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Thread: Try again....ebid will work for me!

  1. #1

    Default Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Back to try again with a simplified approach.
    I looked at the effort I put into promoting my ebid store and the response in relation to other well know sites. Hmmm wasn't good. BUT I can see that ebid should work, I just need to identify the market.
    Well the other sites have very different spending characteristics to each other (for me anyway) so I just need to find ebids sweet spot.

    So I will as time allows get more mugs loaded up and try again.

    Ebid should work...will work!! Now I just need to get my finger on the "M" spot..... yes "Mug" spot.


  2. #2
    Forum Saint cheaver's Avatar
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    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!


    It's absolutely great to see you back & giving it another shot Janners.
    I felt exactly the same as you when I first joined... I remember it well.
    Best Wishes for discovering how to make eBid work for you very soon.


  3. #3
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    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Good to see you back

  4. #4
    Forum Saint sucadot's Avatar
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    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Glad you're giving it another go!

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    view my listings here

  5. #5

    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Welcome back

    Just something for you to think about.

    50th birthday items are extremely popular celebrated event.
    51st birthday items are a less celebrated event.

    The market is saturated with 50th birthday mugs so the initial exposure point outside of a listing via Google is somewhat more remote and less likely to be seen (unless you can combine it with specific keywords) - so no real exposure.

    Now a 51st Birthday mug is a more unusual item, a search by a customer on Google shopping would result in your mug almost certainly being seen - hence exposure.

    25% of a tiny market is better than 0% of a large market.

    You need to look at your listings in terms of opening doors.... keyword specific titles open doors...

    So the listing: Allergic to Mornings funny Mug Novelty Gift Mug contains pretty much all generic keywords - unless someone does an unlikely search for Allergic to Mornings mug then (whilst it is definitely worth listing) it is unlikely to be seen unless another listing opens the door for it to be seen.

    The listing MILF Man I Love Fishing fisherman rude funny cheeky Mug Novelty Gift has specific keywords: Fishing fisherman so is much more likely to open a few doors. Likewise the Dinosaur T-Rex mug. What you have with those listings is exposure to people who aren't looking for a mug (and that is vital) - but they may buy it if they see it.

    With the 50th Birthday term being so common you could class that as generic keywords - 51st Birthday I would class as specific, it will be seen.

    Titles that have just generic keywords will sell - but they will need other listings with the specifics to open the door for them - either yours, or another sellers listing.

    You are in an enviable position - you can design your items to fit keywords and gain exposure.

  6. #6

    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Deanosaur .... I see your point. Now the concept of designing items to fit keywords makes sense, I just have to work out how to apply it.


  7. #7

    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Hmm so if I use the "Allergic to Mornings funny Mug Novelty Gift Mug" as an example, and add "comfortable bed sleep lover gift" into the title then it's still relevant but opens out the keywords.
    Is that the concept?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Quote Originally Posted by jannersmugs View Post
    Hmm so if I use the "Allergic to Mornings funny Mug Novelty Gift Mug" as an example, and add "comfortable bed sleep lover gift" into the title then it's still relevant but opens out the keywords.
    Is that the concept?

    Well it does open the keywords out but they are all still pretty generic and unlikely to be searched for - you have to accept that there are some listings which will need others to open the door for it sell. Nothing wrong with that, the listing that opens the door to your shop will invariably not sell - the lead into your shop to look around is the important thing. If someone is led into your shop via another listing and that allergic to mornings mug strikes an emotive link with a person that they know then they will buy it.

    Your Lionel Richie mug is a good example of an item that can reach across market places, because the search term Lionel Richie

    Humour along the lines of occupations - hobbies - sports....... they can all provide good examples where your listings can reach out.

    Having a look on Google for mugs and one strikes me that would stand out for keywords on the eBid site..

    The full text reads...... 'There's a fine line between standing on the shore fishing and just looking like an idiot with a stick' has an image with a stickman with a rod and line. So a relevant title could be: Fine Line Between Rod River Fishing & Looking an Idiot with a Stick Funny Mug.

    That title gives you search exposure for:

    Fishing Rod
    Fishing Line

    Say that happened, even if they didn't buy it, it is sometimes hard to resist having a look around a funny mug shop - if they have a friends birthday who is 55 next week, chances are they purchase the 55th birthday mug.

    If you keep on developing new listings you will continue to open new doors - it will take time. Think outside the box.

    Just a word of caution.... if you are going to create listings covering the ages from 18 to 100, then keep a small portion on the 7 day listings as you have at the moment and put the rest RUS. If all of those ages were covered on 7 day listings the shop would become a poor experience for buyers to look through because it would overkill all your other items.

  9. #9

    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    Hi Deanosaur.
    Thanks for that, it's slowly sinking in. My natural thinking is very linear (engineering background suited my thinking). I see I have to get myself working a little more lateral.....I'll do a flow chart....doh!! I think that probably illustrates my point.


  10. #10

    Default Re: Try again....ebid will work for me!

    More mugs going in, more lateral thinking, more tweeting.


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