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Thread: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

  1. #811
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by PetBazaar View Post
    I'm lost now. Who did even mention BT?
    I did, in the message you took exception to (still wiping the foaming spittle from the inside of my screen). The quote was taken from a news story - the actual one containing it I cannot now locate, but was in the same vein as this one: http://www.independent.co.uk/news/bu...s-9729412.html

    Admittedly, the State Guardians legislation is a bad piece of law... But it's a big step from that to invading Poland.
    The birth of the NAZI party was a big step from invading Poland. It does show though what a population can sleepwalk into when they follow a Nationalist party - with the promises of Jam today but no mention of the Hell tomorrow.
    Last edited by astral276; 12th September 2014 at 02:58 PM. Reason: Fixed quoting

  2. #812
    Forum Saint astral276's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by billsbooks View Post
    Another separate ebid country? No, I wouldn't vote for thay.
    If not a separate site (I can't see Scots being happy lumped under the UK one) there should be at least a new shipping destination - so sellers can choose if they wish to ship there

  3. #813

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Braveheart will not be shown on TV until after the referendum, and thank heavens for small mercies.

    Star and director Mel Gibson himself notes that the film is a "historical fantasy" and shouldn't be taken as the accurate portrayal of Wallace's life. And it isn't even as an accurate barometer for Scottish independence, it's a movie not a history lesson. And the battle today is about the future.

    I was glad to see Ed Miliband and David Cameron looking more and more like Matt McGinn's Two Heided Man. It might convince any Labour voters out there they would just be getting more of the same. It started with Thatcher, then the betrayal of New Labour, which brought us here in the first place.

    In 1979 we had the chance of change. We voted yes and not only got nothing, but our industries were forced to close and the privatisation of our services started. Electric and gas suppliers. Phone. Prison service. Bus and train services. The Royal Mail. And don't forget the 6,000sq nautical miles of Scottish waters now are under Westminster control. All done without the consultation or permission of the people of Scotland. And don't even get me started on the fracking licence for Loch Lomond that's lurking ominously in the shadows.

    Now we have the political parties down south asking the populace to "phone a friend", this is the new gameshow for MPs. "We want to stay millionaires", and the media are in cahoots down here , asking people to make the democratic choice for their Scottish friends by phoning them up and telling them to vote No! If this is love-bombing, I'd hate to see them bare their fangs.

    Better Together claiming the NHS is safe reflects the last line of Animal Farm, as they all have their snouts in the trough. "The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which."

    Mind you, as Johann Lamont, leader of the Labour Party in Scotland, has already stated: "Scots are not genetically programmed to make political decisions."

    The UK is set to lose £1,600 billion from Scotland's larder per year. That is why they want to keep us, and keep us in our place.

    And Dave, it's not an election, it's a referendum. We know what a referendum is. Scotland has been talking about it for about three years more than you have. And many of us know that the result is for ever, so we can kick the "Effing Tories" as you said so patronisingly in your speech, delivered to your slavering sycophantic supporters, and not the real people in the street.

    It's a chance to live in a country whose politics reflect the will of the people of that country. And William Hague admitted at PMQ's that same day: "Giving Scotland more powers if it votes no is not Government policy".

    Gordon Brown says proposals, proposals, proposals. He can propose all he likes, but he can provide NOTHING. At least the timetable at my local train station tells me when the train is coming.

    Do these proposals also include a promise to an end to boom and bust? If not, why not ?

    Yet again, jam tomorrow: no idea what size of jar, no idea what flavour, but history tells us it will leave a bad taste in the mouth.

    How many more vulnerable people are going to commit suicide due to welfare cuts?

    How many more foodbanks are going to be opened?

    How many more people are going to have to decide this winter between heating or eating?

    How many more illegal wars are we going to be dragged into?

    How many more of us are going to just ignore it and stay in a zombified trance?

    How many more of us are starting to realise "It doesn't have to be like this in Scotland?"

    When a Westminster Government has barefaced lied and lied to us for generations, why would they expect us to believe more lies?

    If I was non-British living in this country I'd be upset about Better Together and Westminster's use of the term "foreigner" all the time. As if being "foreign" is an awful thing. And wanting to put borders up too. Disgraceful.

    All day on the news, Labour politicians have been saying the SNP are going to promise the world. They seem so out of touch. Every day out campaigning, speaking to people about the referendum and independence for Scotland, no-one in the Yes campaign talks about the SNP. They are not mentioned.

    The people of Scotland understand, what Labour cannot grasp, that this is not about one political party it is about independence for Scotland.

    Scotland is a country in its own right but we do not have full powers to run it ourselves. This is a democratic process and the people have the right to vote for or against staying under Westminster rule, and abide by their legislation. At least 50 per cent of the electorate in Scotland want to be Independent which shows 50 per cent plus are unhappy being part of the United Kingdom.

    It is not just SNP supporters but Labour, LibDems, Greens and people from all walks of life, doctors, teachers, business people and so on who want this. Let Scotland go in peace if that is what we decide. People who have felt disenfranchised for years have woken up, there has been voter registrations all over the schemes of Scotland, queues stretching around the block of people wanting to have their say. People who haven't even bothered with politics for generations, they are waking up, they are questioning WHY are we like this, is this as good as it gets? How can we change it?

    It is a referendum for No to lose, not for Yes to win. And No hopefully have lost it with its arrogance, cynicism, scaremongering, negativity and pure laziness.

    The scare stories are getting ridiculous. Next thing it will be "Asteroid hits Earth if Scotland votes for Independence" or "IS to base HQ in Drumchapel if Scotland votes Yes". We are not children, stop trying to frighten us.

    This has been the most negative, fear-driven and insulting political campaign in modern history, and should be treated with nothing other than the total contempt it so richly deserves. The Scots have long memories. And the main culprits, no matter the result, shall suffer.

    An entire nation has been rising to its feet before the world and your actions may make them whimper "Sorry! We can't do it!" before sitting mutely and meekly back down to be a global laughing stock.

    What effect did the Cameron /Miliband/ Clegg/Prescott jaunt to Scotland achieve for the Yes campaign on Facebook?

    Exactly 24 hours ago before the four horsemen of the Nawpocalypse arrived there were 263,087 followers on Yes Scotland. There were 5,333 more, at 5pm that evening, while the NO Thanks page had lost members. More people, when they find out the facts, are switching to a Yes. Inform and spread a positive message, hope always wins over fear.

    The rest of the UK can also look to these actions and stand up and be counted as well. We shall be there for them, Scotland will not let them stand alone if we leave the Union. They are still our friends and neighbours and we can show them the way to change is through following example.

    Scotland will be doing the whole of the UK a big favour by voting yes if it brings to an end the political cartel that has been governing us for the last few decades.

    The Saltire is now flying over 10 Downing Street (and even the flag protested!), If it's a No vote it will be folded up and put back in its box. Just like Scotland.

    Which form of governance do you trust more with your future?Westminster politics or one you can have a hand and a voice in shaping for yourself?

    If it's a Yes vote, we may have shot ourselves in the foot for a short while before we re-emerge stronger.

    If it's a No, the bullet will be straight through the head and fired by Westminster

  4. #814

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    I totally agree with what you say, although it isn't just Scotland that suffers the stupidity of Westminster, similar injustices have been happening in the rest of the UK as well.

    I do believe Scotland should be independent, it is a different country and does have different needs to England, Wales and N Ireland, as, indeed, England, Wales and N Ireland do.

    Scottish MP's have no more understanding of the requirements of the rest of the UK as English MP's understand the needs of the other countries in the UK, so it makes no sense that they should be helping to make decisions in areas that they have no interest in.

    If the referendum had been open to the whole of the UK, which it should have been, then I am sure it would have been a Yes vote. Although it is a sad thing that in any voting, election or referendum, the electorate are never given just the facts, there should not be 'campaigning' only hard facts on which people can base an educated decision. That being the case, of course, we would not now be in the EU, which would save Scotland one problem.

  5. #815

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    To put the Saltire over Downing Street and English municipal town halls in an attempt to swing the No vote is a complete insult to the Scottish people.

    The phone a friend debacle just shows the poor quality of judgement that we have currently at the top of the British Government.

    If there is a Yes vote, there will be an opportunity for an independent Scotland to renationalise the utilities, transport, telecommunications, mail services, etc., using the revenues from Scottish oil and gas so that once again the essential services needed by The People are owned by The People for The People. The profits that currently leave such companies by way of dividends and excessive pay deals for senior management could be reinvested in the businesses if needed or else used to keep prices down.

    Independence will give Scotland the opportunity to put resources into building its own future and to make something better than is likely to be possible under Westminster rule. It will be the same kind of seismic difference between Fairfields Yard still standing and John Brown’s bulldozed to the ground.

    England will be in for a very rude awakening over the coming years if it is not careful. If there is a Yes vote in Scotland, England will be financially worse off because the difference between tax money raised from Scotland and tax money spent in Scotland will no longer be available to subsidise England. And if the English failure to integrate into the EU and to be an effective player within the EU results in England leaving the EU, there might be political advantages of total control over legislative programmes regained but there will be a very severe hit on the English economy when the customs duties are put in place between England and the EU.

    The present UK Government has approximately doubled the UK National debt in nearly five years because it has followed the wrong economic policies. That increase in debt will continue unless there is a significant change in UK Government economic policy. This increase in UK Government debt is a pack of cards waiting to be blown down. The debt situation can only continue for as long as the UK Government continues to manipulate interest rates and keep them close to zero which results in interest rates payable on new debt issued also being very low. If the situation is reached where interest rates cannot be held low for whatever reason, the UK Government will have to pay much higher interest rates on new money borrowed and will start to run into severe cash flow difficulties. If the financial markets lose faith in the Westminster Government at this stage, the situation could be really dire. Ed Miliband and Ed Balls do not seem to have grasped the enormity of the problem and it is difficult to see them doing anything radical enough to address it adequately should they win the next election. This potential mega financial crisis looming ahead for Westminster makes the nonsense of whether supermarket prices in Scotland might be a few pennies higher after Independence fade into oblivion.

    For all these reasons England is likely to go down in the coming years and the last thing that Scotland needs is to be part of that downward spiral and to get dragged down by England.

    As for IS putting its new HQ up in The Drum, well there are still a few days to go for somebody to raise this false flag. And still there has been no mention of President Putin’s name yet as being behind the Referendum as an attempt to destabilise the UK……….

  6. #816
    Forum Master MPS16's Avatar
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    To put the Saltire over English municipal town halls in an attempt to swing the No vote is a complete insult to the Scottish people.

    For all these reasons England is likely to go down in the coming years and the last thing that Scotland needs is to be part of that downward spiral and to get dragged down by England.
    Actually you could say its an insult to English people.

    And England is likely to go up as UKIP transforms the country and its people.
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  7. #817

    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by westlondoncarparts View Post
    To put the Saltire over Downing Street and English municipal town halls in an attempt to swing the No vote is a complete insult to the Scottish people.

    The phone a friend debacle just shows the poor quality of judgement that we have currently at the top of the British Government.

    If there is a Yes vote, there will be an opportunity for an independent Scotland to renationalise the utilities, transport, telecommunications, mail services, etc., using the revenues from Scottish oil and gas so that once again the essential services needed by The People are owned by The People for The People. The profits that currently leave such companies by way of dividends and excessive pay deals for senior management could be reinvested in the businesses if needed or else used to keep prices down.

    Independence will give Scotland the opportunity to put resources into building its own future and to make something better than is likely to be possible under Westminster rule. It will be the same kind of seismic difference between Fairfields Yard still standing and John Brown’s bulldozed to the ground.

    England will be in for a very rude awakening over the coming years if it is not careful. If there is a Yes vote in Scotland, England will be financially worse off because the difference between tax money raised from Scotland and tax money spent in Scotland will no longer be available to subsidise England. And if the English failure to integrate into the EU and to be an effective player within the EU results in England leaving the EU, there might be political advantages of total control over legislative programmes regained but there will be a very severe hit on the English economy when the customs duties are put in place between England and the EU.

    The present UK Government has approximately doubled the UK National debt in nearly five years because it has followed the wrong economic policies. That increase in debt will continue unless there is a significant change in UK Government economic policy. This increase in UK Government debt is a pack of cards waiting to be blown down. The debt situation can only continue for as long as the UK Government continues to manipulate interest rates and keep them close to zero which results in interest rates payable on new debt issued also being very low. If the situation is reached where interest rates cannot be held low for whatever reason, the UK Government will have to pay much higher interest rates on new money borrowed and will start to run into severe cash flow difficulties. If the financial markets lose faith in the Westminster Government at this stage, the situation could be really dire. Ed Miliband and Ed Balls do not seem to have grasped the enormity of the problem and it is difficult to see them doing anything radical enough to address it adequately should they win the next election. This potential mega financial crisis looming ahead for Westminster makes the nonsense of whether supermarket prices in Scotland might be a few pennies higher after Independence fade into oblivion.

    For all these reasons England is likely to go down in the coming years and the last thing that Scotland needs is to be part of that downward spiral and to get dragged down by England.

    As for IS putting its new HQ up in The Drum, well there are still a few days to go for somebody to raise this false flag. And still there has been no mention of President Putin’s name yet as being behind the Referendum as an attempt to destabilise the UK……….
    to quote a now famous Scottish saying......"that's scaremongering"

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  8. #818
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    Quote Originally Posted by MPS16 View Post
    Actually you could say its an insult to English people.

    And England is likely to go up as UKIP transforms the country and its people.
    If UKIP gets in, the country will go down even faster than it is under the present lot.
    If UKIP gets in, will the last person turn out the lights (to reuse a headline).

  9. #819
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    when the no camp scaremongers its never challenged in the state run BBC but if someone like sillers says their day of reckoning will come its all over the press

    BBC have had thousands of complaints so much in fact its had to issue a quick response re the Nick Robinson lying to help the no campaign

    Also if you are a Labour supporter you really need to read this (its is long but well worth it)

  10. #820
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    Default Re: Scottish Independence... What are your thoughts?

    On vacation and missed this thread, just had to visit the library to check it out. Don't get much news over here, but my brother (who listens to BBC News from time to time) says they're finally discussing the referendum a little bit, (glad they finally decided to admit a little light to this dark box, LOL.) Anywho, bro said the Yes side is coming up fast, according to what he heard, with the projected outcome being closer than ever, is this true?

    Will definitely keep it tuned here (when I can) as I told bro the real stuff comes out here and not just what the mass media wants folks to hear, (at least we eBidders are a truthful lot).

    Good luck and best wishes for many sales to all,

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