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Thread: Cumbersome Web Site

  1. #1
    Forum Newbie
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    Talking Cumbersome Web Site

    eBid is promoted as 3 or 4 on the list of bidding sites to sell your merchandise. However, after selling on another ranked higher I cannot imagine why you do not have your Web Page updated. While I need a new face to sell my wares and I plan to try eBid, yours is difficult to work with. Simple is always best. Why not take a fresh look at your top notch bidding web sites and move to the top. I am concerned about the items that receive no bids at all and must relist. For the seller that is a loser.

    Please find someone that can give you that glitter, that quick sale, that fast paced easy page, to receive information quickly. Most of your hook on bidders will bid if in their face immediately. Please do not take this as a "put down", as I plan to try your site, but I feel sellers and buyers are ones that can give you the advice that works for all concerned.

    Here a person must spend too much time looking up and finding a product to bid on. Then the actual page is missing the most important information w/o having to search. Many bidders will bid on multiple categories if they are there w/o lookup. Others will button out for a product they may be looking for but a majority will not. That majority is exactly what you need.

    I doubt eBay will ever lose #1 spot regardless of the problems they create, nor Tophatter will lose number 2 spot (unless they do actually move to #1, as they do have the most exciting bidding site, (and excitement, believe it or not, is a large part of the game).

    Thank you for listening.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint bluebedouin's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by sandestin72 View Post
    eBid is promoted as 3 or 4 on the list of bidding sites to sell your merchandise.
    Where exactly did you find this list?

    I doubt eBay will ever lose #1 spot regardless of the problems they create, nor Tophatter will lose number 2 spot (unless they do actually move to #1, as they do have the most exciting bidding site, (and excitement, believe it or not, is a large part of the game).
    I'd never heard of tophatter so had to take a look.Amazing prices! A quadcopter drone priced at $300 goes for £47.A $100 ring goes for £4.
    If only these buyers did some research first,the quadcopters can be bought for £35 with free shipping.According to the reviews the jewellery is coated base metal & the stones are glass.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by sandestin72 View Post
    ... (and excitement, believe it or not, is a large part of the game).

    Thank you for listening.
    Excitement is fine for some, but for others the 'game' is just sourcing things they need at an affordable price. I don't visit Amazon for excitement. But perhaps you consider Amazon a very small site that could be so much more successful if they introduced 'excitement'!

    You've been out in the sunshine too long! Go indoors and cool down!
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  4. #4

    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    Welcome to eBid!

    I'm sorry you feel the site is "cumbersome". The site is not difficult, it is just different, as every selling site is set up differently. Once you actually start listing your items, you will get used to a new format and in no time, it will become normal to you.

    Site Updates - are happening all the time and many come from user's suggestions for improvement, based on their EXPERIENCE in using the site. Have you ever sold on a site where you can actually make suggestions directly to the owners and get an answer from them??

    "I am concerned about the items that receive no bids at all and must relist." Why?? You have a Seller + membership and can relist your items forever and pay nothing until the item sells - and then only a fraction of what other sites charge.

    "I feel sellers and buyers are ones that can give you the advice that works for all concerned." Good point, but you haven't listed anything yet to sell. Have you made any purchases??

    "Here a person must spend too much time looking up and finding a product to bid on." Really?? What have you looked for and couldn't find? I did have a "problem" finding a correct category to list "the items that you put your legs into and zip up" but I was looking for "pants" as we say in the US and looking closer at the categories, remembered that in the UK they are called "trousers". You do realize that this is a UK based site, right??

    I'm sorry to say that the rest of that paragraph didn't make a lot of sense to me, but will admit to having a migraine this morning so that may be MY problem.

    Personally, all that "glitter" and "in your face" stuff is a turn off for me. I'm much happier with a site that is monitored by real people and not robots, one that doesn't tolerate scammers and removes inappropriate listings as soon as they are reported instead of turning a blind eye to all that just for the sake of profit. The site is owned and operated by two men and a small staff - NO investors to answer to. That is worth more than all the glitter and gold in the world.

    I'm not trying to discourage you from using the site or putting you down but the "in your face" attitude as someone with no experience in selling or buying on THIS site will not help you in the long run.

    To be successful here, read all the Buying & Selling FAQs under the help tab. Read the Forums to get a better "feel" for the site and it's members. If you have a question on something, use the search feature in the forums to look for the answer - chances are the question has been asked before. If not, then start a thread in the appropriate section and ask for some help. Forum members are happy to help answer legitimate questions but tend to get tired of those that whine and complain.

    If you still don't get the answer, send an e-mail to support. You will get an "auto-reply" that your e-mail was received but in usually less than 24 hours you will have an answer from a real person - how many sites do that?

    Fill out your "About Me" page. Import feedback from other sites you have sold on - these things help instill credibility as a seller.

    I would love to see more US sellers on this site but unfortunately I see many join, thinking only of the "quick sale" and lacking in the desire to do any work on their own to promote their sales and then come and criticize the site itself out of ignorance of the way it operates. If one moved into a new neighborhood and went around to their neighbors and pointed out all the ways they could improve their lifestyles, without bothering to get to know them as people first, I doubt they would enjoy living there.

    The beauty of this site IS that it is unlike any other in many good ways - one being that there is a sense of "community" here where people actually care about each other.

    Best of luck to you,


  5. #5

    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    I don't find the site difficult at all, in fact I quite like the way it works to list things, add them to a store then just renew the listing when it come to an end if it's still available.... it's a shame it's not much more popular with the buying public otherwise I'd jettison forever my listings in a certain other place...

  6. #6

    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    I've never found eBid to be a difficult website to use. The forum members were helpful. Old threads had lots of information. In fact, I even determined how to set up my five stores myself. The eBid support team is great. No complaints here.

    The one thing that I do wish is that sellers would actually spend some time here instead of giving up so quickly. It would be nice to see some more listings for sale here. (That said, I have to list more items, as lately I've just been doing some revising.)

  7. #7
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    There is one really cumbersome thing about this website and that is the enormous drop down required to select a category. This really needs to be changed.

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
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  8. #8
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    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by madelaine View Post
    There is one really cumbersome thing about this website and that is the enormous drop down required to select a category. This really needs to be changed.
    Agree totally...and this is especially cumbersome for the cackhanded among us

  9. #9
    Forum Master billsstamps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    Quote Originally Posted by Mandart View Post
    I don't find the site difficult at all, in fact I quite like the way it works to list things, add them to a store then just renew the listing when it come to an end if it's still available.... it's a shame it's not much more popular with the buying public otherwise I'd jettison forever my listings in a certain other place...
    I don't find the Ebid website difficult because I am used to it.

    Many of my buyers are repeat customers who like my value and descriptions, so they are used to the site as well.

    However when there are voices saying it is not user friendly, it is not too difficult to do some progressive user testing feedback and get improvements one after another.

    In another thread I recommended Rocket Surgery Made Easy: The Do-It-Yourself Guide to Finding and Fixing Usability Problems https://www.sensible.com/rsme.html

    What I pick up from this is

    1. to test to find the one most important thing to change at this time.
    2. to leave other things until later
    3. to formulate the change I want to make as simply and clearly as possible

    So, if it is in the area of dropdown menus, let us give clear and simple feedback to Ebid in the website suggestions forum, until it changes.
    And then back to user testing for the next change
    Rev Dr Bill Hopkinson,
    Retired professor


    around 50000 stamps listed, based in London

  10. #10
    Forum Saint madelaine's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cumbersome Web Site

    What an excellent suggestion, Bill!

    Mostly I list items which go into the same groups of sub-categories, which involves lots of "list similar" and slight sub-cat adjustments. A recent attempt to deal with dusty boxes labelled "to be listed" has brought me out of coins and postcards into the rest of the site and the whole category thing seems to have gone mad - both far too many sub-cats and the clumsy drop-down which was never my favourite bit of the site but is now almost unbelievably awkward to use. So that drop-down gets my vote for being changed.

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
    My Postcard Shop
    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

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