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Thread: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

  1. #11
    Forum Saint suesjools's Avatar
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    There are a few good ideas in there.

    The thing with lists for prepping is that each person must tailor the list for their own circumstances and needs.

    Somebody with a good source of fuel and an open fireplace is unlikely to need extra heating from a calor gas fire. Such gas fires also put a lot of moisture into the air and can cause problems with condensation and/or mould. In addition, some housing association or local councils don't allow gas heating in their properties if a gas supply is not already offered.

    In the event of a power cut leading to heating loss, alternatives to gas heating begin with simple things like cutting out drafts, closing doors and reducing your movements to a much smaller area of your property. It is far easier to keep just one or two rooms warm than the whole building. Consider moving everyone into the same room and bringing blankets, quilts or duvets for each. Create a "nest" for each person. Warm clothing can be supplemented by using bedsheets or even thick towels.

    If you live in a property with high ceilings or double height rooms, consider closing off some of that height. It may be possible to stretch a sheet from wall to wall to create a false ceiling or, as strange as it sounds, consider using a pop-up camping tent or small marquee tent inside your property.

    As a standard method of cutting your heating bills or in staying warm during a powercut, you should consider using a thermal curtain across any doors that lead to cold areas or rooms that are directly vented to the outside. Another curtain across the doorway of the room you intend to use most will help keep in any heat you create.

    Camping stoves are a good idea if you do not have another source of energy for cooking. Remember that you cannot ever use camping stoves in an enclosed space. Only in well ventilated areas, and preferably outdoors, you can also use BBQ's. Never use BBQ's in enclosed spaces for either cooking or providing warmth. Almost an entire family died within the last year by using a BBQ pack as a source of heat in a tent.

    Battery powered lanterns - with or without a winding mechanism - or chemical light sticks are a better alternative to using candles. During blackouts more people die in fire caused by using candles than in fires from any other source. Ordinary hand torches (flashlights) are easily available and cheap. Lights with straps that are designed to be worn on the head - headlights - are a lot easier to use as they allow you to have your hands free but still point the beam where ever you are looking. Torches with LEDs instead of the old fashioned bulbs will last longer and use less power, but the cheaper versions can fail without warning, so always have several available along with spare batteries.
    Remember the value of using mirrors to move light around the room and making it seem brighter.

    Food stocks are a good idea no matter what event you are preparing for. Try to keep at least an extra week's worth. Stocks can be built up slowly by adding an extra tin or two to your weekly shop or by buying items on promotion. BOGOF offers are the favourite of preppers. Disregard the idea that you should only store high protein foods or foods of this or that specific type. Store the sort of foods that you normally eat. Regularly use what you have stored and replace it with new. If possible, try to choose foods that require less preparation and cooking or that can be eaten cold. Keep a number of "treats" in your supplies, especially if you have children. Maintaining as much normality as possible during difficult times will make it easier for children to cope.

    If you do find yourself in a difficult situation, consider combining your resources with your trusted neighbours. You may not have enough to prepare complete meals individually, but when everyone adds a little the results can be great.

    Normal, short term power cuts should not cause a problem with the water supply as the water companies will have back up generators of their own. In a planned power cut the water companies, like hospitals or other critical infrastructure, will still be supplied as normal. However, an unexpected and extended power cut will probably result in the loss of mains water after a few days. This can also be caused by times of flooding where pumping stations are inundated with flood water. People living at elevation - on hill tops or in blocks of flats - will lose supply before those lower down. You can live for weeks without food but you can only survive for around three days without water. Dehydration will begin to cause problems long before you actually die of thirst. Therefore consider storing a supply of fresh water that is suitable to the needs of everyone in the household. A minimum of two litres per person per day is needed just for drinking water - and at least double that if you live in a hot climate or are performing a lot of manual labour.

    During a wide scale power cut normal life will be on hold. Things may become significantly more difficult. Online transactions will cease. ATM's and banks will not function. Petrol stations will close for fuel sales - no power means no pumps. All credit card validation will cease, so shopping may be impossible unless you use cash. Ordering goods will be almost impossible. Arranging deliveries will be the same. Stores may not be restocked for a significant length of time. We rely on electricity far more than most people realise.
    So true. This is one of the many reasons I've always admired the Amish as they are pretty much self sufficient and don't rely on things like electricity to the extent the rest of us do.

    Best wishes for many sales to all,

  2. #12
    Forum Saint PATRIOT73's Avatar
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    be just like back in 74
    tis film based arund power cuts in 74


  3. #13

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by suesjools View Post
    So true. This is one of the many reasons I've always admired the Amish as they are pretty much self sufficient and don't rely on things like electricity to the extent the rest of us do.
    The traditional ones, no. But there seem to be quite a lot of them who act almost like the rest of us. I've seen a number of TV shows recently where the Amish invited the cameras in (something the traditionalists would never do) and their homes looked just like everyone else's. They even went shopping in the same places and bought the same stuff. It was quite an eye opener. So they may use some old fashioned things - like horse and buggy - but many of them are just as reliant on the modern world as the rest of us.

  4. #14

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Britain was only SIX HOURS away from the lights being switched off in March as gas supplies ran 'dangerously low'

    Fears over the UK’s continuing energy security were fuelled today after a report claimed Britain came dangerously close in March to its gas supply running out and its lights being switched off.

    The combination of colder than expected weather and a faulty pipeline drove gas reserves ‘to dangerously low’ the Crown Estate said.

    Despite reports at the time suggesting Britain was only two days from running out of stored gas, it said the situation was even more precarious because of supply interruptions and that in fact the UK was only six hours from running out of its reserves.

    Read more: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/n...low-March.html

  5. #15

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Risk of UK blackouts has tripled in a year, Ofgem warns

    The risk of future blackouts has tripled in the last year as Britain is facing an energy crunch that will push up bills, the energy regulator has said.

    Ofgem warned there could be energy shortages in the middle of this decade as the UK has failed to build enough new wind farms and nuclear powers stations to replace old fossil fuel plants.

    It also believes demand for energy may not fall as much as originally expected, as fewer households are insulating their lofts and switching to green appliances than predicted.

    Ministers are so concerned that factories and large businesses may be asked to switch off their power during energy emergencies in return for compensation from the taxpayer.

    "Without timely action there would be risks to security of supply,” Ed Davey, the Energy Secretary admitted.


    How secure is your energy future?

    What have YOU done to safeguard your supply?

  6. #16
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    If governments around the world stopped spending huge sums on looking into space to see what happened 11 billion years ago, or what will happen in 5 billion years time, and put all that money into the development and understanding of nuclear fusion we may get a good result.
    At the moment scientists can create fusion but they are not getting as much power out of the systems as they have to put in to get it going. So in my view, instead of the next telescope that will cost hundreds of millions, put that money into fusion research.
    Once we have clean, cheap power, then the astronomers can look to see how many earth like planets there are that are so far away we will never reach them

  7. #17

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Fears about possible UK blackouts are rising

    Further concerns have been raised about potential future electricity shortages by two of the region's leading energy industry figures.


  8. #18

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    UK > Channel 4 TV > Monday 9th September > 9pm



    Feature-length 'What-If' drama exploring the effects of a devastating cyber-attack on Britain's national electricity grid.

    Based on expert advice and meticulous research, Blackout combines real user-generated footage, alongside fictional scenes, CCTV archive and news reports to build a terrifyingly realistic account of Britain being plunged into darkness.

    The film plots the days following a nationwide power cut, as experienced by a cast of ordinary characters struggling to feed and protect themselves and their families. These eyewitness accounts reveal the disastrous impact of a prolonged blackout on hospitals, law and order, transport, and our food and water supplies.

    The programme casts members of the public from user-generated footage, weaving real-life archive with scripted drama to tell the story of how Britain could descend into chaos and anarchy without power.

    Looks like it could be interesting.

  9. #19
    Forum Saint sidthelamp's Avatar
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    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by damian_steele View Post
    Fears about possible UK blackouts are rising

    Further concerns have been raised about potential future electricity shortages by two of the region's leading energy industry figures.

    do you now have the ability to live off the grid ?
    http://uk.ebid.net/stores/under pressure


  10. #20

    Default Re: Potential for power blackouts in less than 3 years

    Quote Originally Posted by sidthelamp View Post
    do you now have the ability to live off the grid ?
    If you recall my PM on the subject of stored gear, I think you may be able to work that out.

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