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Thread: Cocktails!!! and Music

  1. #14611

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by adruml View Post
    Bonzo is a bit on the aggressive side. We are hoping he looks after Mo to help relieve some aggression.
    We'll have Mo as a trial for one week. If either dog is in any danger Mo goes back. Christine has worked this out with the rescue home. They agreed the one week trial was a good idea.
    Yes, good idea .... you don't really know how things will work out just yet.
    Bonzo is bound to be a little tetchy at first, as his territory has been invaded by another dog, but as Mo has been neutered there will not be rivalry over leaving scents and all that kinda thing that dogs do.
    Hopefully the two of 'em will be tearing about and play-fighting in the next few days, and you and Christine will probably be helpless with laughter, if my two muts are anything to go by!

    Wyo ... 7 inches of rain? Holy mackerel - that is a helluva lot, we would be flooded out here if we had that kinda rain.
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  2. #14612

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Forgot to say that the raspberry crumble was deelish - only a small portion left, and I bet that will not last long.
    I'm trying to be good and lay off the Ouzo I bought back from Greece as it sends me daft ....
    I don't think I'm winning the battle though .... YAMAS!

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  3. #14613
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    LOL Trish, Yamas! (Is that like cheers or nostrovia - taught to me by a Bulgarian friend many years ago)...

    Smart move, Al, though as Trish says, they'll probably wind up great friends and partners in crime. I know Winston would love to have a partner in crime, (he's never met a dog he didn't like - well, maybe the Doberman down the street that used to yap at us til Winston stopped mid-walk one day and gave him a growl - now he actively avoids us when he sees us coming on our morning walks, too funny)!

    Wyo, that is something, it's always interesting to me to see how people turn out over the years. My one ex (who everyone thought was a bit of a lazy sort) actually wound up becoming a nurse practitioner, though I must say I feel a bit sorry for his wife, as he was a runaround back when and likely hasn't changed in that respect, IMHO those kind almost never do.

    Cheers, prosit and nostrovia!

  4. #14614

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Oops! sorry guys, I guess you didn't see the . we actually got 7/10 inch.
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  5. #14615
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Not bad for first night with KH 1 and KH 2.

    Bonzo slept in his usual spot in the bedroom, Mo slept at the foot of the bed.
    3:30 Mo barked to go out, Bonzo looked up when I woke up to let Mo out as if to say, I'll wait here.

  6. #14616
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    LOL, Al. Glad they're getting on. I think most dogs do.

    We got a boatload of rain last night (4 hours worth) fortunately the sun is out today drying things up, though I daresay we're due for a bit more now that the rainy season is here.

    Cheers and woof from Winston,

  7. #14617

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Is it safe to hide in here?

    JR isn't in the best of moods ... England has been knocked out of the world Cup ... he has a face like the proverbial bulldog licking pee from a thistle, he has thrown his 'England' footie t-shirt in the bin ... oh dear.
    I'm laying low till he cools off. He is football mad, and gets too involved - he is still ranting ...

    I am just recovering from my babysitting Isla day - oh boy, does that little one wear me out!
    She is nine months old and is into everything that she shouldn't be into - but she absolutely creases me up with laughter, she is sooo funny, and so sweet and lovable, always laughing and smiling at her silly nana!
    Next shift is Monday, a big day as both her mom and dad have long shifts at work.

    It's a truly beautiful evening, warm and sunny, swifts flying about in the blue skies ... just pure bliss!
    I so love summer.

    Time for a drop of the silly juice now .... that Ouzo is calling me, so again I will say 'YAMAS' ! (Yes Sues, it's Cheers!)

    Al, how absolutely super that little Mo barked to go out when he was so new to his surroundings, what a very good boy x
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  8. #14618
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by Tropical_Trish View Post
    Is it safe to hide in here?

    JR isn't in the best of moods ... England has been knocked out of the world Cup ... he has a face like the proverbial bulldog licking pee from a thistle, he has thrown his 'England' footie t-shirt in the bin ... oh dear.
    I'm laying low till he cools off. He is football mad, and gets too involved - he is still ranting ...

    I am just recovering from my babysitting Isla day - oh boy, does that little one wear me out!
    She is nine months old and is into everything that she shouldn't be into - but she absolutely creases me up with laughter, she is sooo funny, and so sweet and lovable, always laughing and smiling at her silly nana!
    Next shift is Monday, a big day as both her mom and dad have long shifts at work.

    It's a truly beautiful evening, warm and sunny, swifts flying about in the blue skies ... just pure bliss!
    I so love summer.

    Time for a drop of the silly juice now .... that Ouzo is calling me, so again I will say 'YAMAS' ! (Yes Sues, it's Cheers!)

    Al, how absolutely super that little Mo barked to go out when he was so new to his surroundings, what a very good boy x
    Man I learned (or it taught me) to stay away from Ouzo!!! I get too mean drinking Ouzo or Jack so I shy away from either.

    We decided after Mo's first day that Mo sounds too much like No and he's gonna hear NO quite a bit so we're going to rename him Arnie.

    This morning, before I left for work Christine and I walked the deck and checked out the gardens. We hear a loud SPLOOSH!!! Arnie decided to go for a swim in the pool. Yep Knucklehead #2.

  9. #14619

    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    Quote Originally Posted by adruml View Post
    Man I learned (or it taught me) to stay away from Ouzo!!! I get too mean drinking Ouzo or Jack so I shy away from either.

    We decided after Mo's first day that Mo sounds too much like No and he's gonna hear NO quite a bit so we're going to rename him Arnie.

    This morning, before I left for work Christine and I walked the deck and checked out the gardens. We hear a loud SPLOOSH!!! Arnie decided to go for a swim in the pool. Yep Knucklehead #2.
    Sir, I doff my hat to you - your temperance is to be commended.
    I too have experienced the after-effects of (unwisely) partaking of copious amounts of Ouzo ... but I have not learned the lesson as you have, and I cannot resist the lovely aniseed poison, knowing what sufferings await me in the morrow.

    Wise choice of name Al - Arnie sounds like a good name for knucklehead#2 ..... aww, bless him, sounds like he has the makings of a fun loving doggie.
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  10. #14620
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    Default Re: Cocktails!!! and Music

    LOL Al! I wish Winston liked water, would make it a lot easier to wash him, he shudders when so much as a drop gets on him. Odd, as he's not afraid of much else; I guess everyone (and every dog) has his/her Kryptonite. I like Arnie, good name.

    Trish, I hear ya on the sports thing, my Dad is football and basketball mad, so whenever his teams lose he gets in a bit of a funk. Hope JR's better soon, maybe a drop of ouzo would do the trick? You are to be commended for being able to keep up with a 9 month old, love kids myself but don't have the energy, would have to rope Winston into babysitting, too, LOL.

    Cheers and Yamas to all and to all a good night (signing off early as another bad storm is coming)...

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