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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19461
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day again!

    Hope y'all stay warm & well over there now!

    Yes we've won the ashes, & now I can unstrap meself from in front of the idiot box for awhile!

    Further on the heat situation & cricket - Poor old Joe Root spent some time in hospital on the final morning, & although he tried to soldier on, he was too ill to continue.
    They say it was a gastro attack, but I'm sure the temp. had something to do with it. He was dehydrated & probably had heat stroke.(not nice, I can tell you!)
    There is now a huge debate going on, as to why the game wasn't halted due to the extreme temps. Jolly good question!!! There may be one reason?
    MONEY - or the loss of some of it??? It seems "they'll" put all the players health at risk, for the sake of the almighty $

    Shesa - may give Joe's Tennessee Waltz a try - I love that tune!

    Here's a link to my steel clubs web site, where you can see still shots from our last festival (sadly no audio clips) & my ugly mug/bio.
    Go to the Festival 2017, Sunday Sausage Sizzle 2017 & Biographies tabs (Allen Hutchison)


    Last edited by Oldandintheway; 8th January 2018 at 11:07 PM.

  2. #19462

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Thanks everyone for the get well messages, I feel a bit of a fraud when reading about everyone else's illnesses, mine was just a heavy cold that has just about gone. Just a hacking cough and cold sores on mi top lip, not had them for years!

    I don't know why they have to play cricket in such temperatures, why not make it a late start and play into the night, still get big crowds and no one suffers heat stroke. At least when the games are over here the players can put on extra clothing, not sure nude cricket would go down too well !!!!

    Too fit in with this extreme weather that is happening all around here a few tunes.









  3. #19463
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all Happy McMonday!

    Great selection of choons booksie!

    Had a top day at my steel club yesterday (apart from the temps.) We had a very good roll up of players & yours truly piked out on playing his "new" choon - maybe next time! Hopefully by then, I'll have Tennessee Waltz off as well?

    Our heat wave has passed & we're now back to our normal low to mid 30's C
    Yesterday it was officially 38C in Brizvegas, BUT as I left town at 5.30pm to hit the highway home, my ute's thermometer said it was 42C (107.6) & it felt every bit of that!
    The high humidity didn't help either!
    Thankfully, I only had to run between air conditioners!

    Hope everybody is well & having a top weekend!

    A few choons & a cooling drinkie to be going on with!

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  4. #19464
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all - howsitgoin'

    Well we're in for another heat wave this weekend, going from our normal low to mid 30'sC, but reaching the low 40'sC shortly!
    The old air-con is going to get yet another work out very soon!

    Shesa - I've managed to learn Tennessee Waltz (piece of cake) BUT the next one, Whiskey Before Breakfast, will be a different kettle of fish.

    I really enjoy the Brit TV cop show Heartbeat, & especially the music from the show. I love that era, so thought I'd add some choons featured in those shows.
    Oh - AND a big drinkie!

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  5. #19465
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    We love Heartbeat too. OH remembers a lot of the tunes from the 60s. I didn't get to know them til the 70s when I moved to the UK

  6. #19466

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello folks!
    It's been a horrible day here in not so sunny Suffolk! Cold, wet, dark and miserable - and this week we haven't had one single snowflake, which is a pity - I like snow.
    Oh how I long for those blue skies and warm sunny days. Roll on spring and summer I say.

    Shes - are you still rebuilding villages on an island or "playing bear" ?!!!
    Hope you found time (after managing to do all your many chores) to blast out some of those cans in the holler, should we now call you Shessie Oakley?

    I have had yet another chest infection which started as a cold passed on from Isla last weekend, who was quite poorly with a cough and cold.
    Happy to report that JR is back to his normal (annoying!) self again and my sister is doing fine. Her hubby, children and grandchildren are amazing how they have cared for her, she has had the house adapted for her to get around in her wheelchair, and she is never, ever left alone.
    Her mood is much better now, and she has realised that she is so lucky compared to some others, who are far worse off.

    Wyo, hope you are OK, and Sadie is looking after you well! How's your weather just lately? Are you still making all those lovely craft items?

    Old, hope you managed to keep cool in the soaring temps - I believe that it's supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a maximum of 29, with a possibility of showers.
    I love the Tennessee Waltz, glad you managed to learn to play it - Whiskey Before Breakfast sounds very appealing - in more ways than one!
    Oh, Heartbeat is now a favourite of mine and JR's - we also love the great music. Thanks for your selections and also the cooling drinkies!

    Books - hope that hacking cough and the cold sores have cleared off and you are fighting fit again! Us ladies want to see you in all your natural glory when you don your kilt - not wearing your thermal undies!
    ..... ( sooo miss our Sues - she walways loved this pic)

    Thanks for the interesting weather choons, well put together sir!

    Lovely to see you popping in meebs, I love your rabbit avatar. Is it your bunny?

    POSBEAR! Come on out of your bear cave immediately - or we may have to send Shessie Oakley in with her rifle to blast you out!
    Well, I had better go now and start prepping dinner, so adios for now.

    I'll share my Cherry Brandy with you .... enjoy!

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  7. #19467
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Trish, it is my bunny. His name is Barney and works wonders to calm me down

  8. #19468

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Dinner is served - easy one tonight, chicken curry with naan bread and poppadoms. I found a jar of caramelised onion chutney in the cupboard - it was in a Christmas hamper from my daughter Debbie. Seems to be delicious with the poppadoms! I can't face mine yet - I don't really like chicken. I'm tempted to order a Chinese Special Chow Mein later.

    Meebs, Barney is just adorable, he looks so tiny. Is he a dwarf rabbit or just a baby when he had his picture taken?
    All our family love and keep rabbits, Guinea pigs etc. I am petless now, we used to have many rabbits/Guinea pigs in many hutches but now they have all gone. I still sometimes wish that we had some little animals to feed and look after, but JR won't let me near a pet store!
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  9. #19469
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning! Trish, when we collected Barney we were told he was a dwarf rabbit. But the only thing that is really dwarf are his ears . While we were away he was looked after by friends who some of the time look after a little dog. Well, Barney has discovered the comfort of a dog bed. I just found him sitting on one of my sofa cushions. Me thinks I shall have to look for a small bed for this very spoiled (so my daughter tells me) rabbit

  10. #19470

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey all!!

    I am FOR SURE, ready for spring!! I don't ever remember a winter like this one since I've lived here - I don't think the kids have been to school more than 2 days since Christmas break was over due to the cold temps and snow that lasted 5 days. Hubby only worked 2 out of the past 6 days due to ice & snow on the hill up to the house they are building. Yesterday was the first day in 2 weeks that I didn't have giant ice cubes to deal with in the critters water containers. I lost 5 chickens and have one that got frostbit feet and can't walk. He's in the house (yes, I have a rooster in my house - in a crate!) because he has such a strong will to survive and was "crawling" from food to water to warmth on his own - until the other chickens started pecking on him. I saw him move his toes this morning, so maybe there is hope for him?? I have to give him a chance!!

    I did get the spring cleaned during the one warm day and then we had to deal with NO water twice after that - turned out that we had to replace all the "guts" in one of the bathroom stools. Amazing how fast a small leak can deplete a holding tank. I do NOT love crawling under the house looking for leaks in the pipes, but hubby is too big to fit under there - lol!! So, no - Shessie Oakley never got a chance to go out and play

    The good news is, IF the forecast is correct, it should stay much warmer the rest of the winter and I am (or should be) grateful that the forced inactivity gave my body a very much needed rest. Playing all my new games kept my mind occupied, so I didn't go too "stir crazy", although on Friday I did notice I was getting a rather ugly attitude from being so cooped up - lol! All the island villages have been restored, I've built 2 very lovely gardens and am now occupied as an air traffic controller and a contractor building cities - depending on my mood.

    I hope everybody is feeling better!!!!

    OLD - would love he HEAR you play the Tennessee Waltz - hint! - hint!

    TRISH - I'm glad to hear JR is annoying you - LOL!!! And VERY pleased to hear your sister is making such good progress adapting to her situation.

    WYO - I hope you and Sadie didn't get lost in a snow drift???

    BOOKS - you wear kilts?? Hmmmm..... I too love to see a man in a kilt - must be due to my Scottish ancestors but I haven't gotten to them yet in my search. I've started on my Mom's side first, as she doesn't get out much during the winter and enjoys hearing what I find out about her ancestors. When I get to my dad's side I'll find out about them.

    I think I'm enjoying the historical perspective of the search more than anything. When I find a new location, I like to research what was going on in the area they lived in, during the time they lived there.

    With hubby finally back to work, I've gotten started cleaning out cupboard, etc. - can't have any racket going on while he's watching TV! I also went through the entire house yesterday with the mini vac, eliminating cobwebs - well, most of them got eliminated. I don't usually wear my glasses in the house unless I'm watching TV and when I did put them on last night, I noticed a few of the little buggers that escaped my sight - lol!!

    Off to Franklin tomorrow with Wanda. Her knee surgery is scheduled for 2 Feb and just in case I need to go up and get her from the hospital, I'm taking her to her pre-op appointment tomorrow so I know how to get there (it's almost in Nashville and you know how I feel about driving up there!) LOL!!

    You all take care!! Stay warm or cool, according to where you live! OLD - I still can't believe roads actually melted!!!!


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