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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #18081

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    It doesn't hurt but not very nice, worst bit for me was drinking all that stuff the night before, i dehydrated to much and flaked out so drank a glass of water and got told off.

  2. #18082
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good Morning.Frost Here

  3. #18083
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning.
    I am still allive,
    still itching,
    still fed-up.
    I am testing a method of stopping my palms from itching and swelling, once I've got that sorted I can get back to touching things again

    Thanks for all your kind words, it's much appreciated.

    Someone mentioned rockers?
    I've been told many times in the past that I was off mine

    One for Old..

    Just had a text from my son (Mia's dad) he is in hospital pacing up and down while waiting for the birth of his son !!!
    Last edited by Poscar; 7th March 2016 at 09:01 AM.

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  4. #18084

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Morning Pos, what are you using for the itch, is it inside , like under the skin and you can't get at it no matter how much you scratch. Hugs hun I know how you feel, have you got something from your GP for it or just trying all the normal over the counter stuff first?

  5. #18085
    Forum Master Posbear's Avatar
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Buttons, my itch for my palms is under the skin, a bit like pins and needles,
    I am trying a preventative non medecinal approach, I'll tell you more if I succeed.
    My Psoriasis is more of an external itch and am just using Vaseline to stop it getting too dry.

    Baby Max arrived at 11:42 weighing in at 10lb 4oz!

    and here he is..less than 1 hour old!

    Attachment 52449
    Attachment 52450

    One of my other sons is going to be a dad next week too!
    Last edited by Poscar; 7th March 2016 at 12:44 PM.

    Life is not about waiting for the storm to pass, it is about learning to dance in the rain.

  6. #18086

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Have you tried anthisan cream ? But if it's inside I doubt anything topical will stop it, I take cholestyramine powder made into a drink but it's prescription only.
    Congrats to your son and his wife, and to you of course.

  7. #18087
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Congratulations Poscar that is wonderful news, what a lovely picture of your new little bundle of joy!

  8. #18088
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by Salomina27 View Post
    Congratulations Poscar that is wonderful news, what a lovely picture of your new little bundle of joy!
    totally agree

  9. #18089

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Good morning all, I guess it's past that in the UK. Congratulations Posbaloo! You need to get a handle on your ailment - you are missed.

    Good luck Old. My friend Rico told me after his colonoscopy that he could never be gay, he likes being able to sit comfortably. Hope everything works out for you.

    Lovely to see everyone. It's supposed to snow tonight, but will be back in the high 40F tomorrow. Maybe the mountains will be the only place that gets snow. Yesterday was a lovely day.

    OK, lots of work today. Love you all.

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    I YDC, Do you?

  10. #18090

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Well ..... hello to everyone....... last of the family went back home this afternoon after a wonderful weekend.
    My little Abigail clung onto me and cried, she said she wanted to stay with me, it was so sad to say goodbye

    Then I had to dash to keep my dental appointment.
    I have had the impression done for my new roofless flexible denture to replace my bridging teeth which I lost when I had to have the anchor tooth removed, next appointment is 18th March.
    Well that's enough about me.

    It's so good to see that the cocktail and music lounge has been busy.
    Crikey, sure hope that everything was in order for the sarge's visits, hope y'all polished yer boots and butts (rifle, that is!) and ensured that there was a good supply of gin on hand.

    PosBalloo, many congratulations - your little (BIG!) grandson Max, is just adorable and I sure hope that you can get rid of that itching.
    Have you tried pure Neem oil?
    One of Lucia's ex-boyfriends had Psoriasis and I got some for him - It really helped and also it completely cured JR's fungal toenail infection, whereas all other (expensive) cures failed.
    Neem oil is a whole chemist shop in a bottle, really good stuff, you need a carrier oil though before applying to your skin.


    Crikey Old, me old cobber, hope all goes well for you with the colonoscopy, yikes - sounds awful from what I've just read on google, good luck with all your treatments and be sure to let us know how you are - erm, no pics of the sore coit, thanks.

    Fossy, so glad to hear that Spyder (Brian) is still around, please tell him we all miss him so much, and agree with the sarge about the Morecambe and Wise double act with you and Spyder - how we laughed, and how much we miss you both. The forums now are sadly missing the folk who made us laugh.

    Oh boy- just loved the choons you guys have posted - Sarge, just absolutely loved Amy, and books - well, you excelled yourself there son, with those classics - especially Whole Lotta Rosie, which is one of my all time favourites and is guaranteed to blow off not just the dust from the shelves, but everything else on there ...

    Wyo, that Jack Frost cocktail looks and sounds good - just throw in a (very) large measure of Jack and hey - you got a decent cocktail and maybe you could imagine you were on some tropical beach after two or three glasses .... hope the weather is improving for you and the wind isn't too bad. Any signs of the neighbours's ducks yet?

    Buttons, I tried to find the pic in your post #18070 - the nice butt one - but I couldn't see it.
    My JR hasn't got a nice butt either, butt (no pun intended) there again neither have I.
    My once pert peach decided over time to migrate to my face, so now I have assless baggy jeans/shorts/trousers and the biggest bags under my eyes, maybe I should invest in one of them pantie roll-ons that have built-in ass cheeks

    Sal, me duck, so sorry that you have learned that some of our best eBid pals have left us. I cannot say too much on this, I get too emotional.
    Just saying that we have lost some very good friends ......

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