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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19761

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Howdy folks!

    Hope everyone is keeping well, I have been plagued with this rotten IBS - made me feel dreadful last week, seems to be abating a bit now.

    Well, we did get the rain we so needed, gardens have been showered and water butt is full.
    It's still nice and warm here in East Anglia, but it does get rather humid, especially at night time (Wished we had A/C!)

    As usual, lots going on in the clan Richardson, we are off to Stoke on Thursday for a family wedding at the weekend.
    It's my niece's wedding, her mum is my sis who had the leg amputations, so we are trying to help out as best we can with arrangements and post celebrations!
    We don't get over to Stoke very much, it's such a horrible journey from here - the roads/motorway are ridiculously congested with traffic that are to-ing and fro-ing from London and Felixstowe docks.There's almost always a hold up somewhere.

    Hoping to spend some time with Teagan in Nottingham on our way back - they get back from a family holiday in Lanzarote at the weekend.

    We are also off on our hols again in 3 weeks time - watch out Costa Del Sol - the Richardsons are back!
    Daughter Debbie, Dominic and his pal Ross are also coming with us, so it should be a riot! (Lucia and her partner are off to Malta for 10 days).

    When we get back from Spain, we have to travel again to Stoke for another wedding - my brother's daughter is getting married on 22nd Sep.
    I'm fed up with shopping for new outfits and booking hotel rooms - oh, for a quiet life!

    Here's few choons ..... and a little sangria to wet the whistle

    and must have tapas!

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  2. #19762
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    It's gd to keep busy Trish
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  3. #19763

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    Sadie has been studying Teddy Roosevelt - see her big stick. She wouldn't stand still for a picture until she put it down, but she carries it all over the yard.

    We think we will have an early Fall here, but today it is warmer at 10:30 am than it has been all week. I even turned on the heat a couple of nights. Buddy, my neighbor's dog has not peed or pooped in his kennel for a couple of weeks at least, so the neighbor bought him a new bed. He tore it up yesterday morning. He was OK with it Wed & Thurs which are her days off, but Fri he destuffed it. I am going to try and repair it for her. My project for today.

    I hope every body is taking it easy.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  4. #19764
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all - Howsitgoin'

    Well we finally had about 20mm of rain over last weekend which was nice, BUT, more would be better. It has at least greened it up a bit for awhile.

    Enjoy the hols Trish & Co!
    Sadies lookin' good there Wyo.

    I'm off (4th Sept) again to the hospital in the big smoke for another consultation re my hernias This time I'm hoping they'll set an op date, as I've finally hit the magic weight number they required to operate. I'll be under their requirement somewhat by the 4th. (I hope) It'll be very interesting to hear what they have to say this time?
    I think I'm a bit of a hot potato in their eyes!

    Had a big day yesterday, & have been spending my money recklessly again - have bought another vintage geetar that I just couldn't pass up.
    Luckily for me, it was already here, & reasonably close by, so was able to avoid all the usual customs, shipping, exchange rates & fees etc. etc. Plus it was at a very fair price.
    There's not too many of these models in Oz (about 3 I'd reckon) as most reside in the US. So I'm one lucky & happy chappy!
    It's an ALL original 1940 Gibson EH-185 lap steel in period case. All works well & sounds great. I'll be taking it for "show & tell" to my next steel social, where one of my mates will put her thru her paces.
    Here's a Y'tube sample of a very similar one, plus a pic of mine. (no amp)


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  5. #19765

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Oops! Looks like it's been more than a minute since I've visited here!

    OLD - you are so bad - lol!! Yes, those kids did look a bit overly developed to be playing those games. I didn't realize that Mike Nesmith was still alive - don't know what made me think he has passed a while back. I did look him up and found out that he has had some health issues but plans to resume touring next month:

    Congrats on making the magic number!! I hope they will schedule surgery and get you fixed up right proper!! I think there's probably worse ways to spend your money than on another geetar - so spend away! All work and no play would make Old a very dull boy and we do enjoy hearing you play!!

    Hey, Books!!

    Trish - glad you all finally got some rain - still dry as a bone here and the county has had the grader out on the road again. It will be nice and smooth but did it ever stir up the dust. I'd love to be "fed up with shopping for new outfits and booking hotel rooms" - lol!! Have some fun in the sun for me while you're gone!

    Hey Wyo! - so you've got "Sadie Roosevelt" living with you?? All the toys she's got and she likes a stick! What's up with Buddy? Does he get mad when his mom is gone? Or maybe he didn't like the "new" smell? Hope the repairs went well. My old Rottie loved blankets - he would drag them around with him where ever he went but he always "pawed" them to shreds in the process of resettling them in their new location. I just started buying his blankets at thrift shops. I'm still finding squares of an old polyester hand made quilt he had - nothing makes polyester deteriorate! LOL!!

    I've been staying as busy as I possibly can. I had to quit physical therapy as the exercises were focused on my neck and the nerves that were damaged still have not healed and were causing massive headaches. I'm better doing things around the house and yard so I can quit what I'm doing when they start to act up. I've been giving the house a good cleaning and since we have had no rain, I'm bringing my house plants back in. Easier to water them in here than to drag the hose around to them. I've even gotten a start on weeding the flower beds but can only do a small bit at a time.

    I lost another fur baby - Bo was 18 years old. His brother, Marble is still doing well for his age. With all the cats getting older, I've been feeding them wet food instead of dry which adds a bit more time to their feeding but I don't mind. They are also getting all of my extra fresh eggs since the chickens lay more than I can eat. I've got a bunch of eggs to get into the freezer so they will have plenty during the winter when egg production slows down.

    Nothing exciting going on around here. 1 Sept will be 19 years that I've lived here and I'm hoping to go to the river to celebrate. I have a friend (my shine connection) that drives a truck around the camp grounds, delivering firewood and from some of the stories he tells, I always thought it would be fun/interesting to ride along. They will also have a band playing up there for Labor Day weekend. I'm hoping the ride isn't too bumpy as I'd like to forego my pain meds and drink some shine!!

    The following weekend in the big festival in Clifton on the TN river. I've got some friends coming down - a guy I went to school with and his girlfriend that live up by Nashville. They are going to rent a cabin at the river so he can get some fishing in and drive up to Clifton for the festival. I haven't seen him in about 5 years so it will be good to have a catch up visit and meet his girlfriend.

    Well, heck fire! I hear the grader coming down the road again - was enjoying some fresh air but better get the windows closed before the dust starts rolling in!

    Y'all take care!!


  6. #19766

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Old - hope to hear even better news about your health soon. In the meantime, I have decided I know for a fact you can't take the cash with you so enjoy it however you wish here. It's like --

    Shesa Miss Roosevelt has a treasure trove in the front yard, guess Old was right about her being a collector.

    Trish - I assume you've gone to Spain, hope you are having a great time! Wish I were there.

    Went to Pine yesterday and got new tires on my truck - Wow! The price of tires has shy rocketed. Of course, I've had the truck 3 maybe 4 years and this is the first major thing I've done to it. Still - shell shock!

    Books - I've been playing Doo Wap for Sadie while I am gone, no complaints. I also leave some puzzles and treats for her.

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    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  7. #19767

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    What's up with Buddy? Does he get mad when his mom is gone? Or maybe he didn't like the "new" smell? Hope the repairs went well.

    Repairs done, didn't come out too bad. Buddy's mama decided she will remove the bed from his kennel when she goes to work and just leave his "blankies". She was happy with the repairs.

    Bowling for this winter is not looking too promising. Buddy's Mom's sister isn't going to bowl on Wednesday (our night) and Buddy's Mom is not sure (sigh). Buddy's Mom decided he wasn't getting enough food and began feeding him 3 cups a day, he calmed down some and is looking much better, so now he gets 4 cups a day.

    For Shesa - my hat, I believe you asked about it once. This picture is from 20 years ago, but I still have the hat. The dog is my Blue Heeler/ Aussie Cross, Tillie.

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    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  8. #19768

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Well, hello all my eBid buddies!
    I am not in Spain yet Wyo, we are travelling to Malaga airport just after midnight on 12th September.

    We have been away in Stoke, (for wedding & family get togethers, Nottingham and lastly Cambridge to stay with Lucia on the farm.
    Soooo happy to be home, although I was greeted with mountains of washing - my poor little Isla was not well in my absence, and she threw up all over her own bed clothes and also daddies bed clothes, when he rescued her from her own bed. She looks a little better tonight, but not 100%.

    Wedding and family gatherings were awesome - so lovely to meet up with all my multitudinous relatives!

    What a stunning hat Wyo (and lady wearing it, if I may say so!) - and Tillie looked so full of fun and mischief!
    My Kaiser was also a stick carrier - he just had to carry his stick everywhere - then run his socks off chasing it up in the fields where we exercised our dogs.

    Oh Shes, I do worry about you! I feel like you are doing far too much with your injuries. You seem to be far too busy for a lady that needs to convalesce!
    Sad to hear that you lost yet another fur baby - are you planning on replacements for your lost pets?
    OMG - get your ass out in that truck for Labor Day - too good to miss I reckon!

    Old - me little Ozzie pal! Congratulations upon reaching that magical weight target - blerdy well done sir!
    Fingers, toes and eyeballs crossed for you on 4th Sep - will be looking out for you!
    Hey - congrats on the purchase of yet another most intriguing piece of musical apparatus!
    JR has an old Gibson Bass Guitar - I don't know the specs and can't ask right now, as he is doing the bar at the RBLC.

    Books - hope all is well with you, and you are still wearing the kilt - even though it has been a wee bit parky of late - come back in with more songs of the 60's!

    Penni, so lovely that you drop by every so often, you always have such great choons for us to listen to - got any more?


    See you all tomorrow, might even provide breakfast food and drinks if you all promise to misbehave !

    Visit my clothes store -here
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  9. #19769
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all Thanks for the well wishes everyone.
    Bro had to have a bone marrow biopsy yesterday due to blood related probs (something about his spleen)
    He'll get the results in 2 weeks & hopes that won't affect their next trip to India, which happens in November?

    Trish - you'll need that Spanish trip by the sound of things, after all those weddings etc. (I too, am worried about Pos)
    Wyo - noiyce hat & it's great to see a little 4 legged piece of Oz, over in your neck of the woods! If any dog can sort that puzzle out - Sadie will do it!
    Too right - there's no beer in Heaven, that's why you have to get your fair share down here!
    Shesa - sorry to hear of old Pus - but 18's a pretty good age. Still a wrench when they go, I know. Our last two were 22 & 23. Hope ya all have a good catch up at festival time.
    Yep - your neck will let you know when you've done enough! Just learn to listen to it - like I said earlier, nerve cell damage are THE slowest cells in the body to recover. But they can & do, eventually!

    Well today is our official last day of winter - & 10 - 27c - The plants are about to sprung (as long as we get rain?)

    So, to BEERS & choons (60's) starting with my all time fave version of the great Mike Nesmith song "Different Drum"

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  10. #19770

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