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Thread: Auction count questions

  1. #1

    Default Auction count questions

    On the home page it's showing 3 million plus auctions.

    Page on Power Sellers Unite here: http://www.powersellersunite.com/auctionsitewatch.php
    shows a little over 6 million but hasn't been updated since June 2012.

    Why hasn't PSU updated the count?

    Do fixed price listings count or is this number only for auctions?

    If you have stores with items listed are these counted for the site?

    I've been trying to list more lately.Just can't find enough time or motovation.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Auction count questions

    There are currently 4,181,638 live listings showing on eBid and 3,242,645 UK listings. That includes auctions and BIN. Though how accurate the figures are could be debatable but they will not be too far away from the truth. You can get the eBid total at http://www.ebid.net/ and from there select any country to see the number for there. The individual country listings is all listings that are available in that country so will include listings from that country plus listings from other countries who will ship there.

    As for PSU it is simply laziness. The figures can easily be found and those are over a year old.

    You should get as much listed as you can as it definitely helps sales, and getting sales will give you extra motivation.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Auction count questions

    Thanks for the reply.Good to know.Is there a way to find out the total for company wide?

    But does store stock count?

  4. #4

    Default Re: Auction count questions

    Quote Originally Posted by TheComicBookBox View Post

    But does store stock count?
    Sort of - in that technically, store stock is the listing - So, if you have a store widget XYZ . it shows in your store (and is counted as an item in your store) , it also shows in auction listings, and is counted as an auction listing, but it IS NOT counted twice (That is, totals are not "store listings PLUS auction listings") - The count is just "listings" - be they auction or store, they are all the same listing, unless you posted a duplicate listing (naughty, naughty!)

    So, if ebid had say 200 listings, and out of those listings, there might be 100 in a store, that does not add up to 300 total - it's still 200 listings.
    Many changes yet again, started a new venture, and you can watch my store grow here: Really Rural Woodworks

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