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Thread: Pagan Group

  1. #1

    Talking Pagan Group

    morning...............been a while since i was last here!

    i've been well busy doing other stuff but i've popped back to see if anyone is interested in joining an online pagan type group that i have set.............over there.........

    it isn't just for witches or warlocks, so don't think you have to dress in black and look all mournfull whilst chanting and waving your joss sticks about.

    there are people there who are into astrology, nature type issues, wicca, healing, crystals, fairies, spirits and others who just respect the earth for giving us life.

    there are a few interesting subjects going on already including a guy who is being scared out of his wits by a haunting!

    so if you are interested then either pm/email me or leave a message here with your selling or posting id which you use other there, and i will send you an invitation.

    it's much easier than trying to explain how to find the group as some have been having trouble navigating through the boards!


    shall spend an hour two later trawling the threads here and seeing what you have been up to...............any juicy gossip i have missed?

  2. #2
    Forum Lurker moonhounder's Avatar
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    Hey Julie, sounds like a great idea, my mrs is a pagan / wiccan so I mentioned it to her and she's very interested, I'll PM her ID from the dark side

  3. #3


    welcome back dooty!

    excuse the silly question, but knowing nothing about the subject.....

    is it possible to be a Christian Pagan (or a Pagan Christian)? Or would the two be mutually exclusive?
    The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily those of the author, or his family, internet service
    provider, mobile phone operator, bank, milk supplier, television channel, favourite movie or religion.
    I don't know where they come from.
    It scares me sometimes.

  4. #4


    hi moony you dirty hound.......

    hi ken!

    a pagan christian?

    in my book.....nope.

    pagan comes from the latin meaning country or country dweller, and was used to describe those who weren't in the mainstream religion - they were usually the last to be converted because they lived far away from the heart of the country.

    so those who weren't pagan or muslim or jewish and still practised the nature worship type religions were called pagans.

    so i suppose in today's terms christians, muslims, jews, hindus would call those of a differing religion a pagan or heathen.

    sorry for it being long winded but it's hard to explain in a couple of lines!

    if anyone else wants an invite then give me a shout...............but no banshee battleaxe types please...............

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by doodoot
    hi moony you dirty hound.......

    hi ken!

    a pagan christian?

    in my book.....nope.

    pagan comes from the latin meaning country or country dweller, and was used to describe those who weren't in the mainstream religion - they were usually the last to be converted because they lived far away from the heart of the country.

    so those who weren't pagan or muslim or jewish and still practised the nature worship type religions were called pagans.

    so i suppose in today's terms christians, muslims, jews, hindus would call those of a differing religion a pagan or heathen.

    sorry for it being long winded but it's hard to explain in a couple of lines!

    if anyone else wants an invite then give me a shout...............but no banshee battleaxe types please...............

    Oh k then lol

    Hope you have fun. ( Ya witches Brewers )

    LOL @ christian/pagan types lol .....

    >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> runs to school.

  6. #6


    hi blu!

    send me your id over there and you can come and have some fun with us wierdos.

  7. #7


    I couldnt find you OVER THERE lol
    So I edited my options OVER HERE to send you a PM to give you my name for OVER THERE.


  8. #8


    erm sorry to be a pain but i have both christian and pagan leanings........they dwell side by side very well.......if you just take the spiritual teachings of JC and forget about the mainstream religion and its dots and tees then well jmo no problem..........think JC's teachings were hijacked if you ask me.......jmo

  9. #9


    Hmm, sounds good. Someone was setting a group up at college, and a few of us "hedge witches" went for a look. It was a 16 year old girl who was interested in sex rituals and drinking blood -sigh. Maybe when she's grown up a little....

    Will pm for details, might know a few more people interested.

  10. #10


    well.......loads of invites have been sent out and there are some familiar faces at last!

    everyone who has sent me a pm/email has had an invite - if you haven't then please check the email addy that your ebay id is linked to.

    if you want to wander over and have a look then go to the community pages > ebay groups.co.uk > put in the "search by keyword" the words "pagan realm" and you will find us there.

    it isn't as busy as a forum is, as it is more a retreat type place to have a wander round and see what is on offer.

    bit like a brothel really............................

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