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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19591
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Wow, thanks for the choons guys, much appreciated.

    Here's one back at ya'

    A Dutch band with beautiful vocals


    Another Dutch singer


    The backing singer in that last vid (with the glittery top) well she's a belter of a singer..

    Volume up for this one..


    Now for a day of listing in Ninja Lister

    Have a peaceful Easter,

  2. #19592

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Old, bad news about Smith & Co in the cricket, I find it very hard to believe that only those 3 knew what was happening, surely the bowlers must have known something! Anyway I still think you would have won the Ashes series, but maybe not next time. Most test sides have had their dodgy moments, this may give some new blood a chance to shine.

    Been loving the boozy tunes and the old Aussie stuff, always good to hear your home grown artists that never got over here.

    Hope all are well, despite all the stuff going on.

    here's a few tunes to have a listen to.









  3. #19593
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all - hope you all have smiles on those chocolate covered faces!
    My BIG treat for Easter (from my diet control people) was 2 miserable hot cross buns, with barely a sultana between them - I guess I have to be thankful for small bonuses of any description!

    Lovin' the music guys - & that Nic Jones is a wonderful tune - but very glad we don't do that type of fishing any more!
    Bro & I had front row centre seats in Brisbane for the SAHB way back when they were supposed to tour here. They cancelled at the last minute, allegedly because one got "sick" but we believe it was due to lack of ticket sales here.
    We were very angry about missing out on that show - they faded out into oblivion after that.

    Don't get me started on the cricket - needless to say that it is costing everybody BIG time! - I agree, others must have known & or taken part - AND how long? has this been going on!
    I blame the Holy $ - the culture of winning at all costs, keeping sponsors, advertisers & TV happy, instead of playing the game for the games sake - like they did in the old days, when nobody got paid & just played for the love of the game.
    When did this rotten culture of "sledging" become the norm? There is NO place on a cricket field for that type of behaviour IMHO AND that's where NZ has the right idea by not subscribing to it.
    "They" (those in charge) are turning fans off the game - & that's why attendances have been dropping off.

    The coach has resigned - Smith & Warner have both lost A$2.5 mill each on this seasons Indian contracts, & "they" estimate that Smith stands to lose between A$20-30 mill in pay & sponsorship deals.
    Oz cricket TV rights have been down valued by A$300 mill. On & on it goes!
    There's a lot more that could be said, & I'm sure we're not at the end of the saga yet either!
    But for now - rant over!

    This would be funny - if it wasn't all too real.


  4. #19594
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I was a big fan of SAHB back in the day too.

    Cheating? It's just not cricket.
    I am fed up with turning the news on here and instead of whinging poms we are shown close-ups of whinging Aussies.
    The media are loving this, is it the same down under?

    There are more serious things going on, like the Russians attempting murder here by nasty chemicals and the ensuing daily tit-for tat politics that could turn nasty world-wide.

    You are right Old £££ is the ruler of sport these days, gone are the days we could watch proper sport on TV without paying to watch it.
    We have to pay to watch teams that are being paid by sponsors?
    Logic to me is that if it was free then more people would watch and see the sponsor's names!
    TV companies would benefit like that also, more people tuned in, so more visibility of their adverts which are being paid for!
    It's all out of hand now, free sport on TV is a gonner in the face of corporate greed.

    Better get off this soapbox before I get dizzy

    Now for some C & W humour..

    Time for a cuppa!

    Have a great day

  5. #19595
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all Hope everyone's motorin' along AOK

    Yes Pos - ya can't turn on the TV, Radio or open a paper, without seeing 'n hearing a bawling cricketer/coach!
    Also, the endless Russian stuff - talk about cheats, liars & crims! PLUS
    We've had max overload of The Commonwealth Games (which starts shortly) & the Queens Baton relay, which has been dragged through every tin pot berg, closely followed by the paparazzi melee.
    Someone in scuba gear even swam it across part of the Great Barrier Reef.
    Now - a used hypodermic, was found outside the Indian boxers accommodations, & the games haven't even started!
    Anyhow - thanks for the "Ham Roaders" updated CW version of an old Aussie original by Lucky Starr (1962)


    A few more choons! (& drinkie)

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  6. #19596

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I'm glad everyone had a nice Easter/April Fools. Wyoming usually has either a blizzard or a beautiful day on Easter. This year we had snow in the morning and then temps in the 50's F, so the snow melted. Guess Mother Nature had an April Fool for us. I saw the kids next door collecting their eggs in the snow.

    Sadie got a late Easter gift today as I went to Cheyenne and got my ears lowered, bought a new dish washer and dog food. Also got some new soft treats - peanut butter & Oats.

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Views: 37
Size:  109.6 KB


    Another drinking song - LOL!

    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 4th April 2018 at 11:06 PM.
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    I YDC, Do you?

  7. #19597
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music


    Started today feeling down, weather was awful.
    Still no visits from my family to collect their Easter eggs.
    2 sons had birthdays over the weekend too, presents just waiting here.

    Now a chocolate-filled parcel has arrived from my pal in Germany and the sun is out too.
    Feeling a bit more perked up now
    Chocolate will make me feel happy or sick, or both!



  8. #19598
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I am sorry you seem to have been forgotten by your boys. It doesn't make it any easier to acknowledge the fact that is very easy to get so wrapped up in one's own problems that a parent gets forgotten. Enjoy the chocolate and maybe not eat it all at once

  9. #19599

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Sad news about your sons not seeing you Pos. Easter should be one of those times for families to share. Anyway we can all get together here in the Cocktail Bar ! and listen to some good music. That Chocolate song reminded me so much of the Euro stuff we use to sell loads of when we had the shop.

    Currently listening to my I tunes play list, here are a few just listened to.











    This is what I love about listening to my collection on track shuffle, it always throws up a right mixed bag. Keep well everyone and keep the music and dink a flowing.

  10. #19600

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello fellow cocktailers!
    I see/hear that you have all been busy posting some rather good choons - well done!

    Well - mum's funeral was a truly sad/beautiful occasion.
    As predominantly Catholics we had a full requiem mass for mum, but it was sad that there were no flowers in church, as it was Maundy Thursday. The church was packed with both family and friends - and I daresay there wasn't a dry eye anywhere, mum was much loved by so many people. Even some of the staff from mum's nursing home attended the service.

    I soooo tried to be upstanding and brave for my younger siblings - but failed miserably.
    I think the hardest part was seeing my sister Lynn in a wheelchair, both legs amputated. She got compassionate leave from the hospital to attend mum's funeral, and had to return to her hospital bed later. She looked so fragile and gaunt - when she broke down crying at the burial service it tore my heart out. We all wept uncontrollably - even my hard as nails, macho man dear brother.

    We didn't have a family meeting the next day to discuss what to do about mum and dad's estate - no-one could face it, so that has to be arranged at some later date.
    I'm relieved that I'm back home, but I feel surreal - it's hard to know that both my parents have gone and I shall never see them again. We were a very close and loving family.
    I miss my dear sisters and brother very much, they are all so lovely and were so kind and hospitable to me, JR and our children whilst we were staying in Stoke.

    Debbie - (daughter no. 2) has arranged a little holiday for JR and I next week. She and her youngest child (grandson Taylor) are taking us to a holiday park in Clacton -On- Sea. We are all sharing a 3 bedroomed caravan - so that should be fun!
    We holidayed together last year and Taylor (aged 13) cannot wait to see his nan dancing and acting daft again! LOL!!!

    Well, I had better sign out as it's late and I need to sort out the overnight wash, and JR is nagging me to get some sleep. I haven't been too well these last few days, I have had yet another nasty cough and cold that floored me, but at least I have managed to avoid a chest infection this time - touch wood!
    I had a hospital appointment yesterday with my chest consultant, and she wasn't too concerned about the test results and I was given a six months appointment to see her again instead of a three month one - so on that note I think that a wee drinkypoo would be in order.

    Cheers everyone!

    PS: Posbear, I agree with meebs and books - your sons should be thoroughly ashamed of themselves not coming to see you over the Easter holidays. I'm very happy that you got a nice choklit surprise from your German pal!
    Wyo, enjoy the JD - hope your specs still fit seeing as you have had your ears lowered ... haa-haa!
    Old - awww! 2 'miserable' sultana-less Easter buns?
    Maybe these buns will cheer you up!
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