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Thread: Listings showing "0" views

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Default Listings showing "0" views

    I've been a member for almost 3 years. Currently I have 92 items total listed in 2 different stores. Of those 92 listings only 3 show as having any views. This is most unusual and has "never" occured before. I checked both of my stores to be sure that they were both online (they were), https://stackersxag.ebid.net/ , https://variety-nook.ebid.net/ I thought that perhaps there may have been some sort of glitch that caused them to switch offline. I have no idea what would be causing this. I also have no idea how long this has been occurring, however, I have had zero sales for February and so far in March! Generally this is a very slow time of year for me, but if my listings are not being seen, this would certainly explain why I've had a fat "0" goose egg for sales. Any suggestions? I have contacted support and am awaiting a reply. Thought that I would ask here while waiting.

    Thank you in advance for any assistance offered.

    Have a great day!

    Steven H
    username: Isabellawoof

  2. #2

    Default Re: Listings showing "0" views

    In your StackersXAG store 9 of 25 items have views. In your Variety Nook store 7 of 67 items have views. But, as stated numerous times in the forums, the number of views is not reliable.

    A thought? You have many pairs of shoes for sale but your titles don't say if they are new or used. I did not go to individual listings to see if that is stated in your description, but it may be helpful to state that in your title. IMO, if they are brand new in original box, the price may be a good deal, but if they are used the prices are more than what I would pay, taking into consideration the added cost of shipping.

    Another thing to check would be making sure you are in compliance with all of Google's requirements, as most sales these days seem to be coming from people new to the site probably because they have found an item they want through Google Shopping. Savvy, budget conscious shoppers will usually use a "price: low to high" sort when searching and Google puts all Sponsored (paid for) Ads first in the line up, even though there may be lower priced items available that are not Sponsored. There may be a lot of buyers who are not aware of that.

    Good Luck!!

  3. #3
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    Default Re: Listings showing "0" views

    Hi,Shesawaya38485. Thank you for your reply,

    I received a couple of replies from eBid support. Here are partial messages:

    ~Hi Steven,

    "We are asking our technical department if there is anything current that may be causing this recent drop in views.

    We have checked Jour Google Shopping data and they have been accepted by them."

    Followed by:

    ~Hi Steven,

    "Further to our previous email our technical team have advised that there have recently been server issues which has resulted in the view count being reset more often than is usual. They have advised this should now be resolved so you should see the view counts increase."

    -These two messages were received approximately 5 hours prior to that of yours. You stated that counts are now being seen in my listings. I haven't as of yet had a chance to check them. Hopefully the issue has been resolved. It wasn't so much whether or not the number of views were being counted correctly, but rather, are my listings being seen at all.

    The shoes are all new and are described as such both in the description area of the listing as well as checked off as such under, item condition, when creating the listing.

    My sales have never been very strong on eBid, why I do not know. I've followed all of the recommendations for creating a successful listing and as eBid support stated in the above message, all of my listings have been accepted by google shopping. According to the view counter (when working) my listings do receive a decent amouint of views over the 10 day period that they are posted and prior to Auto-Reposting, but few bites. Sales are significantly larger on that other "e-auction" site, much larger volume though, so that's understandable. I do wish this were the case on eBid, as I'm sure you are aware, the fees are much, MUCH easier on the pocketbook here on eBid.

    I do have the lifetime membership and I also sell enough to where that has paid for itself (and then some of course). As long as I don't add any extra bells & whistles my listings are free until I sell. So from that aspect and while increased sales would be GREAT, I'll just continue as I have with the free listings. As I said, whether or not my listings were even visible to prospective buyers was my main concern.

    Thank you again for your reply. I appreciate it very much! Have a "GREAT" rest of your weekend.

    Steven H

    P.S. Love Tennessee!

  4. #4

    Default Re: Listings showing "0" views

    All the views on my listings went back to zero as well.

    From what I understand, views are affected by various things ... sometimes it's an actual person viewing and sometimes it's a computer 'bot' as the item is shared to google or something.

    This happens every so often, and I really don't mind. It seems like an ebid system update of some sort might do this ... but I really don't know.

    Then as the views build up again I have the hope that a real human is looking and might make a purchase from one of my stores.


  5. #5
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    Default Re: Listings showing "0" views

    It's a shame that the view counter (as I'm finding out) is not more reliable. Typically, for me anyway, items with the least amount of views are the ones that I compare to those with higher views to see if there are any changes that can be made in an attempt to attract more prospective buyers to those listings with the least amount of views.

    Hmmm.... Oh Well. I'm not going to worry about it.

    Thank you for your reply, FirstGreenIsGold, I appreciate it!

  6. #6

    Default Re: Listings showing "0" views


    Glad to hear you got some answers from support - they are really awesome that way!

    "The shoes are all new and are described as such both in the description area of the listing as well as checked off as such under, item condition, when creating the listing." I didn't have time to go to individual listings to check on that (hubby was waiting on me to take me shopping) but if it were me, I'd want to put the condition into the title as that is what people see first before going to the actual listing.

    Unfortunately, that other site was in the US for quite a few years before eBid expanded here, so that is what "sticks" in most people's minds Since fees are lower here than "there" and we can price items a little lower here, you might consider Hurry's suggestion in this thread (if you don't do it already) https://www.ebid.net/forums/showthre...Bid-in-the-USA

    It is something I would do if I were still selling on the bay. I would probably make more sales there but there's that saying "Sc**w me once, etc" and I won't give them a second chance - don't need the headache

    We'd love to have you join us in the YDC Charity event held every month https://www.ebid.net/forums/showthre...ents-The-3-R-s

    Happy Selling!


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