eating places, and the centre around what was once St Marks Station upwards is fast becoming a student campus, and keeps on expanding, our forward thinking council !!!!! never thought about the ever increasing traffic to the centre when giving permission for it to be built there, every time there is an accident in or around Lincoln it is Gridlock, it is still expanding and don't get me started on housing, lots of locals not happy. I know we have to move with the times but not to it's detriment.

    Every time I enter Lincoln from the West I think of the Pete Seager song 'little Boxes' but these are huge, think the architects grew up playing with Lego.

  7. #20217

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    This is what I did today, so far. I have been concerned about having the Janome on the white table as the center space is just a hair lower and when I put on the embroidery bar it isn't sitting level, so I debated and finally asked Gary if he would saw a board I have to put on top, not really wanting to ask since I know he is busy, but he agreed. Today I moved the machines and measured the tables and discovered the Janome would fit on the more level cabinet. Then I fretted about moving them into the right places as I need space behind for when I add the hoops. Turns out I could take care of it all by myself. The cabinet was the hardest, but I took out the drawers and got er done. So, we will now see how it works out.

    Lovely weather yesterday and warm today, but windy - after all it is Wyoming.
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  8. #20218

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by babushska View Post
    Thanks books for highlighting those for me, Also a fan of Bon Jovi along with The Eagles and Bruce Springsteen.

    I bought a CD from Meebo which I still have by Pam Ayres and in it she tells of cooking in her Kitchen and dancing to Springsteen, I saw Pam Ayres telling this same story on stage along with the actions and had to laugh because it was like I was watching myself. Hope the picture of me rocking in the car was not too traumatic for you. Another Roy Orbison fan here also and the travelling Wilberries. Not able to do so much dancing in the kitchen at the moment as the knees are playing up and due to the lockdown unable to go for acupuncture at the college in Lincoln, times like this I need a stair lift.!!!!!

    Trish you say in your posts that you ran a pub in Stoke back in the 80's, you never know I may have come across you as I worked as a collector for a company who leased fruit machines to pubs and often had to travel to Stoke to cover for holidays also had a friend in Newcastle under Lyme

    Yes agree bland food not interesting, I had pasta with Chillies, cannot beat a hot Mexican (I'm not dead yet)藍藍藍藍藍
    Hi Babushka,
    Glad to hear that you like a Hot Mexican!

    Well, with regards to running pubs, here is where we were, you may well have come across us at some time! Who knows?

    1981-1986 - New Inn St Columb Major, Cornwall (Now the Coaching Inn) . This was our first pub, we were tenants.
    We had the time of our lives there, had the MAGS (Motor Cycle Action Group), Bellringers, Padstow Fishermen, St. Columb RAOB all meeting at our pub, plus two dart teams, 2 pool teams, Domino and and Euchre teams. We took the barrelage to the highest it had ever been, and Devenish Brewery rewarded us with a massive increase in our rent, and my husband decided that we could buy our own pub with what they were charging us, so we left and bought a Marsdens brewery disposal pub in Worcester.

    1986 - 1987 - Park Tavern Worcester. This pub was derelict when we bought it, we renovated it and sold it for a handsome profit one year later.
    We never really liked it there, although we did have some very good music nights with musicians of all sorts coming to play their instruments, especially the students from the Uni. It closed down after we left, the bloke who bought it from us turned it into a dosshole for mostly Irish casual labour workers.

    1987-1992 - Bridge Inn Madeley, nr Crewe Cheshire. Again, this pub was closed down and derelict, bought it for a cheap price and we totally renovated it. My brother, a builder, made us a £125,000 extension for a function/music room. We were doing well with our darts/pool/domino/crib teams plus live music nights and despite me having three young children by now ( born 1983,1986,1987 ) still managed to cook pub grub meals, which were very popular. Then, Silverdale Colliery and Rolls Royce factory at Crewe closed, so our takings declined, and my hubby decided that we should get out of the licensed trade. We did, sold the pub, bought a villa in Florida! Only stayed there for just a few years, I wanted the kiddies to get a better education. Dominic (youngest) could read very well, but was placed in kindergarten and mostly played all day! Plus, I missed my 2 other (married) daughters and all my family back home in Blighty!

    Hey Wyo, well done with the settling down of the Janome, looks good!
    Lol!! Mr Spots! Lovely pussycat!
    I'm wondering what you purchased from the grocery store - what is TP???
    If it's something to do with cooking/baking - please remember that my begging bowl is empty, all polished and ready for the next generous donation!
    I don't really cook exotic food anymore, now that it's just JR and I.
    We seem to have the same old meal on each day of the week.
    Sunday - full English breakfast and later a roast dinner
    Monday - Bangers, mash, veg, onion gravy or prawn/ham salad, depending on weather!
    Tues - Broad beans, bacon and parsley sauce or pork/lamb steak with mash/veg.
    Wed - Sometimes baked cod, mash, veg & cheese sauce, or cottage pie - or lobby/stew in winter.
    Thur - Always pie night - with mashed spuds, onion gravy and veg
    Fri - Always Fish (cod) chips n'mushy peas
    Sat - Always Indian curry or Chinese night

    Now then, where is the Bear?
    Come out Pos, stop playing with your trains and give us (me!) some links to some good choons!
    Visit my clothes store -here
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    soy wax candles, tarts & melts click here
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  9. #20219

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Trish, TP is Toilet Paper. I thought for a long time my mother coined the phrase, but now that I'm a big girl I find more people know than I thought. Didn't mean to mislead you Eastern Ponders - he he. Sorry also Trish no new kitchen masterpieces. Half of the stuff I cook I don't know what to call it, I just want to have my carbs, veggies and meats in one dish I can zap in the microwave, so I start with the meat and throw in what I am hungry for. I made some noodles, beef, broccoli in gravy last week. Sadie loved it, I think next time I'll throw in some green chilies and maybe tomatoes if I got em. Maybe won't have anything to eat in a month or so, who knows.

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    Spent the afternoon sewing yesterday. I think the Janome is happy with it's new home. Worked a lot better than usual. It sits fairly close to perfectly level now with the embroidery attachment on. Buddy's Mom is having surgery on a finger today. It was supposed to be done weeks ago, but the virus got in the way. We really haven't had too many cases in Wyoming, but we don't have too many people in Wyoming (thank God). I may have seen 12 deaths for the state. Our population is 5 people for each square mile. Not too long ago it was 1 person per square mile.
    Shhhh! Don't tell anybody, we like it that way.


    An oldie for you.


    This one was supposed to be for my son a couple of pages ago, but it didn't work and I just noticed.

    Thanks for the timeline on your adventures, very interesting.
    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 30th April 2020 at 09:15 PM.
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  10. #20220
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning from the Bear

    Sorry for not signing in for a while.

    I've had a week of a very odd sleeping pattern, go to bed, sleep, wake after 2 hours, back to sleep after a couple of hours and then sleep for 4 more hours.
    This has beggered up my daily routine so much that i had no idea what day it was most of the time. I ended up being so tired and lethargic all day then.
    Last night though I had a full sleep from midnight to 8.30 am, that is without a visit to the loo in the night as well!

    A routine (not a strict timetable one) is very important when you have a lot of time to yourself indoors.

    My wrist (CTS) has been giving me a problem again, I need to keep the splint on now for 24/24 until the redness goes away.
    using the PC is not comfortable.
    I Got a new DVD player delivered so I can now watch my DVDs again, but only on my PC!

    Yesterday I tidied up my little storage room and found an old boombox radio/cassette player and a box of tapes to play, so today I will rediscover what tunes I used to listen to back in the 80s/90s, so be prepared for some oldies on here soon.

    Trish, online shopping at T S CO, go to the grocery site at one minute past midnight and log in, you will be placed in a Q and will most likely be able to book a slot 3 weeks ahead.

    An example of old choons....

    Wyo, those face masks look nice!
    I found you re-locating story quite moving
    When the pandemic is over you should take up making posing pouches or budgie smugglers

    Nice to Babushka in here too, I always think of Kate bush when I see your name!

    Good to see reports from the other regulars too.

    Stay safe folks!

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

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