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Thread: I Despair!

  1. #41

    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    That is great. I also have found some great bargains on eBid. I will say this though, as a buyer, I have found offers on Amazon that probably would be not matchable anywhere. Where could one find a PNY 128 GB Flash Drive (new) for $12.99 BIN with free shipping. Not here and not on eBay. If it was here I would buy it here first. But I would never be so silly as to expect or demand any seller sell like that. I would even be ashamed to suggest it.
    I certainly would not buy it! At that price it is almost certainly a fake - they are all over the internet! Do a search on "fake flash memory" to find out more (sd cards are dealt with on the same sites.)

    There is no point in checking the feedback. Most people think that if they put the card into their camera and it reads correctly and they can take a few pictures on it then all is well. Nothing is further from the truth. The price is too good to be true...so caveat emptor!

    Sellers of these cards when you complain will often reply that there are occasional "faulty" ones; total nonsense. They are deliberately programmed to deceive.

  2. #42
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    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by cambrensis View Post
    I certainly would not buy it! At that price it is almost certainly a fake - they are all over the internet! Do a search on "fake flash memory" to find out more (sd cards are dealt with on the same sites.)

    There is no point in checking the feedback. Most people think that if they put the card into their camera and it reads correctly and they can take a few pictures on it then all is well. Nothing is further from the truth. The price is too good to be true...so caveat emptor!

    Sellers of these cards when you complain will often reply that there are occasional "faulty" ones; total nonsense. They are deliberately programmed to deceive.
    Sorry, but it is not a fake. I bought it direct from Amazon. That is why I would not sell on Amazon; in most cases the small seller can not compete with Amazon. I secured that price because another giant stepped in and gave me subsidized pricing. What do I care who pays for it, if I only had to pay $12.99.

    P.S. They did not ask for any feedback; nor did I notice their feedback (do not even know if it was listed).

  3. #43

    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    How interesting, received a question on one of my live auctions about me charging more for my coin sets than they do on eBay. Needless to say, they have joined the club. I did not bother to answer the question on my listing. I hope they find my answer here. Also for the first time ever on eBid, I saw a security blockage shield showing in "My eBid" after adding the user to the club; I usually only get those in certain threads. Sure hope this does not become a trend. Also just received a debugging notication from microsoft to send report while I was typing. Done.
    Am I understanding correctly ... a buyer asked you a question about your prices and you deliberately didn't bother to answer?

  4. #44
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by FirstGreenIsGold View Post
    Am I understanding correctly ... a buyer asked you a question about your prices and you deliberately didn't bother to answer?
    Yes you are. It was the manner in which the question was asked, that made me decide not to answer. I have been asked questions about prices, descriptions, etc. and answer if not stated in an offensive manner. If the "buyer" asked me the same question in the forum, in the manner in which they asked in the listing, I might choose not to answer them also. From the tone of the questioner, did not appear interested in buying. If they were interested, not a good way to start off an association.

  5. #45

    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Sorry, but it is not a fake. I bought it direct from Amazon.
    When you have time, please let me know how you tested the card to make sure it was not faked. I monitor such software and there are frequently new programs coming out, so all information gratefully received!

  6. #46
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: I Despair!

    It is not a card, it is a flash drive. I formatted it into a bootable drive without difficulty, and it is working quite nicely.

  7. #47

    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by burgyeb View Post
    Yes you are. It was the manner in which the question was asked, that made me decide not to answer. I have been asked questions about prices, descriptions, etc. and answer if not stated in an offensive manner. If the "buyer" asked me the same question in the forum, in the manner in which they asked in the listing, I might choose not to answer them also. From the tone of the questioner, did not appear interested in buying. If they were interested, not a good way to start off an association.
    Well, I know what you mean about the way that questions are asked. I've had some that quite annoyed me. One person gave me a lecture on why I didn't have more stamps listed yet. Also, I find that many are so terse that the tone comes across as rude. I guess that is a sign of the times and, in some cases, may be due to the fact that they are tapping out a question or answer on their mobile device. But, I still answer them anyway, even if I consider the query to be on the rude side. Of course, the choice to answer or not is up to each seller. On the other hand, I often get the impression that the actions of each individual seller tends to reflect on eBid and the sellers here in general.

  8. #48
    Forum Saint burgyeb's Avatar
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    Default Re: I Despair!

    Quote Originally Posted by FirstGreenIsGold View Post
    Well, I know what you mean about the way that questions are asked. I've had some that quite annoyed me. One person gave me a lecture on why I didn't have more stamps listed yet. Also, I find that many are so terse that the tone comes across as rude. I guess that is a sign of the times and, in some cases, may be due to the fact that they are tapping out a question or answer on their mobile device. But, I still answer them anyway, even if I consider the query to be on the rude side. Of course, the choice to answer or not is up to each seller. On the other hand, I often get the impression that the actions of each individual seller tends to reflect on eBid and the sellers here in general.
    That is commendable that you choose to answer them. One of the things I like about eBid is that options (choices) and tools are provided to sellers and buyers. Sellers are given the options to remove questions from their listings, remove questioners, if thought the appropriate thing to do. Each seller is totally responsible for their own actions; we are not all the same. A seller exercising their right to choose, is a perfect reflection of eBid allowing sellers to choose from the available options and tools that they provide.

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