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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #19251
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I recognise the pattern for the hen. Still go a rabbit bag holder I made years ago for my mother-in-law. Glad your family is safe and Sadie looks so grown up now!

  2. #19252
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by wyocowgirl1 View Post
    Sal! Good to see you, literally.

    It is hot here today, but I am happy my kids survived the hurricane. They hunkered down and Irma had been down graded to a Category 2 by the time it got to them and she veered off a bit. Got a call at 1:47 am which was 3:47 am their time and they were yawning. No one has rang my phone in the middle of the night for a long time.

    Attachment 56242

    Finished this this weekend, I cut it out over 20 years ago, just call me speedy. He he It is for your plastic bags.

    Attachment 56243

    Sadie tells me this is her centerfold shot. I am looking for the dirty dog that let her see a "Dog House".


    Hi Wyo, good to hear from you too and see your lovely photos especially of Sadie, she is delightful. Reminds me of a friends dog when he was a pup.
    Love the hen too, you clever lady.
    I made myself a smock this year for a festival. Wanted to base it on the smock I made when I was thirteen which I really loved. I loved the material too and managed to get something similar enough but with more of a turquoise colour than my original mainly pink patterned one.
    I went out and the shop I bought the material in couldn't find a pattern quite liked, so on returning home decided to hunt through some of my old patterns, some of which are a few I inherited from my Mother where she died.
    I have had these and some of her unfinished creations plus some of her material since she passed over for twenty years, and yet I never knew that ONE pattern was in there, which was MY old one from when I was thirteen. So I made it up, was delighted with the finished result, the pattern is still like new (it sure aint!) and I remembered navigating my way round it like it was yesterday!
    Was really pleased with the result which I the word at the music festival I attended with friends in the photo.

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    Ok, sorry about the image results, I don't know why they prefer to appear upside down and sideways on here!

    HI Meebo, another talented needle lady! (I was referring to Wyo as the other one, not blowing my own trumpet, to be clear)

    Interesting old video of the advert Wyo too

  3. #19253

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Lovely top, Sal. Looks comfy and lovely color.

    Meebo - I have chicken, frog, cat, and bear in my pattern.

    My kids went back to West Virginia. My DIL's father passed away yesterday morning. They called and they arrived safely, but don't know exactly what comes next. I told them to call if they need me.
    <a href=http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures target=_blank><font color=#111111><span style=font-family: Tahoma>http://us.ebid.net/stores/Princess-Os-Treasures</span></font></a>

    I YDC, Do you?

  4. #19254

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, Y'all!!

    Yes, Trish - I was kidnapped and then they finally got me into town and under a streetlight and let me go! It was a long walk home! Glad to hear you & JR are doing better!! Maybe you need to get that needle threader kit that Old has listed so you can get your "seams" mended?? Since the ENT sees no need to do anything about the lumps behind my ears from looking at the CT scan, he has referred me to have a hearing test and a pressure test - kind of like an ear blow job I guess! I was supposed to go this past Monday but woke up with that darn disk in my neck pinched and there was no way I could drive that far in that condition - rescheduled for this Monday. I can live with the lumps as long as they aren't what is causing the tinnitus that started at the same time the lumps appeared.

    My goodness Old - you sure have been busy. Your stores ALL look great! Last I heard you were just going to open a little book store??? I got down to about 20 books left to list when I found out that, yes, they were closing the site down on 31 Aug but sellers would have access to their listings until the end of Nov...... Oh well, at least the major portion of that tedious job is done. I've also been sketching out plans for 2 more stores.

    So, it's spring again already? YEA!! I've been a bit concerned about our winter - old wives tale that is pretty accurate, says that the more black a woolly worm has, the colder winter will be. I've not seen ONE brown hair on a woolly worm all year! But I did see on the weather channel that we are supposed to have a La Nina winter in TN - warm & wet - much better than COLD & wet!

    I agree with Penni that your pics are lovely but I'm afraid that I'm more like Pos (where the heck has he been??) and prefer the woods - where I've been spending some time getting things cleaned up Happy to report that I have not seen any Yowies or Yetis in the woods!!

    Hey, Sal!! Nice to meet you!! So far it looks like we have sewing and concert going in common but you sure wouldn't catch me sticking my foot out over that drop off!!! But I DO love your shoes!!

    Wyo, can I send you some projects that I started about 20 years ago??? LOL!!! Sadie is looking very happy Glad your kids are okay from Irma - so sorry to hear her father passed One of these days, when I catch my breath, your phone is gonna ring - but I promise it won't be in the middle of the night!! LOL!!

    We got both Harvey & Irma here but each just brought some heavy frontal winds and 2 days of constant rain, which we needed. The winds brought down a lot of limbs from old trees to clean up and I was glad I took time to "batten down the hatches" before each one came. I spent a couple of days between the storms reorganizing chickens in coops and integrating the new chicks. I had to turn out 8 grown roosters and they are still mad at me, but they would have been madder if I'd had time to butcher them - lol!!

    Good news - I've only seen 2 snakes this year and neither one in the coops so their lives were spared. Have had NO coons or possums to deal with this year either - knock on wood!! Bad new is that the mouse/rat population has exploded but I think I've finally got it under control. I need some new "mouse cats" - mine are about 10 years old and I can't bring myself to starve them into "mousing only" mode at their age so they have gone lazy on me.

    I did have a day off last weekend!! Went to the festival up on the river with my BFF and listened to the bands all day. The headliner was "Kentucky Headhunters", a Southern Rock group and we were treated to one of the best drum solos I've ever heard! Prior to their performance we rocked out to "Free Bird" a Lynyrd Skynyrd tribute band. Here's proof I took a day off....just waitin' for the band to show up

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    Well, better get outside - got woods debris to haul to the burn pile, weeds to pull in the flower beds and critters to feed - not that I'll get it all done before it's time to cook supper and finish laundry..... "Caught up" is probably something I will never be - LOL!!

    Y'all take care!!

  5. #19255
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello Guyz 'n Galz

    Woke up with a shock this morning - it being down to about 7c again, after our recent spell of very warmish weather.
    Still went for my morning jaunt around the billabongs, where there was a light fog on the water. Was home by 6.20am & glad to sit in the sun for awhile.

    Wyo - glad to see Sadie is doin' great & looks to be in brill condition, & smart as a button. Love her chew toy in the background - looks like she dragged in a squirrel.
    Sal - are you holding the camera at strange angles taking pix? You can rotate & save them using free software like Picasa & others.
    Shesa - Looks like you had a fab day off & the Kentucky Headhunters would be great to see live. I gave up on the book store idea, as it is just too expensive on shipping from down here, to anywhere else! Then I thought, I could always leave books up to Steptoes palace if needs be!
    Glad you like the new stores look I didn't realize just how many (& variety) of coins etc. I had socked away - a lot of it thanks to my late Mum.
    These are also things that are easy & light to post, relatively speaking. Stamps are another I'm thinking on, for the same reason. That may be my 5th store
    You reach a point when you just have to decide to let things go!
    Hope everybody is well & enjoys a few more choons!


  6. #19256

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi everyone,
    having a rough ride lately.
    We took a holiday a couple of weeks ago, we both needed a rest after all the trauma of JR's surgery etc.
    First off, old clumsy clogs here badly scalded my thumb/hand with boiling hot soup!
    What a mess, blisters and shrivelled skin, very painful too.
    Not content with that, I was taken poorly with a bad chest infection, spent last couple of days resting in bed.
    I went to bed back home on Tues evening, and couldn't surface again 'till Friday teatime.
    The new antibiotics had kicked in, I was so glad as I thought that I was going to be admitted to hospital again.

    Dominic and the little ones were here all weekend, I looked after them Saturday whilst Dom did a disco.
    In the early hours of Sunday morning, little Isla was very poorly - crying with headache, sick and burning up.
    After a while (unable to get her temperature down with ice etc) we phoned 111 and got her an out of hours doctors appointment, she was seen to and allowed home later.
    (She cannot tolerate Calpol). It was her 4th birthday, so she rallied round to open her presents and cards.

    Yesterday, I was told that one of my younger sisters has to have her leg amputated tomorrow, she has been in agony with it for far too long.
    We are all absolutely devastated for her and her family.

    Now, I am chewing my fingers to the bone awaiting news of my daughter Teagan - she went to hospital 7am this morning. She is having a C section, as her baby is apparantly too big to go through her pelvis.
    I'm sick with worry over everything.
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  7. #19257
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Oh Trish, what a time you are having. I do hope all will turn out ok in the end

  8. #19258
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    OMG Trish! how many mirrors did you break? You & yours sure are having a rough trot ATM
    My grand niece Brody ( the one I put pix of up) was a C-section, & I'm sure it's for the best all round.
    Your sisters op, although very traumatic for everybody, won't be being done lightly either, & I hope it all turns out for the best.
    Cheers from Oz, & thinking of you all at this difficult time, Allen.

  9. #19259
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi all,
    So sorry to here about the rough time you've been having Trish.
    Hope Old's toons cheer you up a bit. Some great choices in there!
    I unfortunately do not know how to post tunes off this computer yet onto here.
    Thinking about you though and sending a tot your way!

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  10. #19260

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    SAL! My dear, dear friend xxxx
    So lovely to have you back - sure missed you!

    I'm having an even rougher time right now - just waiting for the ambulance as JR has had a turn for the worse. His stoma bag has stopped filling, and he is in great pain - a blockage somewhere is suspected.
    My sis is in a very bad way, in great pain and further surgery may be necessary, as they may have to amputate more - oh God, why has this happened?

    Through all this dreadfully sad time at least the birth of a little one has kept a bright light shining - my daughter had a little boy, he is called Robbie Matthew and he is just gorgeous and has filled a gap in my daughter's life after trying for a baby for over three years. I'll post a pic later.

    Can't say more, I think the medics will be here soon to whisk my old man off to hospital again.
    Please say a prayer for us xxx
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