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Thread: How do you advertise eBid?

  1. #21

    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Impressive. You have the same thought as a lot of us. eBid is a fledgeling. It's still shaking its downing feathers.

  2. #22
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyBridger View Post
    Just a heads up but have the boys given permission for their logo to be used in these private banners. If my memory is correct, last year, another member was refused permission to use the logo on advertising calendars, keyrings etc.
    I recently purchased a great eBid promotional bumper sticker banner, from an eBidder who had received eBid permission to use its logo. I'm planning on using the banner in a highly visible, high traffic public location that I frequent. Hope to initiate some public conversations about eBid as a viable alternative to eBay.

    Had a person advise me to sell a particular item on eBay. I stated that their fees were too high. This person said, "Yes I know; their fees have about doubled." Now, I probably should have used that spontaneous conversation, to promote eBid. I may the next time. Perhaps after I set up my purchased banner, and wear my eBid t-shirt.

    How many missed opportunities to promote eBid everyday occur for the average eBid member?

  3. #23
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Quote Originally Posted by backsilver View Post
    As a seller, with lower fees on eBid than eBay, there is an obvious advantage for each of us to sell more items here. The biggest problem appears to be that eBid is still relatively unknown in comparison to eBay. So, as a seller how do you advertise your stores/items or eBid itself to promote greater awareness? And how do we translate this into sales?

    I've noticed that a lack of options in comparison to eBay (from a buyers point of view) giving eBid a massive disadvantage. Its surely worth targeting a greater number of smaller sellers to offer a bigger variety which would be a bigger attraction for buyers which is more likely to produce return visits and hopefully purchases generating a greater income for the seller and eBid.

    As it currently stands eBay has approximately 3575% (190,798,968 listings) or approximately 36 times the auctions eBid currently has listed (5,337,792 listings). How can we as stakeholders in the prosperity of eBid generate a greater awareness of the site and our individual sales at as low a cost as possible to ourselves and/or eBid?

    I've played around with a few things, and based a new banner (see attached, hopefully) on the design of those created by eBid (I think they are a little stale), that each of us could upload onto Facebook and tag a few (wiling) friends allowing friends of friends to see the ad therefore creating a greater awareness of eBid and at a low cost (FREE).

    What do you think?

    PS. The sellers ad I will to be out of date the next time eBid/eBay changes their fees.

    Attachment 39131

    Attachment 39132

    Attachment 39133.
    Great post ....by the way, there's certainly some great questions posed here and i want to offer my answers and hope nthat these may prove to be useful to you,
    Ebid is relatively unknown compared to Ebay as unfortunately the majority of Ebay users are unaware that other sites exist, this is the result of a degree of brainwashing on Ebays part. They run TV campaigns that tell how easy it is to list, sell and buy, but this is the reason why the fee structure is so high and many Ebay sellers are deciding to give up and return to Car boot sales and specialist fairs, there are those who announce via the Ebay forums that they will stop selling altogether.
    Ebay sellers are truth be told generally not proactive in chasing sales and neither are they prepared to put in the effort needed to join a smaller site such as this one.
    Sure enough, i have no doubt they'd be interested in coming here when the die hards have put the work in and built the site up, but they have no intention of expending their own efforts.
    Ebay buyers are little different insofar as they generally do not look outside of Ebay when searching. Although as Ebay are piling the pressure on their traditional sellers this situation is slowly changing.
    There is one particular restricted seller who posts on the Ebay forums on a regular basis to complain about being restricted, yet when i pointed out that their efforts would be better expended bui;ding a new selling future on this site, i was greeted with apathy.
    This is a shame and annoying as this seller had been selling vintage vacuum cleaner parts and would have made a nice addition to Ebid. Maybe in the near future they'll decide to come here..

    As a seller how do you achieve better visibility.?.....we all have our own ideas, but i'd say that all methods and suggestions have merit. For me personally, i place the major share of my faith in google search/shopping. The reason being that the closest thing that i can describe the Internet as is essentially that to my mind it is Google....you want to ask a question, then you "Google" it....don't you.....you don't "YAHOO" it or "Bing" it.
    Carry out a google search of an item that you have a mind to list on Ebid....make price comparisons with Ebay and to an extent Amazon, taking note of condition and availability, then price your Ebid listing accordingly....use strong keywords and always complete all fields on the listing form.
    If you're not a seller lifetime member only use the "Platinum" option as the free one does not upload to Google and is therefore invisible to the none Ebid world.
    A new of thinking is needed here....it is that while you work to drive sales to yourself it is as important to assist others to make sales also and i will often avoid competing with too many Ebid sellers, unless i see something that deters sales, but will instead , show more interest in the unpopulated categories that you can find....there's nothing worse than finding 0 results found when searching Ebid.

    I've noticed a lack of options compared to Ebay too, and the most obvious is a mobile app....but this is coming soon, so i believe. But remember that ebid cannot target anyone directly due to not having the financial resources....this is due to the low value for money fee structure that they base the site on, the marketing is our job.
    New buyers will be attracted to Ebid by Good clear listings offering competitive prices and honest shipping charges. Also the most diverse range of listings will achieve this.

    Ebay have 36 times the auctions than Ebid as they pay so much via the fees they impose to advertise their site, which paradoxically is one of the main reasons Ebay sellers all out of love with the site, there are of course the other sellers who are pushed before they jump.
    Interestingly....if you are still using Ebay as site for selling, and i hope that you are.....then i have found that Ebay is another channel that can be used to promote Ebid. Send flyers in your Ebay packages, when you receive a message via ebay messages from prospective buyer tell them that you sell the same on this site at a better price etc.

    Nice banner, by the way.

  4. #24
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Nice suggestions, but I must tell you as long I am in here more of 4 years I read over and over and over similar suggestions and I must tell you many use and put in own works that many suggestions already (I don’t mean new members I mean members who is in here in years and years) and after all as I can see only handful members or almost same members reports better results all other is quiet and I am wondering why…why…why…why…all other who follow that advices and suggestions after many years can’t match even close other same couple sellers results…?
    I mean If many believe again why that or similar suggestions don’t work very well for rest of….
    What we can do more…?
    Many already try that….’’usual’’ suggestions…
    What is next…?
    And by the way after I come on eBid before more of 4 years and in that exactly time eBay have only ‘’18’’ times the auction listing than eBid…and now ‘’36’’…I mean why many don’t come in here at least from all that previous suggestions where members on eBid telling members on eBay to come in here…?
    At least I expect to see ''9'' from ''18'' and look now...''36''....

  5. #25
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Quote Originally Posted by DZAMBO View Post

    And by the way after I come on eBid before more of 4 years and in that exactly time eBay have only ‘’18’’ times the auction listing than eBid…and now ‘’36’’…I mean why many don’t come in here at least from all that previous suggestions where members on eBid telling members on eBay to come in here…?
    At least I expect to see ''9'' from ''18'' and look now...''36''....
    I'll just translate that for you.

    What Dzambo means is that he has been on ebid for 4 years.
    When he joined ebid, ebay had 18 times the number of listings as ebid.
    With all the work we do, he was hoping it would go down to only 9 times as many listings.
    But whilst ebid's listings have doubled in that time, ebay's have quadruped.
    So they are now 36 times as many listings as ebid.

    I was able to translate that as I am fluent in Yugoslavian.
    he he

  6. #26
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Many of the most successful sellers on here are hardly ever seen on the forums so assuming that the only successes are those which are reported here is a mistake.

    I'm as keen as the next woman (or man) to promote eBid but I feel that the best thing any of us can do is to list - lots - making sure that our listings are attractive, packed with deanosaur's famous keywords (think how you would search for your item if you were a buyer) & at competitive prices.

    All the regulars on the hot sellers page have loads listed. For myself, the more I list the more I sell. My break through to almost daily sales came when made the New Year's resolution to list 5 items every day. Notice the achievable target - not "list more" but "list at least 5"!

    I list 10 most days now, sometimes more.

    Every time I sell to a newbie, that is someone else who knows about eBid.

    Before I'm accused of being part of the eBid fan club, I wish to point out that I was recently described as "Most Severe Critic" and that I sell on 3 other sites.

    4 shops for Cats Protection & Prospect Hospice
    My Postcard Shop
    BK Stamps for Philatelic listings
    & Yarnalong for craft patterns
    Lotzabitz -anything that doesn't belong in one of the other shops.

  7. #27
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    I was able to translate that as I am fluent in Yugoslavian.
    he he[/QUOTE]

    Yugoslavia all the way….
    Many countries in the past come and gone and many will come in the future too and I believe will gone too BUT not even one before or in the future will match what Yugoslavia is been for 45 years ‘’Paradise on Earth’’….
    We don’t put the money before the own peoples….and is works for 45 years BUT West Capitalism don’t like that and try for 45 years in any way as can to ‘’erase’’ us from the world map until succeeded…

    Just one small movie about those good times…’’of course is in English’’…

    P.S. Sorry for different post in this thread I hope members will understand….thanks in advance….

    P.S. ‘’babe’’ you make me this…....

  8. #28
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    ''...Before I'm accused of being part of the eBid fan club...''

    Well…I think every member on eBid is ‘’the fan’’ of eBid in some of ways that way or other way…so…nothing wrong with that…
    Let’s roll….

  9. #29
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Quote Originally Posted by DZAMBO View Post

    At least I expect to see ''9'' from ''18'' and look now...''36''....

    With ebay trying to be like Amazon that is not surprising.

    It's a good bet that a lot of those listings will belong to ebay itself. and listed more prominently than the opposition's listings.

    I bet their listings for 'Used' items and collectibles have gone down.

  10. #30
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    Default Re: How do you advertise eBid?

    Quote Originally Posted by DZAMBO View Post
    At least I expect to see ''9'' from ''18'' and look now...''36''....
    Why are you surprised?

    That is the nature of exponential growth

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