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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #18811

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Just love Ella, Old, and I'm blown away with young Ayla - oh boy, what a very talented girl.

    Thanks for the 'grand secret' cheavs! No more gum for me!

    Thought that you guys would like to hear about my JR's attempt to make an apple crumble - I mean, how simple is that to make?
    I was busy over the weekend what with one thing or another, and JR was hanging about the house not really knowing what to do with himself, as the weather wasn't fit to do any gardening, which is where I normally send him instead of sitting on his backside watching the one eyed aid of Morpheus =TV.
    (He doesn't have any hobbies, sadly - only eating, cooking and watching the box).
    I printed out a very simple recipe for apple crumble and as JR (AKA Johnny Craddock) loves to cook, I thought that it would be nice to have his home-made apple crumble for dessert on Sunday.
    OMG - it was a total disaster.
    He couldn't even follow a dead simple recipe - he added so much sugar both to the filling and topping that it was unbearably sweet.
    It has been thrown out for the birds today, poor sods if they eat it - their beaks will rot ....

    Ooooh, breaking news!
    Just had a phone call from one of my daughters -
    It's Dominic's 30th birthday and JR's 70th end of July/beginning of August and we are all going to Amsterdam for a horrendous p*$$ up!
    Bring it on!
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  2. #18812
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Just discovered this re Ayla -


  3. #18813

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Just brilliant! What a talent - awesome!
    Talking of Highway to Hell ..... one of my very favourite bands
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  4. #18814

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, all!!

    Hubby started his new job yesterday so now we can get into some sort of "routine"!! I'm sure that sounds boring to most people but I like a routine - ensures I get everything done! His last job was 5-7 days a week and 8-14 hours a day - always last minute notice for changes. Now it should be M-F with maybe some over time, but I can always "hold" supper. And while I appreciated his help around here the last couple of weeks, I still had to double check everything - especially with the critters, because he's not familiar with their care and would miss things like making sure doors and latches were shut tight!! Fortunately we had no escapees the times he forgot.

    I'm sorry I never got to meet Al - I'd like to thank him for starting this thread so I can "hang out" with some fun people, have cocktails with no hangovers (I'm really a lightweight when it comes to drinking - 2 wine coolers and I start having a "giggle fit") and listen to some good choons! THANKS AL!!!!

    TRISH - so sorry to hear how sick you are!! And, as Pos said, it would help if you slowed down a bit! There's also a connection between not slowing down and getting hurt all the time - at least that's what I get told - lol! WOW!! Led Zepplin brings back some memories, which I will keep to myself Yes, I've been keeping up with "honeymoon duty", although getting this 60 year old body to keep up with my 20 year old mind is not working out too well

    Your hubby sounds like mine, except he does pitch in with the house cleaning when he really gets bored! I take it that "apple crumble" would be what we call "apple crisp" - how can anybody screw that up?? LOL!!!

    AMSTERDAM????? How exciting!! You'd best get well and stay on good behavior so you can enjoy it to the fullest extent!! Keep a diary so you don't forget to tell us any little detail

    POS - Stairway to Heaven brings back more memories that I am keeping to myself So you make virtual model railways on your PC??? How cool!! I decorated for C-mas for the first time in 17 years and ran across the all the things my youngest son and I built for a town/railroad on a 4' x 8' sheet of plywood in the basement. Figures that you can do it all online now and I bet your train never jams on the track!

    If I had to pick one favorite music genre, it would have to be Southern Rock but I don't listen to a lot of music these days (except when I come here and have plenty of bandwidth!) I get one radio station out here - the local one that plays a "loop" of oldies. I bought one of those "combo" stereos that plays CDs, cassettes, 8-tracks and records so I can test them out before listing for sale and the speakers really stink! At full volume you can only hear it in the living room - haven't gotten around to wiring in some decent speakers yet so it just sits there gathering dust.

    Old - I do remember 10CC but had never heard Dreadlock Holiday! I love reggae music - makes me want to get up and dance, but just about any music with a good beat does that (especially if I've had a wine cooler or two) lol! The "face plant" picture looks like it could have been taken at one of the concerts I go to at the river!! A friend of mine has a canoe rental/camp grounds on the Buffalo River and on the 3 major summer holidays he has a band come in to play on Saturday night. After people have been floating the river and drinking all day, you tend to see some really crazy stuff at night!

    Glad to hear you're done "Praying to the Porcelain God" as we say here - lol!! Have never heard your version before Never heard of "grass snorkeling" either! Add one more great thing about this place - I get to learn a LOT!!

    Ayla is AMAZING!! I do hope she doesn't take the "too cool for school" to heart though - I see so many child prodigies that get focused on their talent and miss out on their childhood

    WYO - SO glad I'm in TN!! We did get some snow here - about 2" and it stayed for 3 days, as temps didn't get above freezing until yesterday. That was enough winter for me!! My outside faucet did freeze so I toted water from the creek for the critters but it's supposed to be "spring-like" weather all this week! I remember carrying a lighter with me every where I went to heat up frozen locks, latches, etc. I bet Miss Onika was happy when you got the latch open

    Oops! Got a Dr. appointment in an hour and I'm not even dressed yet - talk to you all later!!

  5. #18815
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day/evening all

    Stay warm ya'll - meanwhile we're having a heatwave building to the weekend - so today it'll be 34c & 38/40c later in the week & high humidity

    Woke up to this oldie from our top indigenous group Yothu Yindi


    Warming cocktail anyone!

  6. #18816
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Greetings :-

    Weather here is awful!

    Not been on here a lot, not been on PC much!
    You know I have skin problems, well I had a horrible reaction to some socks that I was given for Christmas, they were made of my preferred cotton but were treated with some sort of chemical to keep feet fresh.
    My shins blisterd, the blisters burst and my socks were stuck to my skin, yuk!
    They closed our local A&E and changed it to a walk-in centre so I got a cab down there and within 2 hours I was done and dusted.
    No medication given, just told to keep skin open to air and keep my feet up until fluid stops and scabs form.
    I tried to sit at my PC with my feet up but it wasn't comfortable.
    So, watching telly and reading were my pastimes.
    I have Now TV and made good use of its Youtube channel, watched some hilarious video clips and of course music vids..
    Now I am comfortable and somewhat mobile again.
    Good thing about my skin is that any cuts, grazes etc get healed very quickly.

    I hope that you are all looking after yourselves and keeping warm or cool as required

    I will now catch up on your posts.

    Meanwhile..hard to believe the versatility of one of my faves..



    Have a great day..

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  7. #18817

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hi cocktailers!
    Oh poor Posbear - what a horrible thing to happen. Surely that should not have happened, have you let the manufacturers of the socks know that the chemical used to treat the socks can cause an allergic reaction?
    Glad to hear that your skin heals quickly, mine used to until my blood started to make too many red cells (polycythemia).
    The wound on my leg when I knocked it on a bench on Christmas Eve has still not yet fully healed.

    It's quite funny really as when I have the kiddies little Isla loves to 'make nanna better' !!! We have a little tub of Sudocrem ( nappy cream for Ava) and Isla inspects my arms and legs for wounds, blisters or blotches which she then treats with the Sudocrem ...lol!!! .
    I guess she is taking after her mummy, who is a nurse and a very dedicated one I have to say.
    Talking of kids, I have them all day Friday, early start just before 7.00am. By mid afternoon I shall be crawling about so have a stiff drink ready for me around 7.00pm when I have fed them and their dad and (thankfully) waved them off.

    Loved the Tarja vids pos, a very talented lady indeed. What a voice!

    Old, we have a spell of bad weather coming our way. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/...-warnings-snow
    Not looking forward to the freezing temps, but would love to see some snow if we are lucky enough to get some here.
    You are so lucky to be having a heatwave, but at those temps there would be a public outcry of doom and disaster here in the UK.
    Anything near to 30C melts the tar on the roads, bends railway sleepers, and fills the A&E with folk suffering from heat exhaustion.
    Needless to say, this tropical bird feels quite at home in the heat!
    Thanks for the choon and warming cocktail.

    Shes, I also love a routine, always have.
    I can remember when I was very tiny, about 5 yrs old, when I cried my eyes out at the school Christmas party.
    Sister Marie told my mum that she had never known a child cry at a party before and "Patricia doesn't like change to her routine, does she"?
    Thank goodness I grew out of that silly thing, I lurrvv a party now!

    Glad to hear that you are keeping 'up' with the honeymoon duties .... !!!!
    Yes, it's sad that you never got to 'meet up' with Al, he would make you laugh with his brilliant sense of humour. The lounge just isn't the same without him. He loves Led Zeppelin, and often played drums with his son/musical buddies especially when the pool was open and the barby was lit!

    Hope that all our buddies are safe and well, how is Onika Wyo? Have you still got snow?

    Signing off now, take care everyone and keep warm/cool/healthy and happy x
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  8. #18818
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day all

    May the honeymoon last a lifetime!

    Poor Graham - glad you're on the mend now. Perhaps they should have been washed (hindsight is wonderful) Great choons BTW

    I could use some of your snee down here let me tell you! It got to 37.5c for me yesterday & only? 34c today "they say" (we'll see)
    Yes - the oldies suffer in the heat & we are warned by all the media to stay cool AND hydrated - SO! I take that on board fully
    The other major problems are that there is usually a spike in drownings - especially unsupervised toddlers unfortunately, plus increased amounts of swimmers requiring rescue by our beach life savers. (they do a fab job)

    I've got the builders next door pouring a house slab & slaving away in the heat - I'll soon have new neighbours (hope they're nice?)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kIdFzP0TJxc (Sorry)

    Here's another one for the landlord! G'day Al


    Staying cool & hydrated

  9. #18819

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning/evening all!
    We have a yellow warning weather watch here in East Anglia with heavy snow showers and strong winds forecast for this afternoon and evening.
    I have done my early morning patrol around the garden, and all is strangely quiet right now, apart from lots of bird activity in the skies.
    Unusual amount of seagulls circling about, must be stormy at sea.
    It's not too cold, must be the calm before the storm.

    Coffee anyone?

    .... and for Old ....

    Old, I have never heard that Zep choon before. Thanks for sharing.
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  10. #18820
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning!
    Last edited by meebo1; 12th January 2017 at 11:21 AM.

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