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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19281
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hmm, no one came to say hello to the old bear

    Sorry to hear of people's unhappy events over the last few months, I wish you all a better future and offer you a big warm bear hug.

    and a rockin choon for ya!

    Stay safe


    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  2. #19282
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning and my apologies for yesterday. My internet is driving me nuts as it keeps cutting out or drops to nearly nothing, so I gave up yesterday. a very small improvement today. Anyway, it is good to see you back

  3. #19283
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning and thank you Meebo.

    My internet connection keeps dropping off too, I have an engineer booked to fix 'the fault somewhere outside of your property'.

    I think it's a ruse to get me to upgrade to 'More reliable fibre optic broadband', every time I have to restart modem to reconnect I get the upgrade message, coincidence?

    I have a busy day ahead and must finish on the internet before my connection dro

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  4. #19284

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Posbear! Welcome back, it's been unBEARable without you! Did you get the seasons mixed up? You're supposed to hibernate during winter, not summer! Lol!!!
    Thanks for merry German choon and also the HOT rock one - literally!
    Big bear hugs most welcome here!

    Meebo and Posbear, my internet connection was rubbish ysterday too. I thought it was a fault my end,so I fiddled about wires for ages, then later it seemed to work ok. No problems today, touch wood.

    Old, little Brody is just adorable! Hope you manage to get some pics put up after her very first birthday party - maybe she should get a little wheelbarrow, watering can and some garden tools for her pressies!
    Thanks for the choons, loved the beatles and Pink Floyd best, the surfing one scared me - I'm afraid of the oceans and seas - I half expected a Great White to pop up somewhere!
    My sister is not coping well at all - her family are distraught and worn out. She is being nasty to everyone, and has said that she would be better off dead. She simply is not coping at all, we are all wondering what is going to happen to her if she doesn't pull herself together.

    Hey "Bean Pole"?!!!! Lol, Shes, there sure isn't much meat on your bones, maybe you should fatten up those chickens and scoff them Henry VIII style! (Only joking!)
    I am not much heavier, I don't have much appetite, nothing seems to appeal to me just lately. I'm gradually going 'off' meat,
    can't stand fish except for a small loin of white cod, hate pasta, gone off curry - I think I'm only happy now with cheesey/savoury foods.
    JR despairs of me.
    Interesting reading about Kid Rock vs Eminem, and fans calling for a politically charged rap battle or a showdown in a U.S. Senate race. The mind boggles!
    Hope you manage to get your hubby do some work - get the whip out gal......... lol!!! (Could be fun ...... )

    Wyo - snow already? You sure do have a rough time with your inclement weather out in Wyoming. It has been lovely and mild here these last few days, so I'm not complaining. I hate winter, I'm waiting for Spring already!
    Sadie sounds like real fun! Our Reina is a digger too - she lives on the farm now with Lucia and her partner. She was so lonely here when poor Old Kaiser died.
    She now has two companions, a sausage dog called Frank (as in furter ...lol!) and a feisty scruffy looking terrier aptly named 'Scruff' !
    Lucia tells me that they were chasing a rabbit the other day, Reina caught it. The poor little bunny must have died with fright, as Lucia found it 3/4 buried - it's ears were sticking up above ground.
    Reina's nose was all muddy, so we knew who was responsible for the burial.
    Hope you managed to get your puter working OK.

    Little button, thanks for sending JR a hug - hope all is well with your Mike, and you are well too.
    Penni, hope you are well and keep sending us a choon or two - t'is always good to listen to other folk's choice of music.

    Sorry the pics aren't showing - how odd! I can see them perfectly well.
    I'll send another one or two when I have a spare moment.
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  5. #19285

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Finally got time to read some posts.
    Sorry to read about all your troubles Trish, I sure hope things start to take a turn for the better. It must be very worrying for you and your sisters family.
    Some great tunes from everyone.
    Trish I loved the Gretchen Wilson track, not heard anything by her before as far as I recall, will certainly have a listen out for more. The Willie Nelson with Ray Charles a stand out track. and as for Bob Seger, what are trying to do to us old fellas !!!!!

    Old, the Beatles track is one of the best that they did, always been a fave. Great to hear the Moody Blues rocking out, most people don't realise how heavy they could be. And the Ed Kueper I hadn't heard for many years, I remember stocking the album when we had the shop, sadly didn't sell many.

    Posbear, welcome back, loved the German folk tune, right up my street with the recorder/flute.

    So I better add a few more to be going on with. Here are a few from recent albums I have purchased.

    Tom Russell from his latest album Folk Hotel

    Michael Kiwanuka Title track from his stunning album

    Merry Hell British folk

    Public Service Broadcasting One for the miners

  6. #19286
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Howdy 'n G'day all Great choons everyone!

    Good to see "new boy" Pos back - missed ya 'round here mate!

    Well I'm off to the 1st. birthday party tomorrow & will get pix for sure!
    Strange thing is that this month, I have 2 birthdays to attend - one at each end of the spectrum.
    Brody's 1st. & an Uncles 90th Probably be dribbling & damp nappies at both.

    Trish, I seriously suggest & hope that your sis gets some professional help! She will undoubtedly be experiencing a form of depression.
    The family will need to be very strong in supporting her ATM & keep a very close eye on her indeed. They may need to organize her care in shifts, if they are not already doing that.
    I was in a hospital very close to a Para/Quad & amputee recovery ward, & I can tell you this is "normal" behaviour & very tough to deal with.
    They should seek expert help & advice ASAP via her Doc & hospital.

    Today is our "Free Tree Day" again in our shire - Yeah!
    This is our local council initiative to get more greenery planted in the shire.
    Especially the bird, bee, butterfly & Koala friendly variety.
    Standard house blocks like mine get 2 free trees as tube stock seedlings per year, & landholders on 20+ acres can select up to 10 from a large list of suitable trees for our conditions.
    This year I'm hoping to get a Banksia robur (Swamp Banksia) & a Grevillea 'Scarlet Sprite' - nectar loving birds really go for these!

    On the subject of sharks (& other nasties) Yes, we work on the Billy Connolly theory that Noah's Arks, only eat one person at a time. Check out his Australia routine on Y'tube (warning - bad language zone)
    Sadly the other day, a 79 year old lady with Dementia was taken by a croc, when on her afternoon walk, she apparently strayed too close to an infested creek near Port Douglas in far north Qld.
    They only realized this when she hadn't returned to her nursing home unit. A search was conducted, & the Police found her walking cane, some clothing & human remains, on the bank of the creek. The hunt is now on for a large "killer" croc in the area! She was only new to the region (3 weeks) which didn't help, quite apart from her Dementia condition. Locals know to keep away!


  7. #19287
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music


    It feels nice to come back here again.
    I've had an awfull summer, illness, family splits and a (still living with me) son that is lucky to be alive.
    I am trying to get back to normal, but being normal has never been easy for me

    Before I get back to my bear pit I'll leave you with a style of music not often played these days,

    Bei Mir Mist Du Schoen by the hot sardines

    and a hot headbanger for Trish


    Stay safe

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  8. #19288
    Forum Saint
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I like the Hot Sardines

  9. #19289

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Trish - the weather here isn't so terrible. The next day after the snow, the sun came out and melted it all. Sadie had a hard time finding some to eat that afternoon. Seems she's developed a taste for it.

    Posbear!!!! ((((())))), Great to see you! Is your son lucky to be alive because you haven't killed him yet, or did he have bad luck elsewhere? Nosy aren't I?

    Old, thanks for the hint about the balloons. Since Sadie is trying to get to her buddies next door, I think it wil work on her. It is worth a try anyway. I think you maybe right about the giraffe I am raising. I am trying to get some new pictures, but I have been busy and I forget during the day when I have nice light.

    Sadie jumped up onto the couch on Wednesday night and hit the left side of my glasses with her big paw and knocked my glasses whopper jawed (as my MIL used to say). So I needed a check up anyway, so I thought I would see what I could get. I called Walmart on Del Range and the doc there is on vacation. So, I called the new Walmart on Livingston and Campstool Road and got an appointment for Friday. My eyes are in good shape. No glaucoma, minimal cateracts, good retina and optic nerve. A slight adjustment to my prescription and I had a scratch on the old lens, so I got new glasses, I can pick them up next Friday, probably. I got the damaged glasses straightened while I was there, what a relief!

    While I was there I did a little shopping. Sadie needed a toy box and I thought a plastic box, but she would have chewed on it. The associate suggested a storage bin. I found one I thought was big enough and continued on. As I walked through the humungous store I remembered a cardboard box I had for the JRT's and how it was too high for them and every time they hung their head over they coughed and I ended up cutting a curve in the front so they could get their toys out. I began to have second thoughts about the size of the bin I had chosen. I didn't want to go back to the back of the store, so I ended up buying it. I arrive home and after cleaning up the living room (it appears I can be gone for 2 hours, but after that the trash is fair game, luckily it was the paper trash in the dining room) I filled up the bin with her toys. She looks in, decides she wants her bell at the bottom and puts in her big foot and tips the bin on it's side. I wish Gary had gotten me a smarter dog.

    Eli is Gary & Lorraine's youngest grandson - 3 or 4 years old. G&L are having the time of their lives with the kids and have them often. Yesterday Eli said to Gary, "Grandpa, did you know cats can swim?" with one of the barn cats in his hands. He promptly dropped said cat into the stock tank. The cat got out and continued to follow Eli.

    Sadie has seemed to be impervious to the weather. She doesn't care if she is wet, that white stuff is good to eat, and cold doesn't bother her at all. However, the wind is howling today and I don't think she's really crazy about that.
    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 14th October 2017 at 07:49 PM.
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  10. #19290

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good to see you again Pos!!! I'm sorry you had a lousy summer Being "normal" in NOT fun!! Keep on being you!!

    I've been MIA the past several days in the woods. Lots of clean up to do (fallen branches, dead trees, etc) before the "creatures" decide to use them for winter nesting spots. It took 3 days to haul out, break up and burn all the debris but I had to et it done before today, as from 15 October to 15 May, you have to call and get a permit. I do have about another days worth to do but since every muscle in my body is screaming - it won't be today!

    It has been almost scary that I have had NO snakes or possums to deal with this year and I'd like to keep it that way for next year. Keeping the edge of the woods cleaned up obviously discourages them from coming around. The downside, is with no snakes, the mice/rats have been prolific!! My free roaming "mousers" have obviously retired but they are 10+ years old, so I guess they are entitled, but I'll have to get some replacements for next year.

    I see on the weather reports that the UK is right in line for a hurricane - we've had so many hit here this year that I've lost track of the names! I do hope that it doesn't end up badly and that all stay safe and sound.

    OLD - I can't believe that little Brody is going to be a year old!! Seems just yesterday you were showing her new born pics!! I agree with Trish - get her some gardening tools for her birthday - maybe one day she will love orchids like Uncle Old??? "Probably be dribbling & damp nappies at both." ROTF!!!! Just hope you don't have "clean up duty!!

    More free trees?? The Scarlet Sprite looks very pretty!! I haven't seen any pictures of how the bottle bushes did this summer - did I miss them?? I got some Bald Cypress given to me this summer and have them in pots. They will go down by the creek to help hold in the bank but are too small right now. In a year or so, they ought to be "root bound" in the pots and then, once planted, a big rain won't wash them away.

    How awful about the lady that got "crocked"!!!

    TRISH - I think what your sister is feeling is pretty normal for one who has lost a limb - it is a grieving process similar to when one loses a loved one and will take time for her to sort out her emotions. It is hardest on the rest of the family, who are very grateful to still have her, to watch her go through the emotional process over her loss. She will pull herself together!

    These days it has been buttermilk & granola bars for me - odd combo! I put a pork butt in the crock pot last night and the smell this morning was nauseating! And NO I'm not pregnant! LOL!!! Being "lost in the woods" I haven't kept up with the news - football is all I see on the TV these days - so I missed Kid Rock vs Eminem. I'm glad I don't live in MI - can't imagine a Senator giving a speech in "rap" or one who swears every other word (but I do like his music!! LOL!!)

    BOOKS - Gretchen Wilson wasn't around long but did put out some really good music.

    Poor WYO - New glasses, chasing toys, etc - now you know why I like to get a dog that's about 9 months old - LOL!!! They can hold their water, are usually out of the baby stage and ready for training! Their personality is developed and unless they were abused and have "issues" to be worked out, they haven't had much time to develop bad habits. I'm not surprised she doesn't like the howling wind - I didn't either! LOL!! Hang in there!!!

    Off to do something that is not taxing on the body....

    Y'all take care!!!


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