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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #18701

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Oh, Trish! Since you like my stories I'll post one that got lost in the shuffle around the time my Bailey passed.

    I GOT TO GO ON A "WILD HORSE" ROUNDUP!! Okay, not really wild ones like the ones out west that I got caught in a blizzard with on the 4th of July - but that's another story.

    I went out to feed and my heeler alerted me to some "big monsters" (to him)that were across the creek. My neighbor's horses had got out - two protective mamas with a colt and a filly. They were not home so I went to another neighbor's and asked if he knew where she worked and I called her there. She said she would call somebody from the next road over to put them up so I told her I'd wait with the horses till he got there.

    I waited and waited......... It was going to start getting dark soon and nobody showed. I started pushing them a bit and the mamas were giving me the "stink eye" but the colt wanted to come over and play. I got up to one mare that had a halter on and grabbed hold of it but my shoulder was still sore and I didn't want her jerking on it.

    After I pushed them a little farther I could see the bloomin' double gate was open! I got around the horses and opened it wide then started looking for feed, a lead, something and couldn't find a thing, so I just started pushing them towards the gate.

    Of course, they walked right past it into the front yard and started eating the flowers - uh,OH!! I saw a red feed pan in the pasture and got it. The mares looked up but went back to the grass. I didn't want to go all the way back to my place for corn so I looked around and found about a hand full of small stones. I shook that pan with the stones in it and that gray mare just flat out came running!! The rest followed me straight into the pasture and I got the gates shut. They had bent the clip holding the gate panels together so I also managed to find a scrap of rope to help secure the gate - some neighbors keep their places too clean - lol! I got back home and called her at work and told her nobody showed but I did get them in.

    She was really surprised until I told her it wasn't "my first rodeo" and she laughed and said no, it probably wasn't. Wonder what the neighbors have been saying about me now - lol!!

    I really had fun! It's been 17 years since I worked every day with cattle & horses and I really miss it some times but I was told I could go visit the horses any time I wanted

    Y'all take care!!
    Last edited by Shesawaya38485; 13th November 2016 at 04:49 AM.

  2. #18702

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    I took a neighbor to Golden Prairie last night to see the PBS special on the Blizzard of 1949. I was not 2 just yet during, but I remember the pictures my folks took, there might even be some around here someplace, and the stories they told. I went to the site to see who did the film, but I didn't find his name. My neighbor was in the film and has written 4 books (I think) about the various areas around Laramie County. This is the link to it, and I hope it works for you guys. It's an hour long.


    Golden Prairie was a town back in the homestead days, but I think the church is all that is left there. It was named for those yellow flowers that bloom in wet Springs here and turn our hills and meadows yellow.
    Last edited by wyocowgirl1; 14th November 2016 at 09:55 AM.
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  3. #18703

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hello cocktailers!
    Not much to report today - apart from being drained of my blood - the hospital wanted lots for all the various tests they needed to do.
    The poor ole veins gave up and went dry so I ended up with a vacuum thingy to get more, now I'm so sore.

    Ooh, Shes, I just loved reading about your escapade with the 'osses! I have to admit that I don't really like horses.
    They scare me, they are unpredictable.
    My no.2 daughter Debbie has an iron plate in her arm caused by an injury from a horse, her own!

    Many years ago I had a scrap dealer pal - we had been friends since our teens.
    He encouraged me to get two Shetland ponies for my two daughters, what a mistake that was!
    One in particular was a nasty fiery little beggar, bit and kicked out like a mule when the girls went to pet them,
    and he spent most of his time escaping from the field where they were kept.
    I got really fed up with the complaints that he was in someone else's field trying to mate with their mare!
    I once went to Blackpool (a seaside resort once famous for the donkey rides on the sands)
    and I was going to have a donkey ride, but the shtoopid mule stamped it's feet, peed,
    and then proceeded to run into the sea with me screaming with terror on it's back.
    Sheesh, makes you wonder why - I did search for 666 on my scalp lol!

    Wyo - oh boy - absolutely loved reading about the blizzard of '49. Like you, I was just a baby.

    " Cattle frozen to death while still standing formed grotesque sculptures.
    Wildlife ambled through towns, dazed and starving and looking for food, only to be chased down by dogs" .

    Just awesome reading.

    Here in UK if we get just a few centimetres of snow or low temps, everywhere and everything comes to a standstill.
    Schools, businesses, bridges, trains & roads all close down.
    Apparently, us folk here in UK are in for a harsh winter with record low temps, I think I will have to hibernate -
    or better still - pack my suitcase and flee to warmer climes!

    The Golden Prairie sounds just awesome, would love to see some photo's.

    All this talk of cold temps has made me think of a warming drink - want to share anyone?

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  4. #18704
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    G'day g'day

    I must have missed something there Shesa, 'cause I have no idea on the micro chipping ref. Anyhow - it would be a very cold day in Hades B4 that ever happened down here! Think WW3 door to door

    Thanks for the drinkies Trish - yes it is a bit cool today - only 23c - I'm seriously thinkin' of putting a cardie & Ugg boots on!
    OR a Bundy blanket or 3

    More childhood TV theme choons!


    All the best to our Kiwi mates - keep your heads down!

  5. #18705

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Hey, y'all!! I'm starting to feel a bit better - sinuses were really going crazy as we are in a drought and it's been about 2 mos since we had rain here. Got a smattering this morning for about 10 min. - not enough to water anything but just enough to settle the dust so I can breathe out there.

    WYO - the blizzard info was very interesting - thanks for sharing!! Even after living in SD and experiencing the wind effect on snow and going through a blizzard in OH in 78 when the town was shut down for a week - I can't even begin to imagine what those poor people went through for two months!! I did not watch the show, as I'm limited on bandwidth and movies, youtube, etc seem to use a whole lot up. But the article and pictures were impressive enough by themselves.

    TRISH - glad you liked my story. I got a really good "visual" of you riding that donkey into the sea - still LMBO! Yes, horses and ponies can be mean and dangerous if they aren't disciplined for bad behavior from the get-go. But, make one WANT to be your "best friend" and they can be wonderful companions.

    I'm going to be optimistic about our winter - or lack of one like they are predicting - I've still got tons of outside work I'd like to get done. 70's for the next 3 days, so I will be disappearing - just praying the wind doesn't blow!!!!

    Reading about the blizzards and heavy winter snow makes me yearn for a cup of hot chocolate with a couple of shots of peppermint Schnapps Knowing "boys will be boys" I told mine that when they thought they were old enough to drink, to let me know and I'd let them experience it at home (safer that way!). When my youngest was about 13, he saw me with some chocolate/Schnapps and said he thought he was old enough. I went in the kitchen and made some more, but put Peppermint Flavoring in his. I don't think I ever told him the truth! LOL!!!

    OLD - do a search for - Australia Becomes First Country to Begin Microchipping - Tons of newspapers carried the story but the first thing that popped up on my search today was Snopes, saying it wasn't true. After what we have been through here in the States recently, I should know better than to trust a news article!! So glad to know WW3 won't be starting any time soon!!!

    "Lunch Hour" is over so I'd better get back to listing - trying to reach 500 today, with a goal of 1000 before end of year - fat chance of that!

    Y'all take care!!
    Last edited by Shesawaya38485; 16th November 2016 at 03:58 PM.

  6. #18706
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    No wonder I missed that story - I doubt they were game enough to print that BS down here! Thank God for snopes eh?

    Nah! G - Gees are wonderful critters!


  7. #18707

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    LMBO!!!! Would love to see a horse eating a Milk Dud!!

    TRISH - there's where you went wrong with the girls' ponies - didn't give them Milk Duds!!

    Snopes - I've used them a lot to debunk posts I see on FB but then I've read that they are controlled by "the powers to be" and write what they are told - so who knows?? What's that old saying "Believe only half of what you see and none of what you hear (read)" ?? Glad to know, through you, that it's not true!

    Off to the great outdoors for the next few days.......

    Y'all take care!!

  8. #18708

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Drove over to Pine Bluffs this afternoon to get Onika's arthritis medicine. It has been snowing in Yellowstone since this morning and there is a winter storm watch out for tomorrow. It was 73 here today. You just can't beat Wyoming.

    Hot chocolate and schnapps for all -

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  9. #18709

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    WYO - are you snowed in yet???? Thanks for the chocolate Schnapps!! It was tasty!

    And much needed, as it was 79 on Thur, 76 on Friday and 52 yesterday!!

    Where is everybody else these days??

  10. #18710
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    probably hibernating

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