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Thread: OMG What a Mon/Tue!!!

  1. #1

    Default OMG What a Mon/Tue!!!

    can we cancel the last 2 days and start again??????????

    it has been a nightmare!!!

    we have had no heating/hot water since wednesday night but was being fixed mon/tue.........

    from monday afternoon the following happened -

    1. son has tonsilittus (sp?)
    2. son is sick
    3. daughter #2 is sick
    4. son has the runs
    5. daughter #3 has runs
    6. daughter #2 has runs
    7. daughter #2 has nits

    tuesday men come to install new heating system!!!!

    SOOT is everywhere!!! found some in places i have never cleaned before!!!

    son is off school and stuck in the front room cos of all the work and soot!!!

    takes car to a mate as the electric window has stopped working and then cost me £70!!!!

    tuesday evening washer stops working!!! manually drained it but couldnt get the plug thing out!!! eventually (with some persuasion) comes free and wahts blocking it???????????? 2p - not even a £1 !!!!!!!!!!!!


  2. #2
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    I could send my Dad round to watch TV with the volume on full, and then phone him so he can shout over the top!

  3. #3


    thats fine - can he clean soot???


    wont be able to hear him over the hoover anyway

  4. #4


    Hope stuff gets better!

    I had a lousy day at college yesterday, got an assignment back to have errors pointed out. Between last semester and this one, they have changed the referencing system (we had a choice of 2 systems last year, this year there is no choice, but no one told me!). Anyway, had this annoying bitch from class (who has annoyed everyone so much so we are close to tarring-and-feathering her) started in front of the tutor who was meant to be explaining this to me in private, "Oh, that was a very stupid mistake, Sandra" "That was a really stupid thing to do", "I don't do mine like that and mine is always right" "If you'd have asked me, I would have told you how to do it" (as if - the selfish cow would probably bottle her farts if she thought giving them away would help anyone!) , la-de-da, on it went. I was a hair's breadth off punching her in her stupid self-satisfied face, and I am the easiest-going person in the class! Everyone else who heard her said they would have punched her. So, I have today off college to work on a 3,000 word politics assignment, but most importantly to calm down! Wouldn't be so bad, but she rubs everyone up the wrong way, annoys the hell out of us with her holier-than-thou attitude, then when we try to ignore her or ask her not to say these things, she runs off to the tutor crying and saying we are all bullying her and picking on her! Gonna have to add her to the list of people I need to take out a contract on...

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