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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19711
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    Just a quick hello & then off to do some geetar prac. ready for our social tomorrow.
    Hope you had a great time at the concert Trish. Here's the latest flavour combo by our Brody - green curry & porridge mix Baarrrf
    Overcast & drizzle but reaching the mid 20'sC this weekend. We need the rain!

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  2. #19712

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, All!

    Looks like everybody must be busy enjoying summer holidays! I did post right after Trish's last post but I see it's not here - must have pushed the wrong button??

    I'm doing okay - excessive typing on the keyboard when trying to figure out the YDC sales is what sent me to ER - they forgot to tell me in addition to slightly painful muscle contractions, I might have excruciatingly painful nerve contractions that made me wonder if I had a blood clot stuck somewhere along the line. I'm not one to run to the ER but the throbbing head, stabbing pain, numbness from neck to face on the left side and decreased vision in my left eye made me think I'd better go get checked. So I can browse online - just can't type much.

    I did get to go to the concert in Waynesboro - the music was great - lots of oldies from my high school days. Huge numbers of people left when the 2nd group came on stage. Somebody "goofed" and it didn't set well with a lot of folks to be attending an "Independence Day Celebration" with the lead singer wearing a suit made to look like the British flag. GOOD GRIEF!!! I do get their point but couldn't they just enjoy the music? I wonder what I'll hear about it when the weekly paper comes out tomorrow??

    You all take care!


  3. #19713
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    Glad to see you up & about Shesa - its been a bit lonely here lately!
    It's just as well to go running off to the Docs, even if to put your mind at ease, & hopefully they were able to reduce your symptoms!
    Happy - you at least, were able to enjoy the concert & music. Sounds like somebody had a brilliant idea that went Pfffttt big time!

    Well I ended up with 32mm rain over last weekend, which was good to get. Overcast & cool again ATM, but becoming fine again this coming weekend.
    Had a great social day at geetar club, with a huge roll-up of players including a couple of new faces. We usually get newbies after our festival - time will tell if they stick around?

    Going up to visit my old mate this Saturday. He's on the improve & has retired his wheelie walker, & now uses a cane only. Also slowly getting some feeling back into his hands & fingers.
    I'm going to suggest he start using some colouring-in books (all the rage ATM I hear) to help build the muscle memory in his hands & fingers.

    OK - drinkies & choon time! Found this "new" guy recently & think his stuff is worth checking out.


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  4. #19714

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    It's been awhile since I have said anything, did y'all enjoy the peace and quiet? It has been hot here. My car said 93F yesterday. The one good thing about summer in Wyo is it cools off nicely at night, but I am running my ceiling fans.

    The neighbors put one of those containment collars on Atlas (Sadie's BFF) while they were on vacation and she wandered out of range a couple of times - I heard yelps. The last time she was playing with Sadie, and now she is afraid of our yard or Sadie not sure which yet. Sadie is sad.

    Speaking of the neighbors, the Mom has been walking with a cane for a couple of years now. Arthritis is the culprit. The last few months she has been going to therapy and Monday she will have hip replacement surgery.

    It's harvest time here. I went to Cheyenne yesterday and got my ears lowered (ahhhhh!) and I spied my farmer's combines et al in a field close to town.

    I was lost on Saturday. I have been waiting for a good hot day so I could shampoo my carpets and have them dry quickly. It makes the house hot, but it's more bearable than wet carpets forever! In the process of my moving things around the power strip my phone is plugged into got turned off. Neighbors tried to call me, no answer so finally about 6 or or so, here comes Liz and husband to check on me. I didn't know I was lost, but I guess I was. The carpets came out very nice, after I shampooed them, I rinsed them with vinegar water to cut the soap residue.

    Pictures of me yesterday - Sadie was excited because we had company.

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    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  5. #19715

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, all!

    Well, it looks like our Trish must have run off with Adam Lambert??????

    Glad you got some rain, Old! We've been needing some too as it's been in the 90's and even the weeds are drying up. Storms are brewing up all around us, same as yesterday and all we got was a nice downpour - hope that's all we get today! I hope it holds off a bit as I'd like to get out and check to see if we have some chicks. There was an old broody hen setting a ROCK for the longest time but somebody wasn't checking her every day until it was discovered she had 7 eggs under her, so who knows if they will hatch or not. Sure didn't need any more Banty's.

    I'm really glad to hear your mate is doing so much better!! The coloring books would be a wonderful idea to help exercise the fingers!!

    No - Wyo! I really do miss your chatter - you need to be LESS quiet! So sorry about Sadie's BFF - I never liked the idea of those containment systems You two are looking good!! Being lost doesn't count unless you know you are.

    Sorry to run, but I want to get outside done before "all hail" breaks loose!

    Talk soon!


  6. #19716
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    Howdy Wyo 'n Shesa! - yep, Sadie's lookin' very happy & in her fave chair!
    I had my ears lowered lately also - but it has been a very cold shock to the system, as we have been down to about 5C lately! (my ears nearly snapped off)
    A few more critters to sort out Shes! Oh well - bantum eggs are good for using in cooking - even if you have to use twice as many!
    Yes I think Trish & co may be drowning their sorrows after the world cup results close, but no cigar guys! Hope it's nothing more serious than that anyway.
    Hope booksie & Pos are AOK - we haven't had much news on them lately & I hope they're well?

    Had a good visit with me old mate, & I'm pleased to say that he's getting better albeit very slowly. The Doc's reckon it could be another 10 months before he regains any feeling in his hands & fingers.
    He has taken to wearing cotton gardening gloves (because his hands feel constantly cold) SO - we are now calling him Michael (whose bad!) His wife is expecting him to start Moonwalking anytime soon!

    And so to drinkies & choons! - Enjoy!

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  7. #19717

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    No, I haven't run off with Adam Lambert Shes, he's not my type ... and I certainly ain't his type ...lol!
    Just a lot going on in the family, phone rings constantly, folks coming to stay etc. I get worn out with it all. Had the kiddies here all weekend, hard work looking after them, especially in this heat 31C. We filled the paddling pool for them, Isla was OK for a while, then got bored with it. Ava was having none of it, she only stuck her feet in about an hour before they were to be taken home Sunday eve. What a waste of time, effort and water. At least we are using the water from it to water the garden, which is baking in this prolonged heatwave here. We haven't had a drop of rain for weeks and weeks, we no longer have lawns - just yellow dead grass!

    Well, the Queen concert was just awesome, it was brilliant. Lucia and I had a smashing time in London, so much fun! We didn't get to bed 'till 2.45am, and we weren't feeling at our best when it was time to get up in the morning
    Must do it all again when there is a good show on at the O2 arena!!!!

    Aww Old, Brody is just toooo adorable! Seems like she was really enjoying the green curry & porridge! Great news about your old mate getting better, albeit slowly. He sure must have been in a bad way, thank goodness he is on the mend.
    Sounds like your geetar club is on the up and up - all those new faces and players, I really hope that they do stick around, the more the merrier I say!
    Don't mention the world cup .............. there was a black cloud hovering over our house for a while,

    Shes, I had to laugh at the old broody hen sitting a rock - lol! I hope she is rewarded with a brood of cute little chicks!
    Did the papers have much to say about the Waynesboro concert 'goof'? Like you say, it was a bit OTT to leave just coz someone had a suit like a British flag, I wouldn't have cared a fig if Adam Lambert came on stage dressed up as the Statue of Liberty with an American Golden Eagle perched on his head.
    Hope you have managed to get yourself checked out - your pain and suffering needs attending to, and fast! A blood clot is very serious indeed. My poor Debbie is suffering awful repercussions with being on the blood thinning meds, (womens stuff), she was told that her blood test results came back as 'abnormal' on Friday, and she has had to wait all weekend to know why. I'm waiting for her to ring me any time now and tell me what the 'abnormality' is.

    Wyo, thanks so much for sending the lovely pics of you and Sadie. Sad to hear that Atlas has a containment collar - don't like the idea of her yelping with pain if she wanders out of range. I do hope that she comes to play with Sadie again real soon. Hope you managed to dry all your carpets!

    Cocktail anyone?

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  8. #19718

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Great news - Debbie phoned to say that the 'abnormality' was a low hemoglobin count - why the hell they didn't say that on Friday instead of scaring the poor girl out of her wits all weekend? Grrr....
    Anyways, things have improved for her and she is now packing her suitcases for the holiday to Mexico. She reckons all will be OK with her flying there - I'm still unconvinced that it is a good idea, with just having DVT.

    It's sweltering hot here, no air ...... I'm struggling to breathe. This bronchiectasis https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/bronchiectasis/
    thing is taking it's toll, but I'm a fighter and will NOT be beaten down.
    So, I think we should all celebrate Deb's good news (any excuse for a drink said everyone!)
    How about more cocktails?




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  9. #19719
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    Good to see you back Trish, & glad you had a great time at the concert.
    Happy Debbie is OK & can do her trip O/S - but hope she takes precautions like support stockings & walking the aisles of the plane every couple of hours or so.
    I have a mate who takes an aspirin just prior to long haul trips he does to China from here, as a matter of course. (plus the above mentioned)

    31C is NOT hot I'd be still wearing a jumper in that! We're laughing at you guys melting in those miserable low temps! Lack of rain however - I can sympathize!
    My advice is to keep hydrated (plenty of water) take cold showers/swim, hang out at the air-conditioned shops/pubs etc. Sit in front of a fan or go somewhere with a nice breeze.
    Wear a broad brim hat & sunscreen outdoors!

    3rd place is a lot better than our guys did in the cup! But it would rankle that the old enemy have their hands on it I guess.

    Thanks for the cocktail/s - but I think I'll have a hot toddy instead.

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  10. #19720

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

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    I have been learning the crocodile stitch and these are the results. The pink is big enough for a pot holder and the green would slip over a pot handle. We have had a couple of cool days, after a couple of scorchers. Pretty much goofing off today.

    I got my papers together for my drivers license. The feds want to make sure they can track us down is need be. What a pain and expense. I will try and get to Cheyenne early tomorrow to renew it. It expires on my birthday so I have a little time, but it's getting closer all the time. I just heard a clap of thunder. I think the wheat is cut and I heard through the grapevine that my farmer is in a really good mood. I haven't talked to him yet.

    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

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