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Thread: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

  1. #1

    Default My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Yes! I had a heart attack 15 years ago and I am so glad I did!

    The NHS sorted that out PDQ and I've taken tablets ever since. I have to be careful but that isn't too difficult.

    So - why was the attack lucky for me? Well a year later I had to be checked over at the Dr's surgery. The lucky thing was that I did not see the Dr but the practice Nurse. She checked weight, Blood Pressure, etc and then said that I should go for a blood test for their records. "In fact, because of your age group I think you should have two blood tests, the second one being for your P.S.A." She then went on to explain it was a way for checking the presence of prostate cancer. I agreed and off I went to the hospital.

    About a week later, the results were back and I was sent for. This time I was to see the Doctor, a young man in his 30s. He told me that my P.S.A. was quite high about 15.2 but he was puzzled why the nurse had asked for it as I had no symptoms. "I wouldn't have sent you and these tests are often wrong", he added.

    He decided to send me for another test - with the same result! I was then sent for a biopsy, cancer was found to be present and an operation scheduled.

    I was lucky there too as I was offered brachytherapy and not removal. It worked. They check me now only once a year by 'phone. Initially I had to go to the hospital every 3 months, but I've been OK for so long that they do not see me now. I still have an annual P.S.A. test of course.

    Two months ago I went to the funeral of a friend who had died because of this damned thing. It had spread to his kidneys, liver and colon and he had suffered terribly for years. He was two years older than I. He'd had symptoms but had assumed the "waterworks" problem he had was due to age. I did not have even that symptom!

    The nurse has since retired - but Bless you, Katharine, wherever you are and whatever you are doing.

    Gentlemen, the message is this - if you are over 50 years old for heaven's sake nag at your Dr to send you for a P.S.A test! It could be your life saver!!!

    Do NOT wait for a heart attack!!!

    (P.S.A. Prostate Specific Antigen)

  2. #2

    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Well....about 100 have read this by now and not a single comment! If only one of you has been inspired to get the test or has been nagged by his better half into doing so then it has served its purpose. (smiles)

  3. #3
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Just so your post won't be totally ignored by others who might not like to be first to relate personal details and perhaps get things started. I had a heart attack in 2011, aged 58. Had a stent fitted and spent a miserable year of constant tiredness. Due, I'm told to medication to make it difficult to over exert myself. I agree it was lucky I had it when I did, it made me give up smoking before the damage that does led to something worse further down the road.

    They still check my cholesterol each year and my BP whenever I go to the surgery (even if I'm only accompanying mum who has Dementia).

    I will check with my GP if I have had a PSA test. I must admit I thought this was automatic as I'm well over 50, they do the cholesterol test every year and in recent years fill several little tubes. When they started regular checks they only took one syringe full.

    Thanks for the reminder and I hope you continue in good health.
    Last edited by theElench; 16th June 2019 at 08:42 AM.
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  4. #4

    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Thanks for the reply! Glad you're doing ok after your attack! They always give me two bloodtests at the same time. Makes me think of dear old Tony Hancock in "The Blood Donor"! lol
    One syringe full is sent off for the tests allied to heart attack and the other goes off for the P.S.A.test.

    There is a "postcode" element to the test which is worth looking out for. A friend in Milton Keynes hit 15.2 on the test and was told they'd "keep a watching brief". Here in South Essex he'd have been sent for a biopsy. I was not much higher.

    If the "watching brief" depends upon symptoms then that is not good enough; I had none. (I'm quite weird actually as at the age of 19 I passed out in the street in Cardiff - woke up the following day with no appendix but I'd had no previous symptoms! )

  5. #5
    Forum Diehard theElench's Avatar
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    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    I will definitely check whether I've had one or not. No-one has ever mentioned PSA testing or any results, but I must admit I rarely bother to get the results of the cholesterol tests. When I had the attack my level was 5.2, down from 5.4 result previously, with medication it soon went below 5 and has never gone over that since.

    Assuming I have had the test, my result can't have been high enough to raise the alarm and like you I don't have any symptoms. Luckily for me I work with my GPs wife in their garden. Even on his days off he is still in touch with the surgery on the net and he's happy to do simple stuff from home. It saves time and having appointments taken up with things that don't really require one.
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  6. #6

    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Am so glad you have that kind of contact. As I think I said, my follow up checks fro oncology are now via 'phone - so much easier. A week before the call they send me for a P.S.A. test, so that they have the results to hand when they 'phone me. The call is really to ccheck I have no physical symptoms still and to reassure me about the chemistry involved!
    Even if your P.S.A. is low (every male will have a reading) you should still insist on another in a year's time etc. So glad you are goig to follow through.

  7. #7

    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    I have re checked my PSA history. In fact it started at a level of 15.3 - by 2017 it was at 0.04 and by 2018 it was 0.03. I have just received my annual checkup by phone...it now reads 0.01 !!!! I was told that they would check again next year and if it was the same or better...I would be discharged!!!

    As you may imagine I am delighted. So get on with it fellahs! get checked!!!

  8. #8

    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Well, it's happened! Testing this year took longer as I waited for a slot. This morning I had a 'phone call from the hospital telling me that I was to be discharged as my reading was so very low again!


    So in resurrecting this thread as I am so fortunate - I am also giving a nudge to those of you who thought to do something about it....but have not done so yet. Don't forget - not all of us get symptoms! I certainly did not

    Good luck and God Bless.

  9. #9

  10. #10

    Default Re: My Lucky Heart Attack - mainly for MEN!

    Quote Originally Posted by buttons-and-bows View Post
    Thats brilliant news Cam, congratulations xx
    ​Thanks so much, buttons! Were I a few years younger I'd do cartwheels - but I've awarded myself extra coffee instead!

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