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Thread: Ebid store

  1. #1
    Forum Lurker
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    Default Ebid store

    What are the benefits in opening ebid stores and what are the pitfalls. Is vat registration necessary. And why do folk open several stores. I am baffled by this whole set up and in fact do not even know if I am on the correct page. I am not very computer literate and being an 'oldie' find it difficult to find my way around web sites. What are the meaning of tags? Apologies for all the questions but I am genuinely baffled. Is there an 'idiots' guide to the workings of Ebid? Babbs.

  2. #2
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ebid store

    Hi Babbs and welcome to eBid's forums. Don't feel bad, I, too have difficulty with the techie end of things and I don't even have the excuse of age, LOL.

    Per your questions, seller+ members get 5 free stores to showcase their items for sale. I've found sorting items into different stores for different types of items makes it easier for buyers to find what they're looking for, (at least this buyer anyhow). Tags, not sure, I think they may have something to do with keywords used in titles and item descriptions, but I wouldn't quote me on it. Hopefully someone with more tech knowledge will be along soon to answer this one. I don't know what VAT is, sorry.

    You may want to check out the Help pages and Mel's eBid guide, lots of good info. in both places. Oh and definitely ask questions, it's how we all learn and just cause you're not a techie doesn't mean a thing, at least not in my book (and, yes, I prefer the paper kind).


    Best wishes for many sales to all,

  3. #3

    Default Re: Ebid store

    Hi, no you don't have to register for vat. you also don't have to register for TAX if you are only selling your own items that are used or unwanted. If you are buying to sell or are manufacturing then you would need to register for tax.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Ebid store

    The pros and cons of having a store are:


    Better seller identity.
    Easier for buyers to navigate around your listings.
    Your store appears in the store list - so extra exposure.
    Your store can be watched by buyers.
    More chance of multiple sales because the items are linked within the store.
    You have your personal shop categories to aid buyer navigation.
    It is easier giving out links (externally) to your eBid store than it is for an individual item - the item will eventually finish the store is fixed.
    The categories within a store can be more important than the categories provided by eBid.
    And best of all it is free to have a store - on the bay you would pay £19.99 a month (every month).



  5. #5

    Default Re: Ebid store

    Open one of the listings in the column at the left. I think almost all of the items listed are in stores. Look at the top left corner, you'll see a little "Store" logo. Now visualize a shopper looking at the listing, and wanting to see more similar items. The browser can click on the link and it brings up a page of them, all from that seller.

    Stores help the buyers find more of what they're looking for, and help the seller display them easily.

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