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Thread: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

  1. #21
    Forum Master olivia8143's Avatar
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    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    Quote Originally Posted by amcer93 View Post
    So I should make a new one every day? Or should I just leave it with the introduction and bump it?
    You could do either, though personally if I were leaving it with the intoduction I would copy and paste it each day rather than have a thread consisting of bumps (some people jump straight to the last page and would miss the point of the thread)
    This is only my opinion though - other people's views may differ.

  2. #22

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    Okay, I see what you mean. Thank you! Glad you liked the intro! I spent close to 45 minutes writing that up.

  3. #23

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    I have been on ebid for 9 months and also have had no sales. I sell on another e site and sell a number of items each day. On ebid I find very few items get viewed and there appear to be no buyers. Very frustrating.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    With regards to the Plug Your Listings. I got hold of some boots, socks and laces and started a thread to promote them. Just packed up 3 pairs of boots and sent some of the laces a couple of days ago with sales from the thread. Also had an enquiry that should lead to another sale if I can get some more in other sizes.

    On that thread I started with description of what I had and a bit of back story, then bumped by adding details regarding how much cheaper mine were compared to eBay, then I bumped by saying that I had sold a few locally and in effect saying hurry up as they might be gone in your size, I also added details about some other boots I had just listed as there was a good chance those looking at the thread were interested in boots.

    I do not use the plug your listing too much as I feel that if people see your name on one every day they can get a little fatigue with it, unless you can keep it really fresh and interesting. What I do is just plug specifics, so after one or two more bumps on this thread I will start another for some jewellery I will be listing. That might also attract different potential customers to my listings.

  5. #25

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    Well after a lot of work, I finally got that first sale. I sold a VHS tape in my Media Hut store to someone I know actually. Hasn't been paid for yet but they have three days to do it. Hopefully this is what get the ball rolling for me on eBid.

  6. #26

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    How is everyone doing with sales? I haven't had anything else sell since my first. I keep listing new items, but I wonder how much more it will take before I start getting consistent sales.

  7. #27

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    Been a bit slow from the middle of June. Luckily I had a big sale today to help things along, but it does seem a little quiet at the moment.

  8. #28

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    It seems to always be quiet from my end. I have a lot of inventory that is not going anywhere. I'd like to make some money before I go back to school. Hopefully the site redesign will attract more users (especially buyers) to eBid.

  9. #29

    Default Re: Anything Else I Could Be Doing?

    Hi all, I am currently spending a lot of time tidying up my listings and adding to the photos on show by adding things like back covers for CD and DVD titles. Also working on Ninja Lister so that I can upload at least two hundred new items when the new site launches. Hopefully the new site will stir up some interest and buyers will look at my new items for sale. Haven't added much new for a while so fingers crossed the new stock will give my shops a boost.
    Shame we aren't all better organised for the new look site or we could have planned it so that everybody uploaded new items for sale on the same day. It would really have given the site a shake up.

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