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Thread: Cats Vs Dogs

  1. #11


    Sorry, It's dogs every time for me!

  2. #12


    Hee hee, TossPot, comments like that....well

    Do dog owners get their pooches spayed/neutered?? Clearly cats are independent creatures and shag anything that looks like a cat. I wondered if it's the same with dogs, whether they are spayed as commonly as cats? 'Cos dogs are easier to control than cats in their home envrionment. when you call a dog it will, probably, come to you. Whe you call a cat it looks around and buggers off.

    Butterfly Effects
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  3. #13


    Hi Cat

    Spaying / neutering - normally, unless you wanted to breed lots of poopies, you would always have a bitch spayed, otherwise you have all the "in-season" traumas....right pain in the neck it is. Dogs are normally best neutered unless you have good reason, some people prefer them whole as they are more aggressive (usually) and therefore better guard dogs. However they can have prostate probs in many breeds as they get older if their bits are left intact. Neutering USUALLY calms them down and makes them more responsive to training (so that's what the OH needs, maybe then he'll start making the bed and picking up his ironing) but doesn't always work - my old Jack Russell didn't change a bit. Was barmy till the day he died. Does normally stop them trying to make passionate love to your leg though.

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  4. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by cat9
    Hee hee, TossPot, comments like that....well

    Ha ruddy ha!!

    Well I have woken up next to a few after a heavy night wearing beer goggles....

  5. #15

    Red face

    Hee hee, I live with one.

    Now I wait patiently for the silent treatmenet
    Butterfly Effects
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  6. #16
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    my kittens are five and a half months old and play fetch

    keo will bring back balls of newspaper
    tia brings back connect four counters, she gets really excited if she hears the clink of one of those things

    i was really surprised by it, its very cute though

    i think they realised at an early age they have a lazy owner

  7. #17

    Red face

    When Scully was a baby she used to play fetch with those little mice things that rattel - then she grew up and realised that real mice we more fun.....
    Butterfly Effects
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  8. #18


    i like cats best mostly cos i can't be arsed walking dogs in rain/snow/wind/sleet etc... my cat millie 'gives you five' when you ask her to, but other than that she just does her own thing. i also prefer her cos she doesn't bark and barking goes right through me.

    having said that she goes insane on the window at night spitting, snarling and whacking the windowpane when the local cats sit outside and look in at her. so far she's thrown off the windowsill a boar's skull(and broke it) which i bought at auction. a skull made out of concrete(it's a garden ornament and weighs a bleedin ton), my rubber plant and a wooden pig(which is now leg-less as it was flung a few feet). Once, foolishly,(in the early days) i moved the curtain back and she struck my finger with her paw. it was badly bruised for days so i never interfered with her again whilst in this mood. I usually go out and chase the trespasser away instead!

    still prefer cats though......

  9. #19


    Cats ( well kittens ) look cute .
    But i am deff a DOG PERSON ( yeah keep yer comments to yourselves )
    I dont think I quite understand the whole cat thing. Where as the loyalty of dogs apeals to me.
    & they are fun arent they. lol

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