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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19971

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    OK I know it's the weekend but where is everyone ?

    Been listening to my Itunes playlist and thought it might be nice to post a few tunes from bands and singers that maybe folks haven't heard of.

    First up Picturehouse saw these guys live at Rock City Nottingham early nineties

    David Olney supported Tom Russell at The Maze in Nottingham

    The Mockers cover of Beach Boys hit that got a bit of radio play but failed to chart

    The Gliders Stare at the sun we played this album loads in the shop when it came out selling a few copies

    The Saw Doctors have seen these many many times always a great night go see them if you get the chance

    Oysterband regulars on the folk scene one of Englands best kept secrets live

    Paul Brady one of Irelands great singer songwriters

    The Mutton Birds from New Zealand saw these a couple of times at The Flowerpot in Derby

    Blue Mountain from the album Homegrown another album that got played a lot in the shop, sadly not a big seller not for want of trying !

    Finally one from Blue , not the boy band but the original seventies band

    Hope there is something there that somebody enjoys. Have a great weekend.

  2. #19972

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi books! It seems to be everybody scrams for the weekends.

    I am guilty again of reading the posts and leaving without talking or whatever you want to call it. Seems like I spend too much time on this thing and it gets late, and I have to hurry to end the day or something.

    I don't think I have posted my last crochet project. I took it to my friend , Happy's Mom, as it is in her colors.

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    Not too much to report here, it is cold and snowy, can't wait for March to get here. This morning I saw an animal run in front of my house and Sadie didn't bark, she must not have seen it. It had a bushy tail so I am guessing it was an orange tabby cat or a fox. I must warn the kids on the corner as they have 2 Shi zus. Since Sadie didn't bark I would have to guess cat is it. She squeaks at them. Wants them to play with her, which the cats are pretty much against.

    Next door has baby lambs. One week to my tax appointment.
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    I YDC, Do you?

  3. #19973

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi everyone, lovely to read your posts and also listen to the music that you have chosen.
    Books, your music knowledge must be second to none - never heard of quite a few of your chosen choons.

    Wyo, what an exquisite piece of work - just beautiful, you are so clever!
    I don't crochet, but can knit anything - I'm knitting a sweater in King Cole Galaxy Mars at the moment. I'll post a pic of my efforts when I can! Don't hold your breath though, could be next Autumn when it's completed!
    I love knitting but I just simply don't have much time to settle down and get the needles out, always someone phoning or overrun with family visits or catering!
    I'm also trying to get some work done in the gardens, now that the weather here has been so lovely these last few days and is set to get even warmer towards the weekend.

    Well, I have started packing today for our holiday to Madeira and the Funchal Carnival. Normally I know the usual clobber to pack - but this time I'm unsure.
    I keep looking at the weather forecast - shorts or trousers, raincoat, jumpers or sun tops and bikini? (Forget that last word, my bikini days have long gone!) lol!

    Dominic and the little ones were here last night, Isla had a bad cough and cold. Their next visit is Friday to Sunday, I'm praying that Isla's cold has gone by then as I pick up every lurgy going around as my immune system went awol with the bronchiectasis and pneumonia onslaught.The LAST thing I want is to be on antibiotics during a fun holiday!
    I have refused to cook a Sunday roast this weekend, we have to be on the road to the airport just after midnight on Sunday for an early morning flight, so will be dining out.
    (YESSS - no cooking or dishes to wash!)

    I will leave you with a few bottles of Madeira wine - I can thoroughly recommend it after sampling it previously!

    Oh, before I depart - Posbear - c'mon out of your bearcave, I need some more of your brill choons!
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  4. #19974

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Where has everyone gone?
    Was it something I said? Lol!!!

    Well it's been an absolutely beautiful day here in sunny Suffolk, so hard to believe that it is mid February.
    I have been gardening, washing (and delighted that it dried on the line), done some ironing and packing for the hols.

    Tomorrow I'm getting my barnet seen to - I hate going to the hairdressers as for some reason I always end up scalped. I don't think that they realise that my hair is much longer when wet, as it curls up when drying out. I can't stand looking like I'm well coiffured.

    Just done my online shopping to be delivered tomorrow, kind of hard to know what to order as JR and I won't be here, but Dom and the girls will be.
    Got lots of stuff in for them that won't take a lot of preparation.

    Hey Wyo and Penni - look what I just opened .....

    I'll share!
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  5. #19975

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey all!

    It's still pretty much SOSDD around here. Some days the nerve in my neck feels better but as soon as I start doing anything, it acts up again. I'm trying to be blind to everything that needs to be done that I can't get to. LOL!!!

    We've had so much rain that it is really getting on my nerves. Lots of areas are getting flooded but fortunately my creek hasn't overflowed - yet! I'm trying to keep debris out of the creek as much as possible so the culvert doesn't get jammed up but I can't be out there 24/7 to do that. When they put in a new culvert last spring, they increased the size to 5', so hopefully that is helping. Internet service is sketchy due to the rain blocking the signal, so that has been frustrating. The electric was out the other day for several hours. Fortunately, my laptop battery was fully charged, so I was able to play some games in the dark to keep myself occupied - lol!!!

    On the positive side, spring is here and the forsythia and daffodils are blooming. I got some cracked corn and have been enjoying watching the cardinals, bluejays, woodpeckers and others coming to eat. I had a doctor's appointment this week and since driving is a real pain (pun intended) she was able to give me an "exception" and I only have to go see her every other month. YEA!!! Now I just have to adjust to buying 2 months of supplies instead of one.

    The guy that has been working for me recently bought a house just up on the ridge across from me so he has been good to pick up feed and put it in the containers and stop by and pick up my trash. Two less "heavy" things for me to deal with. Now if I could just convince him to do housework - LOL!!!

    Having all my monthly allotted bandwidth to myself now, I've been able to listen to more choons Reflections of my "mindset" these days - LOL!!!








    Y'all take care!


  6. #19976

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Some great rock tracks there Shes, the debut album from Foreigner is an absolute classic remember when it came out it got played in store almost non stop for several weeks !

    Trish, hope the holiday goes well enjoy the heat and the refreshments !! Regarding my musical knowledge, every single day I find someone new that i've not come across before, though I suppose i've been collecting now for almost 60 years.

    In a bit of a mellow mood tonight after watching the rugby, have to say the best team won, well done Wales. England just didn't have a clue second half.

    Anyway lets have a few tunes.

    The very wonderful Tony Joe White from his album The Path of a decent groove.

    Little Feet - Romance dance from 1975

    Asleep at the wheel - Green leaves of Summer from their album Remember the Alamo apparently this was sung at the Battle of The Alamo. How true this is must be debatable as they may have been a little pre-occupied.

    Jason Isbell from the Band Drive By Truckers

    One of my all time favourite singer songwriters who sadly I've not managed to see live James Taylor remember listening to this album in the fifth & sixth form at school and many evenings with friends.

    Rick Nelson who had many hits in the 60's carried on recording in the 70's and 80's this one is from his days with Epic records

    I was lucky enough to see Eddi Reader and her band a couple of years back when they headlined the Saturday night at the folk festival, what a great voice.

    After all this quiet stuff we need a blockbuster to wake us up !!!!!!!!

  7. #19977

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Wonderful to hear from you my dear pal.
    Aww, that neck nerve problem is just horrible for you.
    I'm glad that you have been spared the pain of driving monthly to every two months to see the quack. I hated my 4 monthly visits to the hospital chest consultant and was delighted when she said next appt. was in in 6 months.
    My arm problem has almost gone, still not 100% back to normal, but at least I can manage to pull off a jumper all by myself!

    Hey, you say - "The guy that has been working for me recently bought a house just up on the ridge across from me so he has been good to pick up feed and put it in the containers and stop by and pick up my trash".
    Oooh, now he sounds like a jolly good egg, is he married or spoken for? Lol!!!
    Loved your choice of choons, what crackers they are. Yup, got the message regarding reflections on your mindset. xxxxxxx

    Well, as you know I'm off to Madeira for the Funchal carnival early hours Monday morning, hope the fog doesn't delay us too much - I still have the shivers remembering our last trip abroad with an early morning flight.
    There had been an accident that blocked the road to the airport and we were unable to move forward, when we eventually were able to - we bombed down to the airport, arrived at the departure gate 1 minute before the gates closed - whew! 10/10 for JR's driving!

    Well, I have packed the feather boas to join in with the carnival celebrations, I'm a bit heavy rock /metal/goth and love black, but got a lovely hot pink one for JR ..... Haaaaa-haaaa!!!!

    Right, I had better sign out, hopefully I will be able to sign in tomorrow - so, 'till then, I wish everyone a good night and sweet dreams.

    PS: Pos, where are you? Are you OK?
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  8. #19978

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Aww books, I didn't know that you had posted - I started my latest message quite some time before I posted it.
    I have the kiddiewinkles here this weekend, and they take up quite a lot of my time, bless 'em! Plus Lucia phoned to say "Bon Voyage".
    Will have a listen at your chosen choons later on.
    Visit my clothes store -here
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  9. #19979

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Name:  elephant1.jpg
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    I've been playing with my new toy.

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    Finished this up yesterday as well. Can't post either of these to facebook yet as I am sending them to people on my list there and it would ruin the surprise.

    Wish I had gone with Trish, we have approx. 3 inches of snow today and some wind, but it's not nearly as bad as the National Weather Service made it sound in the Winter Storm Warning they issued yesterday. It is plenty cold though.

    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  10. #19980
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    love the elephants wyo. I've been busy helping my daughter move so i was about a week behind in posts. Not listened to all the tunes yet but i;m making my way through them.

    heres a wee bit of the mission from me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U8XP7F8rLpc
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