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Thread: (very) Techie help pls - USB keys?

  1. #1

    Default (very) Techie help pls - USB keys?

    Does anyone know if USB memory stick key thingies carry a unique PC-readable serial number?
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    I don't know where they come from.
    It scares me sometimes.

  2. #2


    Not sure if the device carries a PC-readable serial number, but doesn't formatting the device give it a PC-assigned Volume Serial Number as with other formattable disk types? Granted, it might not be unique though and would probably change everytime the device gets formatted....

  3. #3


    The USB memory has a burnt-in serial number as it has to be uniquely recognised on a system just as network cards have...the latest usb keys/pens etc have a 32 bit processor built in. U can use a USB mem device to boot with if your mobo supports it...I fancy trying a stick out , booting up in Linux...

  4. #4


    My Mp3 thingy can also be used as a data storage device (see other thread re problems connecting to main pc) . When plugged into a pc it is instantly added as a USB mass storage device & assigned a drive#. It didn't need formatting or anything like that, simply drag/drop.

    & BTW, it's the same size as a memory stick.
    Nowt here so don't bother looking


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