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Thread: comic book sales on other sites.....

  1. #1

    Default comic book sales on other sites.....

    I have just had a poke around on some other auction sites to see who other then greedbay were selling loads of comic books.
    the 1st one i came across the one that begins with a B and sounds like a western tv series.
    They have a search filler that lets you see how many of items with such and such in the title has sold over the past year so put in comic book and it brought up that there had only been just over 400 items sold in the past year with that in the title I then changed it to comic book and it brought up just over 577!!!
    This is a poor show for a site that still boast to put your listing on google.
    Check out my shop for all your fav comic books

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  2. #2
    Forum Master TonyBridger's Avatar
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    Default Re: comic book sales on other sites.....

    Of course it depends on how many listings they had with comic in the title. If they only had just over 400 items listed then a 100% sell through rate is a brilliant result.

    They must also be praised for allowing people to find how many items sell. Does this site do that?
    My posts only state my own opinions, unless I've stolen them from someone else

  3. #3

    Default Re: comic book sales on other sites.....

    Quote Originally Posted by TonyBridger View Post
    Of course it depends on how many listings they had with comic in the title. If they only had just over 400 items listed then a 100% sell through rate is a brilliant result.

    They must also be praised for allowing people to find how many items sell. Does this site do that?
    Tony at the minute they have over 22594 listings with the word comic in the title and i am pretty sure they have not all been listed in last 3 days so am a sure there were more the 577 listed last year on the site.

    Not sure if they should be praised for having that option because it has pretty much put me off listing on that site.
    Check out my shop for all your fav comic books

    Hush is barnching out check it out

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