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Thread: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

  1. #51
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Agree with MP, I'd check with your doc about the tablets. IMLE nearly all meds come with side effects, though yours sound a bit severe to me.

    Hang in there and BIG HUGS,

  2. #52

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Thanks all for your concern :-)

    The tablets are on prescription from the GP but I do really want to give them time to settle in before I report side effects, as these may go...I have an appointment with the smoking clinic on Monday, so I will mention it then. Obviously if I get worse, I'll phone them. I don't want to come off the pills as they are working, and I haven't had a cigarette since Sunday and haven't had any cravings...I can put up with a little bit of nausea & discomfort for a day or two and I'm sure my kidneys will cope...they've been putting up with abuse for years, lol x

  3. #53

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Quote Originally Posted by LovesVintage43 View Post
    Thanks all for your concern :-)

    The tablets are on prescription from the GP but I do really want to give them time to settle in before I report side effects, as these may go...I have an appointment with the smoking clinic on Monday, so I will mention it then. Obviously if I get worse, I'll phone them. I don't want to come off the pills as they are working, and I haven't had a cigarette since Sunday and haven't had any cravings...I can put up with a little bit of nausea & discomfort for a day or two and I'm sure my kidneys will cope...they've been putting up with abuse for years, lol x
    I found this online: http://www.netdoctor.co.uk/smoking-c...s/champix.html I strongly suspect that you have the same information on a leaflet with the pills, but it may be worth glancing over it - especially the side effects bit.

    I know a couple of people who have used it (I didn't know the name of the medicine though) and they have all reported quite severe side effects.

  4. #54

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    I admire you for continuing to take the tablets and giving them a chance to work, the side effects could die down after two or three weeks as your body gets used to them, its a shock to your system to introduce such a drug to it and also a shock stopping smoking so your body is in fact fighting 2 things at once here so it's bound to react. How long do you have to take them for ?

  5. #55

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Thanks mainlypostcards, yes I do have the leaflet within the pack and I have read it through several times...there is a long list of possible side effects ! Luckily I am not getting nauseous anymore...I'm on day 3 of the double dosage so it's obviously settling down now, thank goodness !
    buttons-and-bows- tell me about it, the shock to the system after smoking on and off for nearly 30 years is more psychological than anything else because the medication is taking away the physical cravings...you get so used to the habit of having one after a meal or with a cup of coffee, you always feel like something's missing ! The treatment is for around 3 months I think, or more if needed.

  6. #56
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    WTG LV! I plan on joining you once I get my life a little more settled, (once moving is done and the job hunt is over). Kudos to you for sticking it out. In the home remedies department, I've always found ginger ale and soda crackers help with nausea, they help me when I have the occasional IBS induced bout and helped my sis through morning sickness when she couldn't take meds..

    BIG HUGs and kudos to all the non-smokers!!!

  7. #57

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    I can't even face a cup off coffee anymore and can't remember the last cup of tea. I always want one after dinner, as soon as I have eaten about half my dinner I am up like a shot and straight out of the kitchen back upstairs to the computer, thats where we used to smoke when the weather was bad, now I hate the kitchen as there isn't a reason to stay in there ( apart from clean it I mean )

  8. #58
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Oh wow Buttons, that really sucks. I hope you're feeling better soon.


  9. #59

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Glad to hear you're not feeling quite as rough LV.

    Buttons, we used to have our cuppas in the kitchen with a smoke. From the day we gave up, we have started taking our tea/coffee to a different room in the house.

  10. #60

    Default Re: Quitting Smoking...trying new tablets and feeling peculiar!

    Thats a great idea marianne but I can no longer even stand the smell of coffee, I can even smell it on Mike when He has had a cup, I just drink cold drinks now or a hot lemonade if I feel a cold descending.

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