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Thread: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

  1. #1

    Question New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    Hi all, new ebid user here that moved from another 'e' site. I just signed up about a week or so ago with the Seller+ account and have so far listed 18 items in my four stores. Before I list the many more things I have to list, I'd like to be sure I am creating and organizing my listings properly, prices seem good, my store layout is good, I have good keywords, etc. I am a college student who sells online to make extra money and I look forward to starting a selling career here on ebid.

    Also, in terms of advertising my stores; from what I understand advertising on Google+ is an ideal way to advertise and having links in my posts (which I did, I think). I've also have read about 'plugging my listings and stores'. How does this work? Does it really increase traffic and sales? Do I plug my listings for each store individually or all together? Any help and advice would be appreciated.
    Last edited by amcer93; 27th December 2014 at 11:33 PM.

  2. #2

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    I just created a Google+ page. I've put the 18 items I currently have between my four stores in it. How does this look to everyone?


  3. #3

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    Hi - not ignoring you, just cannot see your listings as you do not sell to the UK
    Some of your fellow USers should come along soon ....
    all feedback from eBid

  4. #4

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    As Cats said we can't see your listings in your shops from the U.K. site. Why not consider shipping to other eBid countries if the items are small enough ? I have sent quite a few of my pottery items to ebid buyers in the USA.

    I did click on a couple of your items via the side bar on your 'about me' page and the listings look very good and the descriptions are clear. I would change from run until sold to 10 automatic reposts though as the run until sold will keep your items at the bottom of the eBid lists.

    Good luck with the sales.

  5. #5

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    I would like to be able to sell internationally, but as of now I have zero experience in actually shipping something outside of the U.S. and have no idea exactly what shipping internationally would require. From what I have seen it seems like most members are from the U.K.

  6. #6

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    Glad to know my listings look good. I try to describe my items and ship them the way I would want them to be if I were the buyer.

    If I did the limited durations, would I then have to keep updating the links on my Google+ page?

  7. #7

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    Quote Originally Posted by amcer93 View Post
    Glad to know my listings look good. I try to describe my items and ship them the way I would want them to be if I were the buyer.

    If I did the limited durations, would I then have to keep updating the links on my Google+ page?
    Hi neighbor and welcome to eBid!

    The Google+ links should update as long as you re-post from the original listing.

  8. #8

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    I assume meaning re-list the original listing instead of making a new one?

  9. #9

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    Yes, after ten automatic reposts you relist the original advert. eBid does give it a new listing number when you repost but there is a link to the new listing number shown on the closed one if anyone happens to click on the old listing.

  10. #10

    Default Re: New ebid user wants to make sure he is doing things correctly

    Okay, I'll change my listings to the limited duration from the run till sold.

    I've also noticed that since I've created the Google+ page, the views on some of my items have gone up quite a bit. Some items have gotten more views in the less than one week I've been selling here than I would have with the same item in three months with the other e-site I originally sold in.

    Regarding international shipping, could anyone point me in the right direction to some information about that? I would like to broaden my customer base and I have sold things to international buyers in Canada, Australia, and Switzerland, its just that I never actually handled the international leg so I have no idea what I would need to do. I hear there are forms I would have to fill out? How could I figure out international shipping? I hear there is an international postage calculator on ebid? Would I be able to add to that cost for packaging costs, etc?

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