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Thread: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

  1. #54561

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Meebo I sent you a PM but they are not typing out properly, my first attempt was a bit of a disaster, i will say if this is how it makes bread i am not impressed with it, the crust was very pale and floppy and flopped down a bit when it cooled, one corner was all gooey and like glue and i had to put it in the oven to finish it off after the prog had finished I used Helens gluten free bread Mix from ASDA and did as you said but with one spoon of sunflower oil added like the packet said, the part that was cooked tasted fine.
    Hope you can get something to make you start feeling better soon Somer and i agree with Sarge, you must get more help for your parents and you look after you, i know it's hard to do but I have been through it with my mother and wish i had taken my own advice XX

  2. #54562
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    I don't know about bread machines, but gluten free bread in the oven tends to take longer than regular bread (or pizza crust, or muffins, etc) and never gets quite as brown.

    Hope you are all enjoying another relatively nice day......and that you can relax some over the weekend! Take care, somer.......it's a difficult thing looking after parents. They would want the best for you, above all else.

    Our pied wagtails outside the living room window are still sitting on their nest!
    Ta-Ta for now!


    Slide Inn for Vintage 35mm photographic slides

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  3. #54563

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Well Mike is munching his way through it, mainly it is for him as he does not like the juvela bread, he hasnt got coeliac disease but the dietician told him it would be simpler if he did not eat gluten as well otherwise we would have to make partitions in the kitchen so I didn't get glutened, i think she was going a bit OTT really as she also said to use different cooking utensils and cutlery but we complied as much as possible. other that that it was a wasted hospital visit as all she told me to do was pay to join coeliacs uk to get information, What a waste of time.

  4. #54564

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Twas a wet day in Helston today for flora day !

    Ahhh the joys of the children's dance. Tape recorders out of sinc with the band, people stepping on the back of your shoes, the bottle necks and running to catch up ... all fond memories !

    The 7.00 am dance you need to set the alarm clock for this one !

    A quick peek at some of the beautiful dresses in the mid-day dance. You need to scroll down a bit to the video and best if you enlarge the screen. You can also find the Hal-an-Tow that happens on the morning of flora day on this link. I used to be one of the tambourine dancers in that !

    and here.
    Last edited by cornishmaid1961; 6th May 2017 at 03:08 PM.

  5. #54565
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Good morning! A grey day and the heating is on. It's about time the weather changes to a little bit warmer. I resent the heating being on in May! Canteen duty is almost done, now I need to free the bunny. I am being taken to lunch today, so no cooking. But tomorrow we will have guests so a bit of shopping is on the agenda. Have a pleasant Sunday without stress

  6. #54566

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Good morning everyone, the sun is out here but it's still cold postes a little while back but forgot to press go

  7. #54567

    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Mornin' troops I hope you have got the sawdust down on the parade ground. The meal went well and the guests happily staggered out to their taxi afterwards !

    I might do a spot of gardening later to get some fresh air if I have the energy after I have cleared up and sorted some listings.

    The great tit chicks are doing well, they are really noisy. I've managed to spot four in the nest, there might even be more but the camera has been knocked to an angle by the parent birds. They are quite big now so think they might fledge this week.

  8. #54568
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Morning - it's beautifully sunny - and WARM here in Mid Wales now the breeze has dropped, so I'm trying to get some planting out done between resting my back [it doesn't like me standing/bending over the flower beds for too long at a time].

    No losses to report and the template editing has slowed down to a trickle.

    I don't like the heating on in May either, but with a combi boiler unless you want to waste at least 2 bucket loads of water before it's heated up, having the boiler on for 1/2 hour is much easier. Note to oneself - must buy a couple more buckets ! I'm using the excess water for watering my pots, etc., so it's not being wasted.

  9. #54569
    Forum Saint HerMajesty's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Fun videos, Sarge - thanks! Bit of sun today. Our nest of coal tits is hungry, as the parents are dashing back and forth for food.
    Philpott is out working on the porch and patio, so he's busy. I made a coffeecake, so will have some with a cuppa in a bit, and get back to grouting. carry on.
    Ta-Ta for now!


    Slide Inn for Vintage 35mm photographic slides

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  10. #54570
    Forum Saint maplegin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Over half a million auctions at last!!!!

    Morning all, we have been out to a carboot this morning, spent money on our selves which makes a change, & then somer bought me a Mr Whippy icecream was a bit early at 9.30 but was lovely but by then the sun had gone in, earlier I had to take coat off but its dull & miserable now.

    Sgt we have had blackbirds in our bay tree but think the young have gone now, it is funny watching them Somer has been feeding them meili worms, & when they are gone they make a noise to let him no.

    time to check out the relists that need doing.

    hope everyone has a good day

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