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Thread: Sharing Seller eBid Experience With Other Sellers (numbers crunching)...

  1. #1

    Post Sharing Seller eBid Experience With Other Sellers (numbers crunching)...

    As per HerMajesty suggestion, I'm re-posting this thread here.

    So we all know how many New Listings in Last 24 hrs are on eBid, what the Gross Listing Value on eBid is, and what the No. of Listings Worldwide on eBid is every time you visit an eBid homepage. However what I would really like to know is how many items are sold on eBid and even more so, what country these items are sold from.

    We've also seen by now comments from various sellers generally stating their selling experience, but what I'm hoping to start on this thread is for sellers to do a breakdown of the types of products they list, how long they have been selling on eBid, and how many items did they sell on a monthly basis. So let me start this by providing an example you as a seller can go about doing this with the primary intent of giving other sellers a feel for how well (or not so well) your sales are going here. And as a result of your effort here to inform other sellers of your selling experience, you will also be promoting the types of products you sell here. Kind of like a (2 birds, 1 stone) case.

    I'm going to start this with how my own selling experience has been thus far and give an example how you as a seller can provided information to other eBid sellers.

    Join date: Thu 19 Apr 2018
    Listings country of origin: U.S.
    Number of eBid stores: 2
    Number of items currently in 1st store: 38
    Number of items currently in 2nd store(adult): 112
    Number of orphaned items (no store association): 34
    Products for sale: DVDs(regular and adult), DVD Sets, video games (mostly used repros)and 1 or 2 originals.
    Total Number of items sold thus far (roughly 10 month period): 1 (old video game for $10)
    Social Media used to promote eBid listings elsewhere: None

    So this is just one example of how you can go about informing other sellers of how your selling experience has been.

    Thanks to any of you who are willing to participate here and if you could provide these on a monthly basis, not only will you be keeping other sellers informed of your selling statistics, but you'll also be informing them of what you're offering up for sale.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Sharing Seller eBid Experience With Other Sellers (numbers crunching)...

    Will give this a go.

    Join date: 6th Sept 2008
    Listings country of origin: UK
    Number of eBid stores: 3
    Number of items currently in 1st store: 3396
    Number of items currently in 2nd store:0
    Number of Items currently in 3rd store: 0
    Products for sale: Mainly Comic books
    Total Number of items sold thus far To many to tell for a total but figures for this month 20 items
    Social Media used to promote eBid listings elsewhere: Facebook,Twitter, Pinterest ,Google+

    Not really sure what you are looking to achieve and the post will be open to abuse? It will only either put people off or flood the site with the same items.

    What I will say is I have had a lot of success and some frustrations with ebid. But if you are willing to put a bit of graft in then you can get some good stuff out.
    Check out my shop for all your fav comic books

    Hush is barnching out check it out

    Check out my about me for some stuff about me.
    or why not join my social group on the fourm pages.

    Why not follow me on Twitter.

  3. #3
    Forum Lurker BigKidsAttic's Avatar
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    Default Re: Sharing Seller eBid Experience With Other Sellers (numbers crunching)...

    Here's mine, might be usefull, might not.

    Join date: June 2014
    Listings country of origin: U.K.
    Number of eBid stores: 5
    Number of items currently in 1st store: 8695
    Number of items currently in 2nd store: 3089
    Number of items currently in 3rd store: 557
    Number of items currently in 4th store: 665
    Number of items currently in 5th store: 635
    Number of orphaned items (no store association): 0
    Products for sale: Comics (UK & US), Toys, DVD's Posters, Trading cards, CCG's, Video games, RPG's, Model kits
    Total Number of items sold thus far (this month so far as not gonna count the last 10 months): 52 items to 24 different buyers
    Social Media used to promote eBid listings elsewhere: Facebook
    Other methods of promotion: Flyers (included in items sold on Facebook, and to put in local stores), Business cards
    BigKidsAttic - Action Figure Adoption Agency (Fee's Appy), and supplier of collectible comics.

  4. #4
    Forum Newbie
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    Jan 2019
    Prestwich, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom
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    Default Re: Sharing Seller eBid Experience With Other Sellers (numbers crunching)...

    I have suggested this sort of thing elswhere. It is a pretty good idea. No definate statistics are going to be had but it provides some insight into the goings on. No harm in sharing experiences. I hope its not a forum for negative comments but there doesnt seem to be much of that on this site.

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